Monday, August 20, 2012

Operation Soundout; File One

Title: Operation Soundout
Main Operative: perry E Byrnes
Commencement Date: 23.June.2012, 0100 Hours
Initial Details: This operation is the beginning of a new phase in my life, one which won't involve karaoke. On Saturday, June 23rd at 1am, I will leave my last karaoke night for a while and venture into new social mediums for entertainment that are more fun, less stress and A LOT less bitchy.
Operation Soundout is based on the following details.
!) People are no longer interested in me, nor are they even showing me the same amount of respect as before or what they show each other.
2) People are treating me as hired entertainment.
3) If I have to listen to much more of the drama that goes on day in and out at any of the karaoke nights, I might have to shorten the population count just so I don't have to listen to it.
4) Singing off stage is fine, I can do it for hours. Singing on stage is starting to hurt my throat really badly to the point that I can't get anything out.
5) Change is good for everyone. Considering I have been doing this for almost every weekend for the past 8 years, I think change would be really good for me.

Phase One: This phase is almost complete. The initial seperation from karaoke has been quite successful. The results have been less stress, more social freedom, less feeling of judgement around me and, the best part, no gossiping drama. In the near future, this phase will be brought to full completion. Estimated Date: Late September.
To give a bit of an idea, I have found a few places to go on a friday/saturday night, with Wednesday night going towards recreational persuits. I've been going dancing, and the venue I have been going to (The Moon Boutique) have been extremely nice towards me, and their drink prices are reasonable. Other nights have been spent somewhere in the gay world. Details are confidential on that section of information. Should any relationship prospects develop, you'll know via FB.

Phase Two: This part of Operation Soundout will be to mix and match karaoke back into my life, but not on such a level as what it was. This is going to test a few things. The initial test of stepping into a karaoke night for one song and catching up with a few people was rather successful, in that people were easy going and I wasn't there long enough to hear any dramas.
This will also be a bringing in of new songs and rooting out what can't be done. It will also test a few other little things I've had my eye on over the past months before I left karaoke, and a few things that have come to light since. A part of me looks forward to this return, a part of me doesn't want to go. This reaction is not surprising really. karaoke has stopped being what it once was, and whie I hold no one responsible for this, I do have a few good ideas on what has been causing this, as well as a few whos.

Phase Three: This long term plan is to see what my karaoke future is. I have accepted that my major karaoke career is over for now. No competitions, no shows, no need to dress up and go nuts. I just want to do a little singing and dancing and be content with my performance. What I am hoping is that people accep this without expecting too much of me.
After that, should phase two be a complete success, I am hoping that my social life will expand properly. That I can have nice people around me, gossipers will take a hike and people who are using me for one reason or another will take a hike. I won't point fingers at people, nor will I start fb debating on who is what and who did what. I just want to go to karaoke and have a good time. So here is good luck to the implimentation of these things.

In closing of this report, I have decided that I will extend my karaoke horizons a ittle and accept an invitation given to me in the past few weeks, and impliment this part of Operation Soundout; Phase Two, earlier than the proceeded launch. This will e a testing to how good the venue is. If the person who sent the invite is reading this, you will know who you are. GM.
This concludes this reprt. Signed,
Perry E Byrnes