Thursday, August 26, 2010

I'm not aging, I'm maturing!

Since starting my TAFE work, I have had a number of people outside of my course tell me what a bad thing it is to grow old, and that you are probably about as useful as a condom at the Vatacin.
If you are one of the people who says that, let me dispell a few things for you.

1) Old age does not automatically come with dimensia or alsimas. These mental issues are not specifically for the aged, and can strike anyone. But at 65, you have about a %3 chance of getting, it which is risen to about 10% if you make it to your 80's.
2) Weakness, frailness, etc, are apart of your own deterioration and therefore is your own problem nad fault, and no one elses.
3) Cognative failure is also your own problem if you are not keeping your mind sharp. Doing mental exercises every day not only keeps you thinking smarter, but it also reduces your chances of getting dimensia.
4) being old does not stop you doing the things you want to do.

Now, through the studies I have been doing, I have come across what is most likely my retierement plan, or something close to it. these wonderful singers called Young @ Heart are world famous quior singers, and their average age is 80. And they sing songs from all over the shop. True, some of them are a little bit of yesturday, but they have also done songs from ColdPlay and other "in" bands. Have a look at these.
Road to Nowhere
Stayin' Alive
I Wanna Be Sedated
Following these links and seeing some of their other songs should tell you that being old is no obsticle for doing what you want. Especially in "Road to Nowhere" which is proof like no other that being beyond a physical capability is no reaosn not to be in a music video or touriing the world between America and Europe.
My job, or what I will be qualified for at the end of the year, is to be taking people with either disability, aged or in other places with need of recreational needs and giving people a quality of life. Retirement does not mean sitting around in a hospis drinking endless cups of tea until you finally kick the bucket. There are places in the world where people get away with murdering their dimensiaed patients. (DISGUSTING!) My job is to help people, reguardless of their physical or mental limitations, live life to the fullest and enjoy the things that they enjoy doing, be it bingo, going out and drinking or making peg dolls for next Christmas. My classmates and myself feel very much this is something worth doing, despite the fact that the position is looked down on, disrespected by both co-workers and government policies, and the pay os (apparently) lousy. At the end of the day, someone has a quality of life, a smile and the feeling of being wanted and accepted. According to maslow's pyramid of human needs, that is one of them. Ha! I'm even talking in essay point now.
Now, for those who might be asking, I am presently passing my course. I have done 2 written assignments and 1 practical. I have gotten grades back for both written assignments, and got top marks (Compitent). The prac assignment was deemed as passable, with a few minor pointers, but everyone got the same thing, because it was a demonstration of organisation and activity building. I have 2 more assignments on the go at the moment, one a group effort and one is just for me to work on, and both are due on Tuesday. I am nervous about the one I have to do on my own, because I am unsure on some of the things I have to report on, but I can get some help. Wish me luck,

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Piss off already!

What the frell? I understand young talent is such a major thing these days, and I won't deny anyone with talent their place in their selected industry. But when shove comes to push, enough is enough. Who am I tlaking about? Justin Beiber. Two days straight now he has been the topic of discussion on TODAY and I am getting over it already.
Seriously, I can't really stand his music and the idea of listening to it makes me sick. He can sing, I'll give him that... at least until puberty fully sets in and his voice drops like a lead ballon. Let's see what happens to him after that.
I am, right now, listening to his song Baby, and I am convinced he did not write, much less concieve the idea of this song. For a teenager to be thinking and feeling these things is beyond recognition to reality.
And what is it with him wiring his memoirs? he is only 15/16 goddammit! Is he terminally ill? Is there something in his life that is threatening to take it all away? Those were my first thoughts until it was sugested this is more of a picture book than a written story. This raises the question 'what is there to show?' My friend Jane and I had some ideas on what might appear in this book, and it starts with photos of him being born (which is not something I need to wittness twice) and those "adorable" photos of a naked baby running around? If he wants to show it all off, go for it. I'm sure there are a million fan girls out there wanting to know what his personals look like. But it doesn't surprise me that the memoirs are going to be pretty much a photo album, bucause after listening to a few of his songs, the choruses don't inspire any great amount of confidence in his grasp of the english language. Considering at least two of the songs are him repeating the same word in slkightly different notes is all he has to present, I'm pretty sure he couldn't wrap his mind around words like 'mastication' without a fit of the giggles.
At the end of the day, I'm happy for him in that his life is full of adventure in a world that provides entertainment to millions world wide, but for fuck sake, enough is enough already. I'm sitting here listening to madison Avenue to get him out of my head, and if I hear his music being played at any of my favorite venues, I'll kill the DJ myself, or at least give him a frontal labottomy to remove the idea of playing his music again. I realise I am not his target audience, and probably for good reason. Because if I was, I'd probably be dead from brain anurisms listing to it. Good luck Justin, wherever you are, but please take it slowly. Even Richard Reid wants you to piss off. You are 16, not 66, there is still time to do a few things. And even if your life in the music industry falls apart, you can still take on tv, musicals and stage productions. Even Daniel Radcliffe had the stroke of genius to do stage work in between shooting Harry Potter films because he knew that HP wasn't going to hold him up forever. Expand now, just don't plaster it to death.
Pezerry the Peeved!