I know that this world is supposed to be full of frustrations, because if it wasn't, we wouldn't grow as people. But after the past few years putting up with bus services, I decided I better tell someone about what I have seen and been through with their bus service. Here, word for word, is the email I sent to Ventura Buses of Melbourne.
"To Ventura Buses,
My name is Perry Byrnes, and I am writing to you to inform you of a few things I have encountered over the past few weeks while taking buses to and from the Box Hil depol.
Before I start, I would like to tell you a bit about myself, and why I look for a dependable service from Ventura Buses. For the apst 11 years, I have lived with visual difficulties that have been damaging enough to make me unable to drive, and that while provided with a travel pass, sometimes it does become a little frustrating. I moved to Box Hill in June of last year for two reasons. One is to start studying at Box Hill Tafe, and because Box Hill in itself is a major centre of public transportation from buses, trams and trains.
As part of my weekly routine, I travel out to Forest Hill on the 765. Two of the insodents I wish to report come form drivers on these buses. Because of my visual impairment, I can't offer names because I can't even tell if they are wearing name tags, so the best I can hope is that the matter will be considered and addressed to drivers who run these routes.
1) Twice I have caught a bus with the driver being somewhat of a road rager. Both trips, on seperate occasions, he has been leaning on the horn, cursing (with minimal profanity) loudly and has had many sudden stops that throw the passengers around a bit. Now, since taking note of this driver, either he has stopped running this route or been sacked or simply replaced. Either way, I have not had the displeasure of a bus ride with him again.
2) Just today on returning to Box Hill, I often get off one stop before entering the Box Hill bus depo, because it is more conveniant for me to walk home from there than haivng to weave my way through the shopping centre. When turning onto the road before the stop, I pressed the button to indicate my wish to disembark. As the stop got closer, myself and one other passenger stood to get ready to get off when the driver simply kept going. Now, I do get that it can be frustrating for drivers when people want to get off the bus when the end of the run is literally within distance, but a bus stop is a bus stop and for people like myself who do not wish to take the extra time to navagate back to where we were, it would be fair to be let off the bus. However, because this is a one time incodent, I will let it pass that the driver either forgot, was distracted or possibly new.
3) On the Wednesday just gone, I was invited to go to a dinner in Vermont South to fairwell a friend on his trip to the US. I knew that the 732 bus drives straight there and basically drops me off at the door. I went to wait at the bus stop just across the road from James street on Station street. I had just missed the 7:02 (or there abouts) bus, and decided to stand and wait on the 7:33. Now, as previously stated, being visualy impaired makes things difficult. In waiting, 2 busses running the 903 (?) bus came by, and each slowed down to check and see if I wanted to board. I waved them both on, as the 903 didn't go to Vermont. When the 732 came by, I couldn't tell until the bus was practically where it should be parked if it was the bus I needed or not. But instead of slowing down, the bus went speeding past, and ignored when I waved at it as it drove off into the distance. The bus did not decrease speed on its approach to see if I wanted to board nor did it start slowing after I waved. Because of this, I missed my friends party.
I would like, in one way or another, for drivers of buses, not just around Box Hill but in general, that the following is not impressive towards passengers.
1) Road Rage is not a quality a bus driver should have, as they are not just responsible for their own lives, but for all those traveling as well.
2) That, even if the bus stop is 100m from the end of the run, passengers who want to disembark at this stop are entitled to unless the stop has been declared out of use.
3) Drivers should slow down when passing stops that are for more than one bus route to see if passengers wish to board until indicated to drive on.
Thank you very much for your time and for taking these complaints into consideration. Am hoping to hear of what (if any) action is taken. Thank you for providing an otherwise dependable and comfortable service to the people of Melbourne. Sincerly,
Perry E Byrnes"
That is pretty much my rant on the subject for today.
Wait a minute, no it isn't. I posted a video on You Tube about this a long time ago. Have a look. It is all in this location. Please note to those who are reading this well post date of the date I posted this entry, if the link doesn't work, it is because i have pulled the video down to replace it.
Anyway, since that is more than enough rant to cover today, I am going to bed with my mind at ease,
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