Sunday, October 8, 2017

And we're back

Hi everyone,
                  So I've been away for a while, and now I'm back. I've decided that I need to start blogging again so that I can express a few things, ad potentially get a number of opinions out of my system. I find hand-writing them doesn't quite work as well as it should, so back to the keyboard. 
So while I will hold off my expressions from this entry, I will list a few things I've done since I left here in 2013.
  • 2014-2015; I was part of the MGLC (Melbourne gay and Lesbian Chorus). This was a pursuit of both socializing and music. And while I enjoyed the stage performances and organizing some of the events that were there, I also found I didn't work well with the dynamics. So after a number of events close together, I left the choir at the beginning of the 2016 season. I attempted to return this year, however I worked out that I was not welcome by many (and some really wanted me as well, so it wasn't a disaster as a whole) and that doing choral music doesn't suit me any more. 
  • Around April 2015 I started taking singing lessons with the wonderful Parke O'Dwyer. I've learned a lot vocally, and we are now working on some songs in my vision of music. I am really excited for its completion in (hopefully) early December.
  • In June 2015 I started studying Kung Fu. At present I have risen to level 6 and going for my level seven. My teacher Chris is very good and I learn a lot from him.    
  • In January 2016, I turned 30. I spent months planning my birthday, and the night was the most beautiful I've had in a long time before e or since. I was simply happy all night.
  • In 2016, I finally earned my Cert III in Psychosomatic Therapy. It has been a long time coming, however I am very pleased to have this skill at this level, and look forward to developing it further. 
  • In October 2016, I joined a gaming group in Melbourne for Gay Gamers (Gaymers). I still remember my first night there; people were friendly and inclusive, no one was rude about my low vision and were patient with me learning games. I've been going for about a year now, and I look forward to it each week and feel rather empty if I don't go. 
  • This year, I got it with a lot of inspirations, and have created a board/card game of my own. I'm going to try and sell the game, so here's hoping. 
Still single, and while there was someone of interest  around winter 2013 on and off for about a year, it didn't work out. However, I am still my beautiful self and getting better.
So with this brief catch-up, I'm going to sig off this quick entry, and look forward to seeing your resonances on future entries. With much love,
Perry B 

Photo: The Phryne Festival Murder Mystery Dinner, May 2015

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