Sunday, February 27, 2011

One Day Away

What do you do when life hands you lemons? Make Whisky Sour and Taquillea Shots. What od you do if it hands you sugar? Make Fairy Floss and Vodka Breezers. When you are handed Apples, you got apple sauce and Cidar. So what happens when you are handed a little of everything and no instructions? Take a break!
I had been planning to see Mark this weekend just gone, and God only knows what we were going to do anyway, but he had a sudden urge to go travelling. Not only that, he wanted me to go with him. I'm not oppossed to a bit of travel, even if the places he has in mind are dull and unforgiving to open-minded tourists. Our choices were Shepparton or Echuca.... Grew up in Shepp, less in Echuca, hate Shepparton, boring Echuca. So we settle on Shepp because I at least know where to go to eat, cook and shop. Where to stay is a different matter. Shepp is booked right out by the time Mark started planning for this, so I had to recommend a few places and see if they had anything, and then discuss what was best of the alst options. A trailor park cabin was the best we could get, or else we were out of town. The good news is that this was the GOOD caravan park we were staying at, not the scungy dive beside the lake.
So upon arrival, we drive around and find the place, check in and then go looking for food and entertainment. Food is easy, Cellar 47 has always had good food and good service. The ask what you want and are generous with their cooking portions, and inquire frequently if you are enjoying your meal. The decore has imrpoved dramatically since I was there last and service is still great. I give it 3/5 stars.
Anyway, we criused town looking for somewhere to party that night. We landed at Yahoo Bar. Let's just say you could go fishing for a year with all the Jail Bait there. We asked a member of security where else would be good for us to go. The highly recommended GV Hotel was our best bet, but they are really fussy at the door and there are so many cliches that we thought we'd give it a pass. The other place played a good mix of music and had good drink prices, but it was a rough crowd for us. Fuck it, let's go back to the room and boink!
We both slept poorly, I got a stomach ache and we were both up and about by 630 in the morning. And the TENCH! Who let the bog imp loose? The smell fo humidity from the river was foul, and it was everywhere for hours. No matter, we will watch McGiver and it will all be good. I think.
The overnighter had started well, but turned south. Going out socially in Shepparton has gone downhill since my last trip out there. Shopping seems to be the major thing, as a lot of new shops have appeared and some have renovated and modernised. It is also a tourists note that Shepparton is one of the few places left to have a Pizza Hut that is also still a buffet. Use that info as you will. But the drive-thru has been removed and replaced with another Mall (thats 3 major ones now), junk food is slowly crawling further and further north. 17 years ago it was all confined to a 1km area in south shepp, and it is now expanded far enough north to cover all sides of town. It'll invade Mooroopna soon enough. Some things I was used to seeing were gone, and there seems to be an increase of liquor stores. Go figure!
Well, now that I've had a sudden trip away, i think the best I can say is that next time will be a bit more prepared. Until next time,

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Another day, another gay

God, if I were any busier, i'd probably sleep my way through any time off I had, but it has all been worth it.
First off, I am back at TAFE, studying for my Diploma, and that was a wonderful day. First, I had one of those nights where you are feverish, unsure of the passage of time and space, everything seems sureal and you don't know what your body temp is from one minute to the next because it fluctuates. At 9, I staggered under bed with that wonderful sick feeling in the ehad that comes equiped with vertigo. I still got myself to class on time only to find out my teacher is away ill. I dragged MY arse down there to attend, so why couldn't she do the same?
Anyway, I am thankfully not the only guy in class this year, I've got the aged Ted and the twinkishly hot Rob to keep me company, as well as two of the girls from alst years clas. So the day was spent walking around in the heat seeing everything that I knew where was from last year. The afternoon was spent going over some internet things which were new to me, so no pains there. I also took an ACCA test, which was no big deal for me either, despite the fact I felt like trying to get the sleep I'd missed the night before.
Thursday held some surprises. I've got a paid weekend away for two to Dylesford in march, but no one to take with me, so I'm asking around, with little luck so far. A new guy in my life, mark, i asked him if he wanted to go and he said he'd think about it. But he also asked me out on a date. We went to the machanics Institute theatre to see a very camp stage play. I can't remember its full name, but it had a lot of modern gay humor. He paid for the tickets and drinks, so I guess our next date is on me. But we sat in the theatre and held hands and leaned into each other. Well, I was leaning on him because from where I was sitting it iwas the only way I was going to breathe. But Mark is a really sweet guy and there is lots of potential. Only setback so far is he is a workoholic and puts work first. So I guess i need to work on that, or addapt.
Now, a side note for my Sister, whom I love dearly, but has a tendency to put her foot in her mouth sometimes. My FB comment about a date was written in sincerity because I had had such a lovely night, and your comment back was not very well thought out. Perhaps next time you could ask before shooting. Thanks sweetheart!
Anyway, moving on. As we all know, Australia has had some wonderful flooding in the past few weeks, and Melb was no exception. The garage of my last place got flooded badly, and I had to go down and help with the clean up and out. Lucky for me, the stuff I have stored there wasn't damaged, so far as I can tell. I can't locate a few things, but they might not have been in the garage, so I need to find them soon. Considering these things include my graduation certificates from primary/high school, i kinda want them back. But the whole cleanup wasn't too bad, and I found a few things I thought I had ditched, but apparently not. good thing too because I wanted them back.
This was all followed by a birthday dinner for Jane. My mentor and one of my best friends turned a wonderful 51, and she doesn't look a day over 40. A nice dinner at Taco Bill... with screaming and loud kids at the next table and the parents not interveining when they should have. When they were leavbing, i said in a tone audable enough for the people sitting around me to hear me utter "And stay out!" Seriously, most of us who aren't used to kids, or haven't had them in ages, if at all, came out with headaches. But it was nice to catch up with a few people and surprise Jane with a cake. I didn't get Jane anything ebcause she is shopping for herself so much right now that there is little else to get her at the moment, so I should give her a $20 from my next payday so she can buy herself something nice.
Along with all that, the place has been under repair again. I swear there is something with hot plumbers coming to my place. last year was the hot plumber who fixed my shower, who walked in saying "Good morning, let's make some noise." Oh yes please! This time round, two guys in verying height and hair color and skin tone walk in and i my mind it is just a threeosme waiting to happen. If I evr do sleep with the help, do they still charge it to my Landlord?
Back to reality!
I got my toilet and rain drains fixed, since they were either leaking too much or not enough. One has been tested, one has not. Where is a bloody flooding rain when you want one? On second thought, it is due to rain most of this week, so i can test it out properly.
House-sitting, weddings, friends, dates, school, volunteer work, trying to organise a few things; life just keeps going and going and going, but it is not gone... not yet... unless I'm the animated dead and just haven't realised it. Anyway, I think it is time to retire for the night and dream of whatever it is that I dream. Hopeflly of another date in the near future and a Valentine's Day that actually comes with a guy on my arm taking me somewhere nice, or vice versa. Good night kids,

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Bride and Joy

For all my time doing the work I do, I can only say that there is no day that brings more pride than when you see one of the people you have supported get married. Last Sunday was that day for my dearest Krystal. And for those of you who can count, it has been one year after Mum's wedding. Who is getting married this time next year I wonder?
Anyway, I had a wonderful day. The church was beautifully set out, the bridesmaids were gorgeous in purple and the maid, gorgeous Krystal, was in white. She might not look that happy in the photo, and that is because she hasn't had a cigarette in hours, but on the other hand, she is almost overcome with joy, because if I had handed her this wedding date the first day we met, she'd have told me I was delusional. Vut we have known each other for what is about five years, and she has come so far. I won't discuss how, but I can say it is so.
While I find the endless dronings of Priests unutterably boring, the ceremony itself was beautiful. Rita and Sam, the gorgeous bridesmaids were their usual charming selves (and I mean that as i always mean it) and I think they were just as ecstatic about the day as Krystal was.
The reception was at the Sandown, and while I have never been there before, i have to say that the food was good, the service excellent and the conversation between me and the people was amusing. Not everyone who was to sit at my table showed. But the three of us dubbed ourselves the 'Single and Homeless' table, because between the three of us, two were single and the other had lost her home in the flash flood we had last Friday. All that aside, we had a fun time.
Krystal kept up quite a number of traditions. The Bridal Waltz was there, and while I took photos, it was too dark to get anything clear. I had a dance with a few of the girls, and then Krystal had her gartar removed and thrown. Ironically, the song to go with was 'Leave Your hat On.' That's Krystal, fun at every turn. While I didn't participate in that part, I did have a go for the bouquett, but it didn't even go in my direction and I didn't have enough time to do a diving lunge for it. No matter, I need a guy before I can get married.
I retired from the party at about 9, and I don't think it went on for much longer after that. Vaughn, the charming Groom, was also in good spirits, and while he and I are probably never going to be the best of friends, he and I get on well enough.
The one thing I have pride in is that I have watched this relationship from the start, and that I was there when Krystal and Vaughn met. While I offered to make a speech, the idea was turned down because it was a long day and people had to drive back to Shepparton and beyond (poor sods) that night. But now, 4 days on, I can smile at the thought that Krystal and Vaughn are honeymooning happily in Shaggers Bay (yes, that is a real place, I am not making this up) in Tasmania. needless to say I am going to be all over Krystal like a rash to get details of the honeymoon upon her return.

Of course, what is a Wedding without a Hen's Night? Duh Krystal invited me to that, because I am the best Boy Girlfriend. I am an offical girl in a lot of circles, so I was more than happy to attend. The night was full of sexual innuendoes. We had a giant penis pinyatta, penis straws for all, blow up penis's for the bride, the bridesmaids and one for me (as the unoffical bridesmaid) and we did plan to wear them down different parts of our clothing upon our trip to the Mountain View for Karaoke. But first, we have to have a stripper. I am not a fan of strippers, but this guy was cute in the face, short and not the most arrogant of strippers I have ever met. He did roll his eyes slightly upon discovery of me, but I still got a bit of a play. Krystal got a handful, in many ways, and we added the bonus that the stripper was a fireman. Why? because Vaughn is a fireman and he won't do something like this for Krystal. I know I'm talking out of school, but there has to be a little cheek. Whoops, there I go again.
Plans changed! Karaoke got flooded in the friday flash flood, and we all landed at the pool Room (the Tool Room as I know it) instead. half a game of pool and a number of free shots later, krystal is in the toilets throwing up, I'm having girl tlak with the girls and getting to the slightly drunken point of my own love life. no matter, this isn't my night, it is Krystals, and I have a bag full of penis pinyatta sweets to show for it. I think that between that and the alcohol, I'm having fun. Muggy it may be, but I survived.
Well, on this, the closing notes of what has to be a success I have had a hand in, I feel that there is little more I can do to guide Krystal into her future. This is one of those wonderful finishing points you look for when helping people, and now that it is reached, I have a best friend in krystal, a number of friends that she and I share and perhaps a friend in Vaughn. I do hope that the future holds a lot more of these successes, ncluding my own. Best of luck and love to both Krystal and Vaughn as you start your lives together,