Friday, March 11, 2011

Just Get Over It Already! Yeish!

there is a lot to be said for being famous, because it doesn't matter what you do, because you'll get rewarded for it. here are the names in the media (or at least the subject matters) that are really getting up my nose.
*Charlie Sheen
*Justin Beiber
*The Royal Wedding
*Justin Bavola
*St.Kilda Sex Scandal
Seriously, whop gives a fuck? Not me. Should I break these things down and anylise them? You know I'm going to.

Charlie Sheen
Drug fucked, over-sexed, self-centered, egotistical and simply a sleeze! I thought it was bad enough when 2 and a Half Men decided to makwe the point that good guys don't finish at all and that to sexually abuse and think less of women from a drunken haze is perfectly okay. Considering that women are already the abused of the two sexes in a lot of respects, why not just rub it in. True, I find a number of aspects of 2aaHM funny, but these are usually at the points where Berta is talking or when Charlie gets what he deserves.
Following that, Charlie has abused wives, endangered his kids, been to drug rehab, hospital and court so many times you'd think that he'd learn something. Apparently not. And now that he's been kicked from the show, he's gonna sue. I can't blame the producers, quite frankly, considering the cost of looking after Charlie started to rise above and beyond the call of fairness.
So, in a rage, Charlie has invaded the internet to prove how cool he is, and 1M people are following this. I'd log on and blast him, but that would be a waste of effort, because what would it change?
From all the television interviews I've seen, Charlie is so self-conceited, he can do no wrong. His mind probably is angry because he won't deal with his issues and he is the perfect father. I've met a lot of less-than-ideal fathers, and Charlie makes them look like saints in comparisson. I'd like to see Charlie pass another 'Working With Children' check.
End of the day: If we pay less attention to him, he'll hopefully realise that no one cares as much as he hopes and he'll return to the occasional news report that is of him being admitted to hospital/rehab from overdose. I pray it doesn't kill him, but at this rate, it probably will be his fate.
Charlie: I've seen people who have been on your drugs for a good amount of their lives, so when you are in a wheelchair with degenerated muscles and dymensia, let me know if you're still having fun.

Justin Beiber So a teenager can sing, big deal! I've bitched about this before and I'll do it again. He is presently in London with 1000+ fans outside his Hotel. Police have told him he will be arrested for enciting a revolt if he dares to step out onto the balcony. If he ever gets to his concert, he'll be to exhausted to perform.
It is great to see someone so young lead such a good career, but can we PLEASE stick to one media at a time. A movie, television and music is one too many. Start with one, do it for a while and then stray quietly into one and then into the other. But then again, perhaps this is all being hurried before his voice breaks or strains beyond use.
I onyl heard briefly that his hair sold for so many thousand to $1m. And what would yu do with it, exactly? In 10 years, it will be worth quite a bit, but who cares? It's hair! I did ask at one point "which hair" but considering the jokes, there probably only is head hair on offer because that's all there is.
End of the day: I'm happy he is doing so well in life, but I wonder what he is going to be doing when his voice can no longer do those high notes. He'll probably end up as an airplane trolly-dolly like Sara-Marie probably is now.

Royal Wedding: That oversized ring looks like it'll break her finger at any moment, it was given originally to Dianna without love and personal items like that carry such thoughts and energys. I don't wish them any ill thoughts in their wedding, but I do want to hear a little less about it. And while I hope that I'll hear less about it after the wedding, methinks I will get a blow-by-blow of her daily life on the 6pm news until it becomes boring. Get married, get on with it, get over it, move on!

And quite frankly, the other two are footballer issues, and I really don't have time to go onto what I think about the endless cycle of protecting footballers from themselves in an ever-failing cycle of sex, alcohol and rehab. If they acted in accordance for a bloody change and stopped making news outside of game tackles and the like, the world might be a little bit more well-behaved.
See you after Daylesford,

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