Hi all. Yes I know I have been away for a good period of time, but I am back for a bit. I will do another entry on what I have been up to at a later time, but this is one entry I want to get off my chest. This is a discussion of beliefs.
Now, I am not one to make people believe something, I don't find it productive or agreeable, and you treat people the way you want to be treated. I usually talk from the perspective am right, but I make sure people understand I talk from that point because it is just easier. And when someone presents their viewpoints in the same respect, I am more than willing to listen, discuss and compromise throughout the discussion if I get it in return.
What I don't like is religious fenatics that won't budge. their way or no way and that's that. No reasoning, no open-mindedness and definately no perspective. Needless to say, a number of people have told me that because of my sexuality or beliefs, I am going to hell because "the devil is tricking you." In case you haven't picked it, I am discussing people like Fred Felps (sic) and Born Again Christians. Now, I have always been of the opinion that the only thing worse than a born again Christian is a born again jogger. That aside, I will always take it on an indvidual level. If a Born Again Christian listens to what I have to say and isn't forceful on their beleifs, then I'll survive. But if their minds are steel traps that I can't budge, I haven't the time.

Now, for those who don't know, I have spent a lot of the last month or two collecting and watching all the Buffy the Vampire Slayer seasons. The last one (season 7) has a major religious leader as its major enemy. I can't stand a single word form him, and he doesn't only set off my religious anger, he sets of my feminist side as well. Now, when it comes to religious debate, I can compromise, but when I hear men, religious or not, talk like women are beneath them for one reason or another, I like to remind them that it is thanks to a woman they are there to say these things at all, get sexual pleasure (provided they are straight) and that there is nothing bad about women on the general whole. I can think of more annoying things about men off hand. If this doesn't get through to them, it becomes sorely tempting to kick them in the nuts and then ask them how it feels to be a man? That is what I want to do to this bad guy. First off, he talks that all women, regurdless, are dirty. Why is not really understandable. Forget slaying him, I'd tie him down, stand him in a bucket of water and connect one jump cable to it, the other to his testicles, and the other ends to a car battery. And yes, I'd do it too. While I know he is just an actor and so forth, and that he has certainly been picked well to play the part, God I haven't seen two episodes with him and I want him dead.
As far as religion goes, I know I am lucky to live in the times I do. A while ago, I would have been tortured and burned to death because I am a left-handed homosexual pagan. I doubt they'd even bother with a trial. But still, they go around demonstrating "The Love of God." Mhmm! The Love of God is to ruin the special days of people's lives form start to finish with protestors waving signs displaying the truth. Well, their truth at any rate. believe me, I know this because I went to the offical website of these people and saw that they have nothing better to do than to picket a graduation of a public school because the educators are apparently unfit to teach, and therefore they must give these people one fleeting glimpse at redemption and truth before they go into the world and live lives of sin. Seriously, do tey not have anything better to do? Please remember these are the same people who said we deserved Black Saturday because we live in sin, accept homosexuals and have dirty ways of living. Clearly these people have never experienced the living through and aftermath of a bushfire. I haven't either, but I have heard terrible things and seen shocking images of fire disasters, and to think they would dump that on us in the midst of our darkest hour is disgusting.
However, I am not without faith. I do have some belief in the Christian/Catholic God, but I do not follow his rules. I do believe that he is all loving and that he does administer worthy judgement. if I am not much mistaken, Fred Felps will get to heaven and be in the sight of God. God will look upon him and the conversation would be something as such.
God: "My son, while I appreciate the love you have shown for me, you have caused too much pain and misery to those around you to be worthy of a place at my side."
Fred: but I have done everything for you because I love you. Your word is law and I followed it to the letter."
God: "Well, actually, you ignored the two rules I set down for mankind and introduced a lot of your own to be able to get away with your need to dominate mankind, and the number of deaths I had to deal with and innocent souls I had to rescue has been staggering."
Fred: "Those people did not believe, and therefor deserved to be in hell. Limbo was not befitting punishment for them."
God: "And who are you to judge for me? There is no other Judge of souls but me. So what to do with you Fred? I can't send you to hell becuse your love is too great, Limbo is not befitting and you can't stay here with me because you are too dark in your soul." *Ponders* "I have it." *Snaps Fingers. Fred Disappears*
Fre: *Reappears in a different part of heaven* "Where am I? *Looks around*
Large banner: "Welcome to Gay Heaven, the home to the beleiving homosexual.
Fred: "What? How come they are here?"
Vocie of God: *Because they believed in me and were therefore saved. You are to live out an etternity in heaven with them."
Fred: "Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo!"
little comical perhaps, but I think it would be rather amusing. Keep him in heaven with all the homosexuals. He'd probably find God visits them frequently.
I had a friend point out to me the other week that while the Bible has 6 passages condemming homosexuals, it also has 300something passages condemming heterosexuality. What does this mean? It means that even if God hates homosexuals, he thinks heterosexuals need closer monitoring.

Enough radicalist knocking, I still have the BAC's to contend with. These people are fine if they keep to themselves or agreeable. But still you meet the ones that don't back off and need to be ignored or put in their place. Well, the above two icons are good little lines, but here are some others.
BAC: Have you accepted jesus as your personal saviour?
Buffy: Yeah, you know, I meant to, but then I just got busy.
BAC: You need to be straight or you will go to hell.
Me: If hell is free of your judgmental god and full of homosexuals, it can't be that bad.
BAC: I am the hand of God.
Me: I'm happy for you, now go drown in detol before you touch me. And if you are the instrament of God, just don't come near me at all.
BAC: Jesus loves each and every one of us who believes in him.

Okay, I feel better now that I have ranted and played otherwise angry and fierce music some won't find agreeable, but when the song promotes my need to hurt something until it is gone, I feel better. Have a listen to You're Dead which is really a twisted love song than anything else, and tell me if you get why I feel better after listening to it a few times. I'll be talking about WET (the game it is linked to) in my next blog. Til then,
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