Saturday, October 23, 2010

Sidewalk Stroganoff, anyone?

Sidewalk Stroganoff anyone? I know that this is not the most appetizing idea of all, and if I had an image to go with it, you'd probably all run for the bathroom with violent intergestion. Sidewlk Stroganoff is a more bizzare way of saying 'human road victim.' I make you this offer because it seems that our impatient world is not only self-centered, but suicidal.
On Thursday, I took a trip into the city to do some pleasure shopping. this isn't the problem, far form it. While walking around the city from one place to another, I realsied that people are so goddamned impatient. I've learned it is a good idea to stand at traffic lights and wait for the little green man, despite whatever rush I'm in. Better to be late than never rock up because you are indented in a car vent. So many people were crossing busy city roads, not only against the lights, but while traffic was against them as well. I saw three different occasions where people were nearly collected by cars.
Seriously, how foolish do you need to be? In most cases, they hadn't finished crossing before the lights changed in their favor. While this can be a safe guarantee that no car is goiong to collect them, there will always be a time that someone is going to press their luck to race to beat the changing lights just as you step off the kurb and get in their way.
The worst case of pedestrian suicide I've noticed is actually local to me. A few times I've been walking up the hill to go shopping or to go to work/class when I've seen this man. A little senior in years and caucasian (I think.) He turned onto the main street a little way ahead of me, walking as happily as you like towards the shops, and was completely oblivious/ignorant/stupid enough to just keep walking. There are about 4 streets in close sucession to cross, and he just walked across them all without stopping, looking or seeing if anything was coming. Now, I've seen this man three times and each time, usually at the same intersection where a lot of cars turn, he has not stopped to see if it was safe to cross and was nearly collected by a car. He didn't look up to see them coming, and I am sure (but do not wish it upon him) that one day he isn't going to look and will be swept away in the midday traffic. Now, I haven't seen him at a set of traffic lights to see if he has enough patience/sense to stop and wait there, but if he doesn't, it probably explains why I haven't seen him in a while.
In all honesty, there is only one time that I do not sit around waiting on the little green man to tell me to cross the road, and that would be walking home at 130 in the morning from a night out. It is very easy to determine whether I am going to be flattened or not, considering that the streets are so quiet you can hear them coming for a while, or that the traffic is so divided on the streets, you only need to look one way to see if anything is coming or not.
At the end of the day, our society needs to see that it's impatience is not an aid but probably a major part of our own destruction. If you are someone who is impatient with crossing at the lights, I suggest you rethink this approach to life and when you are waiting for the little green man, take a few calming, medatitve breaths, and remember that being late is not worth getting killed over.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

They really do defend themselves

Few things disgust me. Few things that are not direct to me make my blood boil, but I am sitting here trying my damned hardest not to rip my keyboard table off the desk in rage.
For those of you who remember, I did an entry a while ago about my thoughts on police and my general respect, and then the specific details. Perhaps I should have been more specific on some of the topics I used, because I just saw the most disgusting police harassment and the absolute failings of our justice system. I hope to the Gods that Karma has a giant, spiked, metalic (or stronger) club with a mass amount of electricity running through it to hit the policeman down with, because I can't understand how our justice system let him off so lightly.
I am talking about Benjamin Price, Queensland bully-boy of a Snr Constable. He has reportedly abused 3 people in his custordy, two of whom you can see in this video. While it is CCTV which is soundless, you will be appauled at what you will see. Viewer disgession is ABSOLUTELY AND UNDOUBTABLY advised.
No, Ben's case has just gone to court and not only did the police force defend this officer, but seem to be paying big bucks to lighten his sentance. FUCK NO! Do you want to know what he got for his disgusting behaviour? 27 months prison. Do you know when he is up for parole? 9 months (next July). That is only 1/3 of his sentance. I'm sure, that somewhere in his career, Ben did some good things for people, saved a life or two and all those sorts of things, but it does not excuse, nor give him right to be a bully and assult people who are not only weaker but, as you will notice, handcuffed.
The first victim in the tape claims she was having a play fight with a friend when she was out having drinks, when a 3rd party called the police. She was arrested and was belted up from the moment she reached the door of the police station. While Ben was assulting her, she tried to scratch him with her pinkie fingernail, and subsaquently got assulted further and charged with assult. Go figure!
While Ben harrased and assulted this girl, another member looked on. While it isn't clear whether they were siding with Ben or going neutural, they cvertainly weren't defending her. Think that's bad? Victim number 2 was left his prison cell after the beating he got from Ben, and you can clearly see the other member(s?) helping Ben by giving him a running hose which he jams down the victim's throat. I timed it. Nearly 33 seconds of water gushing down his throat and no possible escape. He is given five seconds reprieve before Ben shoves it down his throat again, for only a few seconds.
While there is no photage of victim number three, it is clearly a problem.
1) Why didn't someone report this?
2) Why didn't the officers act? (It is not clear if the officer who dobbed Ben in was one of the officers in the video).
3) Why is the police department defending this man?

Dear Queensland Police Department,
You have failed! You have failed in the mission that you swore to do in the defending of the people of your state. You have failed to give the police force in Australia a good name, and for what? A bully with a badge who has no clear defence for his actions. I hope you are proud of yourselves!
In light of statements from the representative for the Queensland police force in legal affairs, Benjamin was entitled to a defense. I have no problem with that, lawyers are paid nicely to do so. Let him find his own defense! You weaken your position as a whole, and not just in Queensland, by appearing to defend these behaviors and actions. The abuse that came down on these people while in YOUR CUSTURDY makes you look bad enough. Defending the man means that you support his actions and that he was justified in doing what he did. Can you honestly look me in the eye and say he is justified in his actions? If you say yes, how about I handcuff you, belt the hell out of you and try and drown you with a running hose? Would you still defend Ben if he had accidently or purposfully killed any of his victims? If your answer is yes, I suggest that you resign your position and let someone with a sense of justice take your place.
For future refference, perhaps you might want to consider what the definition of Justice is. Who desrves justice in these cases, when the overwhelming evidence suggests there is a clear victim and a clear purpatraitor? You should be legally representing the victim. At least in that case you look like you are trying to save what is left of your reputation.
As far as all the officers who are under investigation in reguards to ben's actions, I hope you are not going to let those who retrired get off scott free, and that you have no intention of giving them legal defence if found guilty of failing to act, and other such crimes.
I hope that, in the future, there is a lot more consdieration for any victim who is unfortunate enough to experience brutality at the hands of one of your police officers. You are paid and charged to administer justice, not to defend the actions of a power-hungry man within your ranks. Yours,
Perry E Byrnes

to the Human Justice System,
You have failed! You have failed to deliver hope to the people you should defend. You have failed to prove your power not only amoungst those you control, but those who act as your army. You have failed to adiquately punish Benjamin Price for his behaviour.
In light of his actions within the police force and the brutality he has inflicted upon helpless and undeserving people, you have not only handed down a short sentance, but your paroll terms are unbelievable. I gather that nine months in jail will be rough on Ben, but he shouldn't get out of his punishment jest because he is a police officer. Where is your sense of Justice? I understand that Ben MAY have done some good things in his time as a police officer, but this neither excuses nor justifies any of his actions. Would your sentance have been heavier if he had killed one of his victims? He came close you know? Or would the charge have been manslaughter? If you had said manslaughter after what he did which was CLEARLY deliberate, then you are no better than he is. But that is all hypothetical.
Might I suggest that in the future, you look at the facts of what has happned and what the purpatraitor is clearly capable of, then consider if the terms of the sentance are equal to what they have done. Should such actions be taken, then you will find the people have a bit more respect for how you work. Yours,
Perry E. Byrnes

May Deity help and heal the victims of this ruthless man, and may karma and the beings of justice have more than a ton of bricks to drop on Ben when all is said and done,