Sunday, February 5, 2012


Now, I am not an irrational person, and I believe in giving everyone a fair chance, and that when people say something, they tend to mean it. And when I put a bit on the line for someone I really care about, it doesn't do to...
a) find out he has taken the worst effort to cancel on me and tell me about it (ie, not telling me directly) and...
b) that after saying they will spend the night alone, I find on facebook, not two hurs later, that they are at a friends place.
To be clear, I had offered to go and get this person to make up for the lost plans that were originaly in place, but that was turned down as well. Now, I am trying not to be unreasonable, as I can make plans with this person again and I can see them again, but I think this time I will simply leave him to work it out. I should just crawl back into my shell, since it is the only place I am not going to get a knife of some sort for turning my head or having an interest.
I'm not sure which one would have been more unfair, being told that he couldn't come to me and he was going to see other friends, or being lied to. I think the former would have been better, but I don't know all the circumstances. Maybe I am reading this way too much.
Okay, so having established this person is not my favorite at this present point, I also have reached the point that my life has come to a grinding halt again. I have no job, no life, my social world is in ash at my feet and the few things I have left don't inspire a lot of confidence. Someone has sucked the wind out of my sails and I would appreciate if they would exhale again. But I am calm, I am in control and my reality is as I shape it.
So, for now, i will have wedding cake and watch another movie for the review list. Ciao,
Pez in a foul mood unti after cake.

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