Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Marraige Argument

Now, as we all know, for many years there has been battle for the rights for same-sex couples to get married. Now, obviously, I side with the idea that marraige rights should be allowed. But time and again I run into the most interesting articles about why we shouldn't allow same-sex marriage. I gotta say it is a laugh, because you really could shorten these things by half if they simply got to the point. And what are those points? Considering most of them come from Christian ideals, it becomes rather simple.
*Need to uphold the ideas of marraige
*God/Jesus forbids sodomy
*Society will fall apart
*Uphold the ideas of the church
*Homosexual marraige rights will lead to rights for pedophiles
In my never-ending quest to find good arguments for and against, these seem to be the best people can offer. To which, as you no doubt have guessed, I have found a few little counter arguments that no one seems able to fight me with.
Before I continue, I'd just like to point out that I am in no way picking a fight with anyone in particular, I just find this round-about debate pointless, as there seems to be no true end to it in the slow marching of time. Furthermore, I want it made clear that I am in total support of people who want to get married in any way they want, be it in church, ritual hand-fasting, in the Sacred Circle of Hinduism or at the Vatacin under the eyes of the Pope, whatever works is cool. And to all my married/to be married readers, Gods Speed and good luck to you all.
The counter arguements.
Upholding the ideals of marraige
last time I checked, and correct me if I am wrong, but marraige is the legal and ethical binding of two people in holy matrimony to seal their lives together in love and happoness. It has been generally idealised that these two people will naturally be a man and a woman. Whoop-dee-doo! It has never been stated anywhere that it HAS to be. The only reason to back this up is in procreation (dealt with later). While it is possible for same sex couples to have a smaller ceremony that technically makes them married, it is not as legal or as binding as the full marraige service, religion not withstanding.
Unfortunately for this argument, it caves in on itself, considering the ideal of marraige is something shared between two people who don't want to be with anyone else. This rule of love and compassion doesn't really stand up when it looks at the same sex world. While I won't deny that a lot of the same-sex world is sleazy and somewhat immoral, so is the straight world. At the end of the day, arguments about such things really do cancel themselves out.
What a pethetic excuse. first of all, same-sex couples are not without the genetic material to procreate, jest it will done through more scientific measures, not sex. While this arguement would have more basis ten or so years ago, it has little basis now.
Another compelling couter-argument is that of people's ability to procreate. A good portion of the people in the world are unable to conceive a child through any measure. And not all of them are homosexuals. True, not every same sex couple wants a child, but what about the heterosexual couples who want kids but can't have them? They have to go the same way to have a child. So why can't two same-sex couples create a child the same way a couple who can't conceive would do it?
In my own case, for those who don't know, I'm about as fertile as a bucket of sand. This is through medical conditions, and not anything I have done to myself. Does this mean I am not entitled to get married, even if I was a heterosexual? Seems to be the case, but I'll bet money rhat the arguers of anti-same-sex marraige haven't thought of this.
God/Jesus Forbids Sodemy
Correction: the men who wrote the bible forbid it. Neither God nor Jesus said two words about the subject. So if I never have anal sex with my partneer, does that mean I can get married? We can still have oral sex and I am sure I can think up a lot of other kinky things to do that I won't list here.
There are six passages in the bible that forbid sodomy, three of which I have been able to find a way around. 2 quotes from leviticus forbid sodomy, but leviticus was written as laws for the jewish communitty, not the christian communitty. The letter to the Romans was written by a homosexual, who in his times, feared himself and the things he went through. He forbid sodomy because he dsidn't want people to experience what he went through, not out of sheer spite. It was fear, not idealism, that had this commandment written. Speaking of which, not one of the ten commandments forbids same-sex couples. And don't say 'Lust' because I can quickly and easily introduce you to a lot of Heterosexual men who fall under that catagory as well, and probably a few women as well.
Society Will Fall Apart
Not according the the statistics of the few places in the world that have allowed same sex marraige. Within a year of the laws being passed, the number of same-sex marraiges dropped dramatically. there is a big line at the door, but once it is cleared, there isn't a lot left to do. Marraige for same sex couples comes by less often ebcause there is less of them by numbers.
the next thing to consider is those who will step up (in their own beleifs) and argue the point. Who is it causing social upheaval now? those who want to marry peacefully or those who come along to cause peaceful or not riots about it? I would like to point out the mass majority of these people are Christians. Another self-killing argument.
What you will probably find, if put to the vote, same-sex marriage would be in the interests of the majority. And while I amonly huesing from the people I have talked to on the subject, and most of which are heterosexual, I'd say the vote is easily won. So society wouldn't fall apart.
Uphold the ideas of the church
I really hate to brake it to you, but Christianity, catholocism and the like did not 'invent' marraige. Marraige is an ideal that went back a long way before the church was even a thought. The only reason it is even a basis for argument is because these religions are the leading religions of the world, and that is after stomping out the competition. Still, marriage is not a copyrighted ideal, so it is not down to the church alone to work out if people should/n't get married. And if it was, I'd like to thank them for all the people who have gone into marriage and gotten assulted, killed, abused and all those other wonderful things because of your idealism. Any questions?
Homosexual marraige rights will lead to rights for pedophiles
Blame game! I find it amusingly cute. If you consider that homosexuals have been fighting for qrights since about 1969, and if you consider the headway that has/is still to be made, there is a lot of time involved.
Homosexuals are not pedophiles. There is a mass psychological difference in these two things. Homosexuals are attracted to other people of the same gender, while pedophiles are attracted to younger people below the age of concent of whatever gender the prefer. I get that it would be great to blame the same-sex communitty for a lot of these issues, from pedophilia to incest and so forth, but at the end of the day, there is no conclusive evidence to support/disprove it. And don't start about sites on the internet, because I can certainly tell you now that whatever you can find on a gay porn site, you can more than likely find on a heterosexual porn site.
That argument aside, let's think about what would happen if pedophiles started making a stand. The death and assult rate would go up dramatically, more people would have to admit their ugly truths and the idea would take a whole lot longer to legalise (if ever) ebcause so many laws would have to be re-written and there would be more anger in society. this is where such anger for same-sex couples should be pointed; at the people who commit illegal acts of a sexual nature, not the concenting same-sex couples who want to spend their lives together. What a concept!
Now that i have argued my way through all of that, I feel a lot better. I found a good site on the net that takes what is basically the 14 arguemtns of Christians Vs Homosexuals and disbands them one at a time. While I admit I could certainly add to some of their points and expand on them dramatically, they are a good read nevertheless. Myth and fact
I feel better now!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Musical Answers

Let's play a fun game! All you need is the following...
* Your Ipod/MP3 player set to suffle.
For each question, you simply tell your player to start a new song and the song title is your answer. It is really fun, and some of the answers you can come out with make sense, while others are just plain amusing. Here we go.

Survivor (Destiny's Child)

Can't Touch It (Rikki Lee)

Objection (Tango) (Shakira)

Look At Me (Geri Halliwell)

Crying At The Discotech (Alcazar)

You Must Have Been a Beautiful Baby (Bobby Darin)

The Boy Does Nothing (Alesha Dixon)

Istanbul (They Might Be Giants)

So What? (Pink)

WHAT IS 2 + 2?
You Make Me Sick (Pink)

Filthy Gorgeous (Scissor Sisters)

Party People (Nelly and Furgie)

100% Pure Love (Crystal Waters)

Fast and beautiful (Dope Stars Inc)

All The Things She Said (TATU)

Humble Neighbourhoods (Pink)

Fever (Peggy Lee)

You Spin Me Right Round (Dead or Alive)

Holding Out For A Hero (Bonnie Tylor)

I'm So Excited (Pointer Sisters)

Scandalous (Misteaq)

Umbrella (Rhianna)

Absolutely Not (Deborah Coz)

Only When I Sleep (The Corrs)

Queer (Garbage)

Dirty (Christina A)

Buses and Drivers

I know that this world is supposed to be full of frustrations, because if it wasn't, we wouldn't grow as people. But after the past few years putting up with bus services, I decided I better tell someone about what I have seen and been through with their bus service. Here, word for word, is the email I sent to Ventura Buses of Melbourne.
"To Ventura Buses,
My name is Perry Byrnes, and I am writing to you to inform you of a few things I have encountered over the past few weeks while taking buses to and from the Box Hil depol.
Before I start, I would like to tell you a bit about myself, and why I look for a dependable service from Ventura Buses. For the apst 11 years, I have lived with visual difficulties that have been damaging enough to make me unable to drive, and that while provided with a travel pass, sometimes it does become a little frustrating. I moved to Box Hill in June of last year for two reasons. One is to start studying at Box Hill Tafe, and because Box Hill in itself is a major centre of public transportation from buses, trams and trains.
As part of my weekly routine, I travel out to Forest Hill on the 765. Two of the insodents I wish to report come form drivers on these buses. Because of my visual impairment, I can't offer names because I can't even tell if they are wearing name tags, so the best I can hope is that the matter will be considered and addressed to drivers who run these routes.
1) Twice I have caught a bus with the driver being somewhat of a road rager. Both trips, on seperate occasions, he has been leaning on the horn, cursing (with minimal profanity) loudly and has had many sudden stops that throw the passengers around a bit. Now, since taking note of this driver, either he has stopped running this route or been sacked or simply replaced. Either way, I have not had the displeasure of a bus ride with him again.
2) Just today on returning to Box Hill, I often get off one stop before entering the Box Hill bus depo, because it is more conveniant for me to walk home from there than haivng to weave my way through the shopping centre. When turning onto the road before the stop, I pressed the button to indicate my wish to disembark. As the stop got closer, myself and one other passenger stood to get ready to get off when the driver simply kept going. Now, I do get that it can be frustrating for drivers when people want to get off the bus when the end of the run is literally within distance, but a bus stop is a bus stop and for people like myself who do not wish to take the extra time to navagate back to where we were, it would be fair to be let off the bus. However, because this is a one time incodent, I will let it pass that the driver either forgot, was distracted or possibly new.
3) On the Wednesday just gone, I was invited to go to a dinner in Vermont South to fairwell a friend on his trip to the US. I knew that the 732 bus drives straight there and basically drops me off at the door. I went to wait at the bus stop just across the road from James street on Station street. I had just missed the 7:02 (or there abouts) bus, and decided to stand and wait on the 7:33. Now, as previously stated, being visualy impaired makes things difficult. In waiting, 2 busses running the 903 (?) bus came by, and each slowed down to check and see if I wanted to board. I waved them both on, as the 903 didn't go to Vermont. When the 732 came by, I couldn't tell until the bus was practically where it should be parked if it was the bus I needed or not. But instead of slowing down, the bus went speeding past, and ignored when I waved at it as it drove off into the distance. The bus did not decrease speed on its approach to see if I wanted to board nor did it start slowing after I waved. Because of this, I missed my friends party.
I would like, in one way or another, for drivers of buses, not just around Box Hill but in general, that the following is not impressive towards passengers.
1) Road Rage is not a quality a bus driver should have, as they are not just responsible for their own lives, but for all those traveling as well.
2) That, even if the bus stop is 100m from the end of the run, passengers who want to disembark at this stop are entitled to unless the stop has been declared out of use.
3) Drivers should slow down when passing stops that are for more than one bus route to see if passengers wish to board until indicated to drive on.
Thank you very much for your time and for taking these complaints into consideration. Am hoping to hear of what (if any) action is taken. Thank you for providing an otherwise dependable and comfortable service to the people of Melbourne. Sincerly,
Perry E Byrnes
That is pretty much my rant on the subject for today.
Wait a minute, no it isn't. I posted a video on You Tube about this a long time ago. Have a look. It is all in this location. Please note to those who are reading this well post date of the date I posted this entry, if the link doesn't work, it is because i have pulled the video down to replace it.
Anyway, since that is more than enough rant to cover today, I am going to bed with my mind at ease,

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Top Men Update

"A Perfect Man I summon now, another way I don't know how, to help me go and see the light, somewhere out there is Mister Right."
A little Charmed spell, but I thought it suited. Now, IO have been up all night with a screaming toothache with no way to tone it down. So being in a hyper mood with mass giggling fits, I thought I'd update you on my list of hot men. I said ten, and at present I have four or five. So, in no particular order, I present the men that have, so far, made the top list of ten.

*Damien Welshe-Howling; Australian Actor, Blue Heelers, Underbelly

*Grant Bowler: Australian Actor, Blue Heelers, The Mole, Always Greener

*Tim Murruy: American/Australian Actor, Hocus Pocus, NCIS

*Oded Fehr: Egyptian actor, The Mummy/Returns, Resident Evil, Charmed

If you want some images, do the only thing that one can do in these times, Google and Wikipedia them. For Damien and Grant, file through my blog and find some images in an older entry.
So, in the meantime, I'm going to sit here and giggle in mad fits at things I usually find a little less than amusing. There are four stages of not having enough sleep.
1)Grumpy: Where you are angry at anything and everything and whoever says the wrong thing is going to find them wearing themselves as a hat. I went through this phase between getting up and waiting for the supermarkets to open so I could by some pain killers.
2)Giggly: Where laughing more than one should at things that one usually finds not so amusing. I'm presently sitting here watching French and Saunders, and considering I find them funny, its roflcopter time
Hyperactive: An over-amount of energy that lasts a few hours, amybe more. But basically, seems like you have slept, although the reality is you haven't.
4) Need for sleep unavoidable, must sleep ASAP.
At this present point I am somewhere between 2 and 3, with hopes that once the cleaner has come ad gone, I can get a few Zzz's. Wish me luck,

Skanketty slutslut

Well, I was in a bit of a fun mood, so I thought I'd do two posts for today to make up for my lack of posts in recent times.
Before I start, I just want it noted that the times this site says I am posting these things is not correct, I just can't convince the clock to stay in Australian EST time.
Anyway, the title probably suggests I am going to be talking about women with... less than modest approaches to like, and you'd probably be right. I want to talk about all those goddamned late-night ads you get on tv for 'call me now' 'text to see me/her/us doing something hot' and dating sites that clearly aren't paying for good screen time. Here is the moral side I want to figure out. How do these women, ten/fifteen/twenty years down the track going to feel when they have a child and are just forgetting all about their otherwise skanked past, when their kid or partneer comes in and says they found them on the net. Wow, what a disaster. I understand some do it for the money because they have little choice, but others... well, I'm not going to delve too far into this.
However, this side of the world is not without amusement value. When it comes to the videos you can have sent to your phone, it is almost inevitable that there is one that is 'too hot to show.' One of these was described as 'Mary and Sue in the bath together.' Well, that's all good and well, and was probably a hot video for those who like that thing. But if I ran that company and you texted for that video, you would not end up with a vid of lesbian sex in the bath. You would have a video of two women in overalls cleaning the bath. They're in the bath, as the ad suggests, but we never said they were having sex. As for the 'too hot' part, well, it is hot water on what I am sure we can present to be a hot day.
This other one I recall was an absolute classic. The usual ads of 'Call me now' had a massive error in them. Now, while I appreciate the time and money it takes to put one of these ads together, it really wouldn't be so difficult to do a spell check. Your company doesn't look to clever when 'Coll me now' comes across the screen, does it?
On the other hand, we could just have a video of 'Mary playing with her banana.' Now, when I was told about this ad, as I didn't see it, I had the instant vision of this woman sitting on the floor, surrounded by toddlers toys and trying to encourage this banana to play with them. Idiodic, perhaps, but it is more amusing than what they probably meant for it to be.
A comedian put it best when they were talking about these ads. While visiting Aus, he saw an add of a (assumed) naked girl in the bath covered in bubbly goodness. She then told him to call her because they needed to talk. So he called her and said 'what?' Turns out she didn't even know him. There was $5 well spent.
"I want a man with bedroom eyes, athletic, dangerous and he's gotta be romantic/sensitive/funny.' Well honey, I want a man with a few of those things, but I don't all three of them competing for me interactively. Nor do I need to hear about the assumed idea that the gay bars/clubs are traggic queen scenes, nor listen to two or more 'friends' talk in monotones about a chat line. Are social skill failing us now? According to my last blog on the subject and my sister's reply, I think I need to agree. When it comes to these chat lines, it is evident, almost at once, that they don't cover every persons needs. Nor does it really point out what you need to go through to sign up to these things. The web sites are a tad different. I joined one, and I would just like to say that if the clubs and bars are tradgic, then some of the people I have met on these sites are in need of professional help. But that is just me.
"I'm all alone. Why don't you call me and we can talk." Well, I can certainly think of a few amusing things to discuss, none of which you are expecting me to want to talk about. I could talk about the inherit dangers and problems in getting giant red pandas to mate. I could discuss the many woven James Bond and Historic movie themes woven into the Batman Animated Series. Perhaps you would just prefer to discuss the Gross National Product of Persia? Either way, I am probably going to bore you to tears and make you realise life is too short. Hey, if Spongebob can do it to a mid-60's grandmother, I don't see how different it could be.
Now that I have vented my amusement to you all, I think that I might sign off. Todays Icon is form the Haunted Mansion series that I talked about a few posts ago. Todays card of choice is 'Rogue the Vampiress'. I thought it kind of suited,considering her dress sense. Now, What I would really like is for my two followers, if you guys would be so kind as to comment. Please, i am begging you. I want to know thoughts and ideas. I'm not attention seeking, but I really do want to know. I have been through your blogs, and while I didn't comment, one was amusing and the other, sadly, a tad plain. Until next time,

Monday, February 22, 2010

Let's Reshoot This

Well, after many years of car ads, I have decided that there are now four things that makes a car ad, whether they are combined or seperate.
1) people gathered around a car taking photos of it like there is nothing else improtant.
2) Cars speeding through the country
3) Cars Driving to the most impossible places to reach, car or not.
4) Alternate universe where things change or are different for some reason.
So looking at this, it makes me wonder. Mind you, it also makes for interesting commercial re-wriets.
1) All these people gathered around a car like nothing else in the world matters. "Sweetheart, hurry to the hospital, I'm having a baby." "Sorry love, this car is just to interesting, I'll be there when it leaves." Seriously. If it was the batmobile from Tim Burton's 'Batman,' I'd have it activate the bomb that comes out of the tyre just to get rid of them so I could get to my car without the damned thing being stollen. Either that, or I would fix it with sensors so that if too many photos of it are taken, a giant boxing glove would come out and punch the photographer out.
2) We don't need to promote speeding, we see enough road disasters on the news. I can already imagine the speed that they were traveling then. So what do they do? Promote speeding in our daily dose of idiot box. The other major problem I have with these ads is that the cars don't look like they have been driving where they are driving. Too shiny and too clean. Help! What I really want to see is one of these cars either having a major accident to REMIND viewers that you don't buy one of these things to go terrorising the streets, or simply having one of them covered in mud, inside and out, so that it looked like it had been driving in the damned desert, forest or wherever it is.
3) Cars in impossible places are supposed to inspire us to go out and adventure this great land. However, while I don't doubt that would be a breathtaking experience, let's throw in some Wild E. Cyote gags. The car packs at the end of the cliff and then the last ten feet of the cliff edge drops out and they disappear in a long drop to end with a puff of smoke and a far-off crash. Either that or a random anval falling on them from the top of the cliff they parked under.
4) I have seen many alternate realities in car ads, including half worlds, worlds that change with the drop of a curtain and cars that give mothers the ability to have eyes on the back of their heads. Lets twist this the other way around and that when people buy a car, it effects them and how they react. For example, when a mother goes to tell off their kids, she beeps loudly at them, and when the kids stop running there is that screeching sound of a car coming to a sudden stop. Men, when finding their sexual partneers really arousing, making the reving sound most associated with racing cars while women and their 'headlights' are as bright as a lighthouse. Mind you, the kids listening at the bedroom door can only hear the sound of two cars in a mad race.
So, when it comes to advertising cars, blow up the spectators, add some comic releif and turn your world into a car humanoid to see how well that gets people's attention. It would be memorable for two reasons. One would be for the mass amount of humour we would have a viewers, and the sudden drop in car sales as people fear for their lives. However, it might also decrease the number of car thefts and road accidents.
Well, I hope this has been somewhat entertaining for you, and please don't consider it a disregard for human life, I'm just being comical. Cheers,

Friday, February 19, 2010

"At times like this, continuing with one's life seems impossible and eating the entire contents of one's fridge seems inevitable. I have tw choices, to give up and accept perminent status of *unmoving situations and pinned down by financial crisis*, or not." Bridget Jones' Diary.
Okay, the quote has been modified (between the *) and am feeling about that. Life has come to a grinding hault and a recent adding of other bills has made me feel that the only way forward is the following.
*Finding a job
*Find volunteer work
*Rework finances (again!)
*Make house a home
*Self development in confidence
*Self improvement in health
At the end of the day, I am drowning in the pool that is my reality and have decided to deal with it. While I make all these plans, I will keep this blog brief and contemplate how to deal with this... crash course.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Don't Mind Me

Okay, so I haven't been about, and I'm sorry, but these games on loan won't play themselves. Especially Batman; Arkham Asylum. That is the best game, and there is no surprise it made it to the Guiness (sic) book of records for game design and graphics. It has been a lot of fun. Not all of my favorite villains are in the game, but there are a lot of good lines to make up for it.
But that is not my problem of the day. My problem is people in the street and especially on poublic trnasport. People are so self-centered these days. Trying to walk down the street is becoming a game of Dodge The Pedestrian/Path Hog. Trying to get on or off a train is requiring a padded baseball bat to get people away form the doors long enough to get off. Now, I am a considerate person, and do my best to make sure I am conciously aware of the movements of others around me. Making sure I am in no one's way, appologising even if I am not at fault, holding doors, etc. But often you will hear me mutter 'Don't mind me!' when people are as inconsiderate as they are. I accept the world was not created or naturally good, and that every person is nutural until such a point as they choose. Some don't evenchoose. That's life.
Now, in my time I have tried being more selfish towards people and to be an obnoxious bastard, but I can't do it. I simply can't be an arse towards people unless they really desrve it.
So what should I do? Talk down to people when they get in my way? Stop and tell people of for generally bad manners? Smack people over the head if they cut in line? Any ideas?
In the meantime, todays' cute icon comes from an old series of trading cards known as the 'Haunted mansion' of X-men cards. Storm the Weather Witch is one of six or eight. I have a few more I might display over time, but this one is my favorite.
Until next time, with love,

Monday, February 8, 2010

Paranoia is in the Music

Let me introduce you to Drive, friends in a cover band who perform in live performaces here there and everywhere throughout Southern Melbourne. From the lieft we have Nick (drummer) Joe (singer and second guitar), CJ (Chris)(lead guitar) and up the back is Simon (bass guitar). Now I have known Simon, Nick and CJ and their old lead singer/2nd guitarist Tristan for many years. At the middle of last year, Tristan left the band and Joe took his place. Here is my problem, I am not sure how Joe is dealing with me as a person. I've been polite, friendly, perhaps a tad critical but still constructive of his performance. But over the past few months, I have (oddly enough) been removed from his Facebook and I am not getting any feedback from the Drive facebook. Now while I don't want to sound paranoid, do you think Joe is setting out to keep me at arms leangth? I handed his photo to Ric and he came back with a few thoughts, and while I won't share one of them, the other one is that he is not good at taking criticism, constructive or not. But seriously, this sudden lack of communication is disturbing me. Even the others seem to be holding me at a bit of a distance.
Now while trying not to drum up situations that are either outlandish, unbelievable or simply stupid, I am doing my best not to feel paranoid. I spent a lot of time (and money) keeping an eye on Drive and doing my best to boost both their confidence and their beleif in their abilities. When I learned that they had even one gig at Crown Casino, I was ecstatic. And now they havo occasional gigs at Crown, which is even better. I don't like the security at Crown, but that is not the point. I want to continue to follow Drive, but not at the cost of having a stand-off between Joe and myself. What to do, any thoughts? WHEN (not if) I see him again, I might have a little word with him, try and work things out. Just to make sure that he understands where I stand and vice versa. And, should he be a tad homophobic, clear that up as well.

In the meantime, here is a fun game to play.
You need...
*A place to write this down, preferably on the net.
What to do: When you get to Wikipedia, press the 'random article' button, and take the title of the article. That is the name of your cover band.
Do it again to discover the name of your Album.
Do it again from 10-16 times to discover the names of the songs on the Album. Here is what I got.

Band name: Deep Water Slang
CD Cover Name: Portable Communications Device
1) Komeda
2) Eketorp
3) USS McCloy
4) Farsund
5) Affirmation of St. Louis
6) Fantasy Author
7) Northland Port
8) Getting to YES
9) Arctostaphylos Parryana
10) Kátlovce
11) Pangasinan People
12) Inna Heights
13) 79th Regiment of Foot

Have a laugh, and try to think what the songs sound like. Until next time, I'll be in my straight jacket in the bedroom corner, mumbling and laughing maniaclly,

Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Wedding of the year

Congratulations to Mum and Greg, now my Step-Father, on their wedding day. While this is the only photo I have for now, I will have more at a lter date. But what an event. Mum and Greg recommitted their wedding vows at the Windsor Hotel in the Ballroom. I've never been there before, but wow what a place.
I was asked to be apart of the ceremony, which was a real honour for me. Myself and Greg's stepson (Dan) met Mum and Greg at the end of the isle and gave them our blessing and congratulations. Kind of like the parent giving the child away but in reverse. After the vows were said, we were treated to the biggest afternoon tea I have been to in a while. Scoons, muffins, finger sandwiches (and yes, they even had cucumber ones) along with a giant table of cakes and a chocolate fountain. Needless to say, I was full when I walked out of there.
I also got to meet (and get to know better) some of the people around Greg's family and friends. There were two definate people on my list to get to know better. One was nadia, who is a fabulous singer, and Sean who was the guest of Greg's Sister. I also met up with a lot of friends from Mum;s circle that I haven't seen in many an age. So when all the talking and eating got on the way, speeches weren't far off either.
The best man... Jeffory, i think, did the opening speech, and Glenis, the 'attendant' (because Mum refused 'maid of honour', 'flower girl' or any other title) made her speech. the Greg spoke for a while, calling on all his football supporters (Carlton) and thanking many people for their support. He made a very special note to me, thanking me for accepting him (which I have) and hoping he and I get to know each other better, which is definately something I intend to do. Mum did her speech next and she also thanked me and many others for their support and strength throughout her time and in this, her wedding. She made one more vow which was excluded from her wedding vows, and that was she would follow Carlton for the rest of her life. *headdesk*
I must say, that I did have a good day, and that I am very happy for Mum and Greg. It's days like these that make me think of my own wedding and what I'd like to do. As a definate, there will be lots of dancing. And I will take a page form Mum's book and screw the idea of traditional looks. If I am going to wear a tux, it is going to be in a color other than black.
Now, as a slight off mark, I have to tell you about this. As you all (should) know, I have a major obsession with music. The one song I have been looking for over a long period of time has been 'Too Darn Hot', and I finally found a copy of the song online. I'd like to share it with you and you can hear it here! It is a youtube video (best I could find) so be warned, in case your computer doesn't agree with Youtube. If you want to view my youtube, you can do so at this location! So, until next time, have a wonderful day and dance til you drop,

Friday, February 5, 2010

Ladies First

Meet Kaye Sera, one of Melbourne's most renouned and award-winning drag queens. In recent times, she has done quite a bit of work towards creating a piano bar cross antiques and collectables store. In the past few weeks, she has also been running her first show 'Ladies First,' a tribute to the many singers (mainly female) that were major stars and out-casts in their time. Such singers include Eartha Kitt. I have been trying hard to find a spare night to go, and I finally got tonight. The show only went for an hour, and she sang many songs that were memorable, and gave a brief history of the singer.
I have seen kaye perform a few of her parody songs at DT's Drag nights, and she is the only drag queen I have seen sing her own songs. Henceforth, her parodies and normal songs have earned her a few awards. Her piano room (although not complete) is lined up for a 'Green Room' (?) award. I have been offering her small amounts of advice to her as her spiritual guide, but she has not yet asked for a full reading. Hopefully she will one day.
In the meantime, I also met some nice guys who very politely gave me a lift to DT's,a s they lived around the corner (figuratively). With any luck, Steve and Robert will become good friends. I suppose it depends on what time holds. In the meantime, I'm going to sign off because I ahve things to do and a late dinner to eat. Go Kaye,

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Drool Feul

Okay, most of my friends and family know I tend to have a bit of a list of hot guys, and there are 2 Australian actors who are presently on that list. It would've been four, but I haven't heard form number three, so he hasn't listed yet.
The top two Australian actors on my hot list, and are absolutely hot to trot are...
1) Damien Walshe-Howling (bottom): My first knowledge of Damien was in his role as 'Adam Cooper' in Blue Heelers. Young, fresh and full of life. After he left the series, I hadn't heard from him until I was told he was in Underbelly. This, however, didn't mean I was going to watch. Cop shows are one thing, but Underbelly didn't turn my head. But when recent ads of 'Security' really got my attention. He is a lot more mature in looks and roughed up. Wow! That is what I call drool fuel. Doing some research, it has occured to me that he is neither married (which is nice) and he is still looking good. I know he is at least 11 years older than me, but hey, he is still doable. I also noted that his birthday is 2 days after mine, which makes him an Aquarian. That is a bit of a turn-off, because I want to date someone who is not an Aquarian. My ex was an Aquarian, and they make better friends than lovers. But if he offered, I'd take without question.
I did a bit of a chase, and he is actually someone who finds people who make a difference majorly inspiring. While I know I'm not in that position yet, but maybe in a few years he'd be turned by what I do with my life.

2)Grant Bowler (top): Yes, while he is also a Blue Heelers actor (one of the original), that is not the first time I came across him. The first time I saw Grant was back in the begining of 1999 when he was hoasting 'The Mole' which became a favorite show for two reasons. Following that, I recognised him in his part in 'Always Greener'. It was only when I started watching Blue Heelers from start to finish that I realised he was in the show. Mind you, the show, if you follow it enough, will show you every part of his body except his personals. No complaining here.
Sadly, Grant is married, and probably with children. But when you daydream, these things don't matter. However, he isbeyond my age, being 18 years older. Doesn't mean I wouldn't get with him, just means I wouldn't persue anything else. His birthdate is more compatable with mine, being born in mid July (Cancerian) which is ideal for me. You win some you lose some.

Now that I have finished with day dreaming about hot guys between my thighs, I am going to work on my top 10 list and come back with another entry. Until then, dream the good sexy dream about your partneer, or whoever (celeb or not) that would be a nice match for you, one night or one lifetime. Dream on,