Monday, March 21, 2011

Bullying them!

I've seen wrestling, I've seen street-fighting, I've seen bear fights, but I'd never thought I'd see one kid pick up and drop another like that. It has been all over ACA and the 9 news about a bullied kid finally snapping and dropping a kid on the gorund. From what I've heard he probably deserved it. And looking back, I can see where the systems fail to help the kids. Here is what I've been told to do when faced with bullies.
1) Ignore them. Yeah, like that's going to work. They just keep going until they get what they want.
2) Walk away. For the love of Ra, bullys know their legs aren't painted on, so they will follow you.
3) Tell them to leave you alone. Fucking duh! that is what they want.
4) Get a teacher. Well, that has a lot of problems in itself. What if you can't find one? What if them telling the kids off is only a 5 minute solution? They never really think this through. And with the passing of time, the system doesn't seem to be improving. Bullied students file an incodent report, like you were at a police station, and a student with enough of a history gets suspended for a few days. Do they not see the failure in this cycle? Kids will act badly to get detentions and suspentions and get out of the classes they don't want to be in. I've seen the cycle.
In example, I was waiting outside the library in primary school, quietly minding my own business when I was being bullied by some smart-arse girl who, in the end, started kicking me in the shins. I couldn't really move because her friends had me cornered, and you tell me how you ignore someone kicking you in the shins. Following that, I asked her (clearly pointlessly) to give it a rest. My shins were sorry for that. Couldn't go and get a teacher because the library entrance was really obscure from the rest of the yard. So what did I do? Same as the kid, kicked her back and got her square in the face. Well, she burst into tears and she went and got a teacher. I got in trouble, she got a light telling off and I was banned from the library for a week excluding class time. Fuck the system, it is about as useful as a fish on a bicycle. Here is what needs to be done, there needs to be a real identification of what a student likes or dislikes, and for every time they are reported for bullying or so forth, they will need to spend 'observed time' doing something in the yard, and every time they are reported after that, they have to do another punishment of that sort. To create negative reinforcement, they will realise that they won't be doing degrading work if they leave well enough alone.
Seriously, my resent studies into positive and negative reinforcement need ot be taken back to teachers. I know teachers don't have enough power to police the whole school but more needs to be done when trouble is brought forward. My teachers didn't mediate, and more often than not the bullied is the bad guy and was left feeling excluded. No great help since bullying gives you that anyway.
Am I glad that kid got driven into the ground head first? Debateable. Do I think the anti-bullying system needs fixing and over-hauling? Absolutely. I have two nephews between primary and high school (for memory) and a cousin in high school. If they have been bullied, I hope they do what I couldn't and find the help they need. I hope any and all parents reading this do their darndest and upmost to support their kids to get through it.
To the school system: I'll bet a lot of money you were popular in school, and really have no idea how much you understand about children bullying, but you need to get your damned act together before we raise another generation of socially fucked, shallow and withdrawn kids. Get a grip!


  1. I have seen and read a lot of coverage on these two boys and I have to say I don't entirely disagree with what Casey (the larger boy) did.
    In the most recent interview with Ritchard he claims that Casey started the argument with verbal abuse, and blames the fight on Casey. Regardless, violence was not the next step to take. He struck out first and quite violently too, Casey was simply defending himself.
    I have heard that Ritchard planned the attack, and that's why there was someone standing by recording it. But that's just speculation.
    Personally I applaud Casey for standing up for himself.

  2. I couldn't agree with your thoughts on premeditation more. It was very planned.
    I've heard bullies say a lot of things to try and cover their arses, and whether that is correct or not, I agree completely in that violence is not the first answer. A final resort is the only medium it should appear at. Even then, there are alternatives.
