Well, I was in a bit of a fun mood, so I thought I'd do two posts for today to make up for my lack of posts in recent times.
Before I start, I just want it noted that the times this site says I am posting these things is not correct, I just can't convince the clock to stay in Australian EST time.
Anyway, the title probably suggests I am going to be talking about women with... less than modest approaches to like, and you'd probably be right. I want to talk about all those goddamned late-night ads you get on tv for 'call me now' 'text to see me/her/us doing something hot' and dating sites that clearly aren't paying for good screen time. Here is the moral side I want to figure out. How do these women, ten/fifteen/twenty years down the track going to feel when they have a child and are just forgetting all about their otherwise skanked past, when their kid or partneer comes in and says they found them on the net. Wow, what a disaster. I understand some do it for the money because they have little choice, but others... well, I'm not going to delve too far into this.
However, this side of the world is not without amusement value. When it comes to the videos you can have sent to your phone, it is almost inevitable that there is one that is 'too hot to show.' One of these was described as 'Mary and Sue in the bath together.' Well, that's all good and well, and was probably a hot video for those who like that thing. But if I ran that company and you texted for that video, you would not end up with a vid of lesbian sex in the bath. You would have a video of two women in overalls cleaning the bath. They're in the bath, as the ad suggests, but we never said they were having sex. As for the 'too hot' part, well, it is hot water on what I am sure we can present to be a hot day.
This other one I recall was an absolute classic. The usual ads of 'Call me now' had a massive error in them. Now, while I appreciate the time and money it takes to put one of these ads together, it really wouldn't be so difficult to do a spell check. Your company doesn't look to clever when 'Coll me now' comes across the screen, does it?
On the other hand, we could just have a video of 'Mary playing with her banana.' Now, when I was told about this ad, as I didn't see it, I had the instant vision of this woman sitting on the floor, surrounded by toddlers toys and trying to encourage this banana to play with them. Idiodic, perhaps, but it is more amusing than what they probably meant for it to be.
A comedian put it best when they were talking about these ads. While visiting Aus, he saw an add of a (assumed) naked girl in the bath covered in bubbly goodness. She then told him to call her because they needed to talk. So he called her and said 'what?' Turns out she didn't even know him. There was $5 well spent.
"I want a man with bedroom eyes, athletic, dangerous and he's gotta be romantic/sensitive/funny.' Well honey, I want a man with a few of those things, but I don't all three of them competing for me interactively. Nor do I need to hear about the assumed idea that the gay bars/clubs are traggic queen scenes, nor listen to two or more 'friends' talk in monotones about a chat line. Are social skill failing us now? According to my last blog on the subject and my sister's reply, I think I need to agree. When it comes to these chat lines, it is evident, almost at once, that they don't cover every persons needs. Nor does it really point out what you need to go through to sign up to these things. The web sites are a tad different. I joined one, and I would just like to say that if the clubs and bars are tradgic, then some of the people I have met on these sites are in need of professional help. But that is just me.
"I'm all alone. Why don't you call me and we can talk." Well, I can certainly think of a few amusing things to discuss, none of which you are expecting me to want to talk about. I could talk about the inherit dangers and problems in getting giant red pandas to mate. I could discuss the many woven James Bond and Historic movie themes woven into the Batman Animated Series. Perhaps you would just prefer to discuss the Gross National Product of Persia? Either way, I am probably going to bore you to tears and make you realise life is too short. Hey, if Spongebob can do it to a mid-60's grandmother, I don't see how different it could be.
Now that I have vented my amusement to you all, I think that I might sign off. Todays Icon is form the Haunted Mansion series that I talked about a few posts ago. Todays card of choice is 'Rogue the Vampiress'. I thought it kind of suited,considering her dress sense. Now, What I would really like is for my two followers, if you guys would be so kind as to comment. Please, i am begging you. I want to know thoughts and ideas. I'm not attention seeking, but I really do want to know. I have been through your blogs, and while I didn't comment, one was amusing and the other, sadly, a tad plain. Until next time,
Wow Bro' , Thems fighting words but all true. As a woman I find it a challenge to get my head around why women choose to do this, perhaps self respect went out the door! I do know that some of the 'hot' ( as described) voices you can hear on these lines are less than glamorous in real life - hmm perception then is in the 'ear of the listener' and the joke is then on them. LOVE ME