Friday, February 19, 2010

"At times like this, continuing with one's life seems impossible and eating the entire contents of one's fridge seems inevitable. I have tw choices, to give up and accept perminent status of *unmoving situations and pinned down by financial crisis*, or not." Bridget Jones' Diary.
Okay, the quote has been modified (between the *) and am feeling about that. Life has come to a grinding hault and a recent adding of other bills has made me feel that the only way forward is the following.
*Finding a job
*Find volunteer work
*Rework finances (again!)
*Make house a home
*Self development in confidence
*Self improvement in health
At the end of the day, I am drowning in the pool that is my reality and have decided to deal with it. While I make all these plans, I will keep this blog brief and contemplate how to deal with this... crash course.

1 comment:

  1. Finance seems at the top of everything so perhaps tackle that first and the rest might fade into insignifigance babe.

