I was asked to be apart of the ceremony, which was a real honour for me. Myself and Greg's stepson (Dan) met Mum and Greg at the end of the isle and gave them our blessing and congratulations. Kind of like the parent giving the child away but in reverse. After the vows were said, we were treated to the biggest afternoon tea I have been to in a while. Scoons, muffins, finger sandwiches (and yes, they even had cucumber ones) along with a giant table of cakes and a chocolate fountain. Needless to say, I was full when I walked out of there.
I also got to meet (and get to know better) some of the people around Greg's family and friends. There were two definate people on my list to get to know better. One was nadia, who is a fabulous singer, and Sean who was the guest of Greg's Sister. I also met up with a lot of friends from Mum;s circle that I haven't seen in many an age. So when all the talking and eating got on the way, speeches weren't far off either.
The best man... Jeffory, i think, did the opening speech, and Glenis, the 'attendant' (because Mum refused 'maid of honour', 'flower girl' or any other title) made her speech. the Greg spoke for a while, calling on all his football supporters (Carlton) and thanking many people for their support. He made a very special note to me, thanking me for accepting him (which I have) and hoping he and I get to know each other better, which is definately something I intend to do. Mum did her speech next and she also thanked me and many others for their support and strength throughout her time and in this, her wedding. She made one more vow which was excluded from her wedding vows, and that was she would follow Carlton for the rest of her life. *headdesk*
I must say, that I did have a good day, and that I am very happy for Mum and Greg. It's days like these that make me think of my own wedding and what I'd like to do. As a definate, there will be lots of dancing. And I will take a page form Mum's book and screw the idea of traditional looks. If I am going to wear a tux, it is going to be in a color other than black.
Now, as a slight off mark, I have to tell you about this. As you all (should) know, I have a major obsession with music. The one song I have been looking for over a long period of time has been 'Too Darn Hot', and I finally found a copy of the song online. I'd like to share it with you and you can hear it here! It is a youtube video (best I could find) so be warned, in case your computer doesn't agree with Youtube. If you want to view my youtube, you can do so at this location! So, until next time, have a wonderful day and dance til you drop,
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