Now, as we all know, for many years there has been battle for the rights for same-sex couples to get married. Now, obviously, I side with the idea that marraige rights should be allowed. But time and again I run into the most interesting articles about why we shouldn't allow same-sex marriage. I gotta say it is a laugh, because you really could shorten these things by half if they simply got to the point. And what are those points? Considering most of them come from Christian ideals, it becomes rather simple.
*Need to uphold the ideas of marraige
*God/Jesus forbids sodomy
*Society will fall apart
*Uphold the ideas of the church
*Homosexual marraige rights will lead to rights for pedophiles
In my never-ending quest to find good arguments for and against, these seem to be the best people can offer. To which, as you no doubt have guessed, I have found a few little counter arguments that no one seems able to fight me with.
Before I continue, I'd just like to point out that I am in no way picking a fight with anyone in particular, I just find this round-about debate pointless, as there seems to be no true end to it in the slow marching of time. Furthermore, I want it made clear that I am in total support of people who want to get married in any way they want, be it in church, ritual hand-fasting, in the Sacred Circle of Hinduism or at the Vatacin under the eyes of the Pope, whatever works is cool. And to all my married/to be married readers, Gods Speed and good luck to you all.
The counter arguements.
Upholding the ideals of marraige
last time I checked, and correct me if I am wrong, but marraige is the legal and ethical binding of two people in holy matrimony to seal their lives together in love and happoness. It has been generally idealised that these two people will naturally be a man and a woman. Whoop-dee-doo! It has never been stated anywhere that it HAS to be. The only reason to back this up is in procreation (dealt with later). While it is possible for same sex couples to have a smaller ceremony that technically makes them married, it is not as legal or as binding as the full marraige service, religion not withstanding.
Unfortunately for this argument, it caves in on itself, considering the ideal of marraige is something shared between two people who don't want to be with anyone else. This rule of love and compassion doesn't really stand up when it looks at the same sex world. While I won't deny that a lot of the same-sex world is sleazy and somewhat immoral, so is the straight world. At the end of the day, arguments about such things really do cancel themselves out.
What a pethetic excuse. first of all, same-sex couples are not without the genetic material to procreate, jest it will done through more scientific measures, not sex. While this arguement would have more basis ten or so years ago, it has little basis now.
Another compelling couter-argument is that of people's ability to procreate. A good portion of the people in the world are unable to conceive a child through any measure. And not all of them are homosexuals. True, not every same sex couple wants a child, but what about the heterosexual couples who want kids but can't have them? They have to go the same way to have a child. So why can't two same-sex couples create a child the same way a couple who can't conceive would do it?
In my own case, for those who don't know, I'm about as fertile as a bucket of sand. This is through medical conditions, and not anything I have done to myself. Does this mean I am not entitled to get married, even if I was a heterosexual? Seems to be the case, but I'll bet money rhat the arguers of anti-same-sex marraige haven't thought of this.
God/Jesus Forbids Sodemy
Correction: the men who wrote the bible forbid it. Neither God nor Jesus said two words about the subject. So if I never have anal sex with my partneer, does that mean I can get married? We can still have oral sex and I am sure I can think up a lot of other kinky things to do that I won't list here.
There are six passages in the bible that forbid sodomy, three of which I have been able to find a way around. 2 quotes from leviticus forbid sodomy, but leviticus was written as laws for the jewish communitty, not the christian communitty. The letter to the Romans was written by a homosexual, who in his times, feared himself and the things he went through. He forbid sodomy because he dsidn't want people to experience what he went through, not out of sheer spite. It was fear, not idealism, that had this commandment written. Speaking of which, not one of the ten commandments forbids same-sex couples. And don't say 'Lust' because I can quickly and easily introduce you to a lot of Heterosexual men who fall under that catagory as well, and probably a few women as well.
Society Will Fall Apart
Not according the the statistics of the few places in the world that have allowed same sex marraige. Within a year of the laws being passed, the number of same-sex marraiges dropped dramatically. there is a big line at the door, but once it is cleared, there isn't a lot left to do. Marraige for same sex couples comes by less often ebcause there is less of them by numbers.
the next thing to consider is those who will step up (in their own beleifs) and argue the point. Who is it causing social upheaval now? those who want to marry peacefully or those who come along to cause peaceful or not riots about it? I would like to point out the mass majority of these people are Christians. Another self-killing argument.
What you will probably find, if put to the vote, same-sex marriage would be in the interests of the majority. And while I amonly huesing from the people I have talked to on the subject, and most of which are heterosexual, I'd say the vote is easily won. So society wouldn't fall apart.
Uphold the ideas of the church
I really hate to brake it to you, but Christianity, catholocism and the like did not 'invent' marraige. Marraige is an ideal that went back a long way before the church was even a thought. The only reason it is even a basis for argument is because these religions are the leading religions of the world, and that is after stomping out the competition. Still, marriage is not a copyrighted ideal, so it is not down to the church alone to work out if people should/n't get married. And if it was, I'd like to thank them for all the people who have gone into marriage and gotten assulted, killed, abused and all those other wonderful things because of your idealism. Any questions?
Homosexual marraige rights will lead to rights for pedophiles
Blame game! I find it amusingly cute. If you consider that homosexuals have been fighting for qrights since about 1969, and if you consider the headway that has/is still to be made, there is a lot of time involved.
Homosexuals are not pedophiles. There is a mass psychological difference in these two things. Homosexuals are attracted to other people of the same gender, while pedophiles are attracted to younger people below the age of concent of whatever gender the prefer. I get that it would be great to blame the same-sex communitty for a lot of these issues, from pedophilia to incest and so forth, but at the end of the day, there is no conclusive evidence to support/disprove it. And don't start about sites on the internet, because I can certainly tell you now that whatever you can find on a gay porn site, you can more than likely find on a heterosexual porn site.
That argument aside, let's think about what would happen if pedophiles started making a stand. The death and assult rate would go up dramatically, more people would have to admit their ugly truths and the idea would take a whole lot longer to legalise (if ever) ebcause so many laws would have to be re-written and there would be more anger in society. this is where such anger for same-sex couples should be pointed; at the people who commit illegal acts of a sexual nature, not the concenting same-sex couples who want to spend their lives together. What a concept!
Now that i have argued my way through all of that, I feel a lot better. I found a good site on the net that takes what is basically the 14 arguemtns of Christians Vs Homosexuals and disbands them one at a time. While I admit I could certainly add to some of their points and expand on them dramatically, they are a good read nevertheless. Myth and fact
I feel better now!

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