Sunday, June 27, 2010
Yes, I know I haven't blogged in a while, and that is simply because I have been either busy, bored or short on a topic. But here are a few things I have discovered in the apst few weeks.
Actors martin Sacks and Sean Murray are left-handed.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer is cheap at JB Hi-Fi
God of War 3 is a very amusing game.
In the meantime, my hunt continues for the top 10 men list. I want to take someone from Buffy, but I am really having a hard time deciding. Giles (Anthony Stewart Head) is okay but still a good choice. Not a lot of chest hair I've noticed. Spike (James marsters) is really hot but I think he is a little too thin for me. Really hot and love the accent and the eyes. Definately a win there. However, Xander (Nicholas Brendon) has that wonderful boyish charm and open-expression eyes that I really like, a wonderful body and a nice voice. One thing that has caught my attention is that he is good at playing characters that are a little bit self-doubting, lack confidence and self-esteem, hope it isn't a reflection on him.
So until I decide which Buffy boy is on the list, I will keep buying and watching episodes. There is also a bit of a hunt for a hot male singer to join the list. Robbie Williams is not really my sort, his music doesn't gel with me as much. And while a number of the members of Scissor Sisters are pretty cute, I am not too sure about them either. Too twinky or lacking in some form of phyiscal personality, if that makes sense.
I have started my volunteer work at a nursing home in Canterbury, and that has been pretty good. Three hours for once a week. It is pretty good work, moving residents to their morning activities, most of the work is with demensia patients, so I am learning a few things there. A few tricks in the trade are there, but it can be individual. I'll expand on it when I start classs, which is in a few weeks.
Well, that's about it really. Just social, singing and working. Nothing dramatic. Chat soon,
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Movie Review 10.June
Title:The Shining
Staring:Jack Nicholson, Shelley Duvall, Danny Lloyd
Rating: 4 Psycho Axe Murders
Review: This movie has a lot of reputation to being one of the best horror films in recorded time. By title, reputation and original author, you have to agree that this book turned movie by Stephen King has to be one of the best. Even I will admit I can’t stand trying to read Stephen King, his work drives me insane, but the movies that proceed books are getting good.
If it wasn’t a pointless idea to deduct points for bad hair, I’d do it, but then this movie would be a building from the ground up in terms of points, considering that nobody seems to have a decent hairstyle throught the movie, except perhaps Lloyd the Barman.
What does bug me about this movie otherwise, and many other movies before and after is the screaming. Will Wendy kindly put a sock in it? There is no one nearby to hear her scream and therefore it is doing no one any good. But I didn’t take a point off for that because otherwise these movies wouldn’t get abywhere anyway.
The one thing that brought this movie down for me was having seen the Simpsons abridging parody of the movie, which gave me an idea of what happened from start to finish, but I was still game to see the film properly and how it all worked out. I notice that Stephen King is not one for writing what happens to everyone after the event except in one exception (thus far0, that being Misery.
I took a point off simply because there were many times when this film could have used some abridging itself, and that if there were less of a few things, or those things gave off more explanation, than that owuld have been better. Like how did any of the major characters develop such great third sight? How are their worlds so powerfully affected by the paranormal, and so forth. We know Danny has the Shining, those two words never appearing in the movie, and that perhaps it is a combined gift from his parents bloodline. No ther conclussion drawn. And that there were a number of things in the film that went without explanation or logical links. They are just there randomly, have no real point and connect to nothing dramatic. The ghosts here and there around the Hotel while Wendy is trying to find her son, the blood in the elevator and ‘Red Rum’ being a few of them. And what was Danny doing while Mummy and Daddy played victim and killer in the main hall? I know he was listening in (the little eavesdropper) but could you be a little more specific? Either way, get the kid a councilor, a shrink and a psychoanylist.
Jack Nicholson has a bad habbit of taking on folms where his character shares the same first name, this and Tim Burton’s Batman being primary examples. If I searched Wikipedia, I am sure I can find more of them. But at the same time, the former movie certainly laid the ground-works for the latter, and you can see that jack Nicholson, either through psychosis or mental advancement, is a perfect villain of a psychopath. Just give him a new character name, please.
Would this movie appear on my shelf? I’m not sure, simply because it dragged for too long. There were so many logical points where this whole situation could have been avoided and if characters spoke up and certain times, things might have averted. But if you ask me, this relationship was doomed from the getgo, it just boiled down to here.
I decided to follow the story of the Shining to its original source; the book. Reading the Wikipedia abridging, this explains more clearly why things are happening and what events are taking place. Laying this over the top of the film, removing plot changes, etc, it makes the film a little bit easier to understand in places where it previously wasn’t. I also chased down some of the Music, selecting my favorite song for your listening pleasure.
FYI: The image of Jack in the snow was more freaky than any shot of him as the Joker you will find.
Title: The Color Purple
Staring: Whoopi Goldburg, Danny Glover, Margaret Avery, Oprah Winfrey
Rating: 4.5 Purple Flowers
Review: Well, this film/play caught my attention through one of its songs, entitled Push Da Button (enter code and it should work) performed at the local Drag bar. Annoyingly, the song didn’t appear in the film. After a lot of work, I found its origins and then discovered the movie. Now, after seeing a few movies taken from plays, I had a few ideas of what The Color Purple might entale. What I didn’t expect was the story it told. But with an all-star African-American cast, I couldn’t tell you how much I enjoied this story. I laughed, I cried, and I enjoied watching Oprah Winfrey punching people out left, right and centre, which was a major bonus.
The story is basically about African-American women and their rights form the late 1890’s to the late 1930’s. It demonstrates the difficulties of not only being black, but also being a woman in a time where neither had a great number of rights. How two sisters go through such hardships together and what a rat bastard their father is, and he then marrys off one of his daughters (to whom he ahs had two kids) to another rat bastard. The story goes on to watch Celie (Whoopi Goldburg). This man pulls her and her sister Nettie (Akosua Busia) and how she swaers God will never keep them apart. And so we follow Cilie as she loses a lot of hope for her life until she meets Shug Avery (Margaret Avery) who gives her the corage and hope she needs. Fueled by the independant friend Sofia (Oprah Winfrey) she discovers that her two children are not incest-bred.
I took all of .5 of a pint off. I’m sorry but a movie that brings me to crying fits twice can’t lose that many points. I took it off because there are times where the movie seems to have jumps in time passing. Sometimes it is only hours or days, and then we jump whole years. I also took it off because whenever the season ‘Fall’ appeared on screan with a year, it went by so quickly it looked like ‘Fail’. If it was any quicker I’d have to pause and go back to check the time and date.
This movie is inspiring and brings out the novelist one me. I just want to sit down and write, despite the late hour and the things I have to do tomorrow. But it also reminded me why I have always been in support of everyone having equal rights, reguardless of race, religion, sexuality or gender. There is always a reason, and people who have no idea about how tough life was back then for people less... I don’t want to say privilaged, but I’m short on words, they should see this and get a better idea of what you might of gone through if you were black, a woman, or both. God help you if you were a black lesbian.
Will this movie be on my shelf? Stupid question, considering I only took .5 off the top score. The Color Purple is definately a good movie for a night in, and a reminder of who we are as humans.
Title: Amber’s Story
Staring: Elezibeth Rohm, Teryl Rothery, Myron Netwick
Rating: 3.5 Amber Alerts
Review: This movie, based on a true story, is probably one of the most touching in the list of movies I will ever watch and present here in the review. The story is based on the abduction and murder of Amber Hagerman in 1996, and how her Mother took charge with her grief and created the Amber Alert.
The movie in itself is not very telling, nor is it very specific after the first half hour. It lives through what the mother went through, then how she set up the Amber alert while it cross-sections with another abduction story. In short, the two mini-stories tell how the alert was created and slowly adopted into every state of the USA while it depicted the abduction of another girl and how the Amber Alert tracked down and caught another kidnapped girl.
After doing a little background reading, I discovered that this is more of a film made for TV than it is anything else, but it is still a touching thing to watch.
I am a Taurian Moon in my astrology, which apparently will make me a great Father one day, and sitting and watching this film through had me on the virge of tears from start to finish, and there were certain points that the film had me leak a tear or two. I couldn’t imagine the pain and suffering that comes with being the parent of a lost/abducted child, and I’m really glad that part of Australia also adopted the idea. And that leads me to say that if George W. Bush signed the Protection Act of 2003, creating the American Nation-wide Amber Alert, he can’t be all bad.
Not something I would see again, sadly enough, simply because there was little suspence to it. It is an interesting movie documentory and an insight into what it takes and how to do it for setting up such things.
In prayer to the soul of Amber Hagerman. May the afterlife be a p[lace of peace and that fear is nothing more than an idea. From where you are, may it be seen that even in death, you have created something most powerful and saved many more lives. I am sorry you went through whatever ordeal led to your death, but may you find comfort in the web created in the American System protecting innocent children. Rest now in peace and love.
This weeks ratings
(*) The Color Purple (4.5)
(?) The Shining (4)
(x)Amber’s Story (3.5)
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Enough Already! Surely they know?
Back a few years, I was a bit of a night owl, watching late night quizzes and focusing on my drawing with it as a backgorund noise, with the spaces in between filled with ads for sex and call-me-now ads. But most of you know that I have already commented on that. If not, you can read it here. But I suppose the one thing I didn't comment on was this specific set of commercials. I thought they were getting irritating then, seeing as there were at least three on at any one time, but I ignored it because people with this problem proably wouldn't be tuned in. Then there was a bit of a complaint (from the least suspecting of parties) about one of the commercials starring a long-time Australian actor, name forgotten. Then I stopped watching late-night television and didn't give a damn. But apparently it had infected radio, so I wasn't getting away from it that easily. Nowadays, I'm a bit more of a Midday televison person. Guess what? The ads have found me there too. But what is it that I am talking about> What is this irritating subject that must surely be cured by now? It is premature ejaculation ads.
Seriously, ftw now? These ads have been running for so long that if any man has not seen/heard one, or been given the information by their respective partneer, they are hermits in the mountains somewhere. Either that or the medicine is defective. How many clinics, medications and groups do you need to discuss premature ejaculation? A few medications distributed from one place and perhaps a gorup session for men willing to talk/brag is fine, but it seems to be the chemist's cash crop for the decade. I am so beyond caring! Yes, I have had premature men, but no, they didn't really seem to care. But that is going to a place I can hear my readers screaming TMI!
So what is pissing me off? Well, to start, the least impossible of these ads that was neither degrading, stupid or comical was the one that was banned. A couple in bed were clocked by two policemen having sex for all of a minute. But who were the unlikely voices screaming for this ad to be removed and shaming the actor? Women's voices. The mass majority were women! I understand their logic, and I also understand that most of them are either doomed, damned or desperate in the bedroom anyway, or married... although some would class that under 'doomed.' My point being, that this ad, which was least incriminating on any great level, got the shit kicked out of it and dragged off air with the traditional shepherd's crook.
The above wouldn't be such a problem if there wasn't such irritation in my brain and steam coming out of my ears every time I see an ad for Sniff and Stiff playing the piano with their erections (sensored). My first promblem is that the penis, while erect, doesn't have the flexability, much less the dexterity, to play the tune they play. What irritates me more is that this ad (and its abreviated brother) is still running after all these years. Classic advertising? More like a frequent excuse to get high on brain bleech.
New Year's 2007-8 or 2008-9 had a major uprise in anger against one of Australia's celebs while he hoasted the New Year's show for one of our channels (won't name in case I am mistaken). Matthew newton was either seriously insane, drunk or carried away when he did half the things he did that night while a man played the piano. But, one of the things commented on was his mimicary of Sniff and Stiff, where he pretended to play the piano in time with his genitals, while his pants were still around his waist. Somehow, someway, some incomprihencible chain of events didn't tie the two together. Clearly Sniff and Stiff have been working wonders for Matthew, and possibly in more ways than one. So why is Matthew taking the heat while SnS are getting off scott free?
At the same time as all this is building in my memory, another company for erection medication that is legal has come up with an old idea. They got an actor (who I clearly care so much about I forgot his name) from Baywatch. Baywatch? BAYWATCH! That's the best you got? Couldn't you get something a bit more recent? Damien Welshe-Howling? Someone who has an active TV career to date? Someone whose media career didn't reach the top when slow motion was considered cool? Apparently not! All actors seem to be too busy except this guy. Still physically hot, perhaps, but seriously, I don't care. What makes this ad even worse? He is advertising America by compairing us to them. For your information Mr.I'll-do-anything-to-get-back-on-tv, Australia has more beaches in the world than anoy other location. Shove it, along with yuour erection and premature ejaculation problems, up your arse! Even the models sitting aorund him don't seem to interested in either him or his dialog.
My point, at the end of the day, is that if men are not aaware by now, they are clearly out of all technological loops that will get the information help to them, or are too stubborn to deal with it. Everyone else is just fine! I'm fine! My sexual partneers are fine! My friends (last I asked) are fine! Everyone is fine! Give it a rest. And if I ever meet Sniff and Stiff, I am going to kick their born-again sex drives so far north, people will be asking if they are enjoying their meapause. Yes, they are probably old enough, if not older. Until then, enough of these goddamned commercials that are not getting anywhere in either my world, or the world of people who probably have the number memorised. Shut up! Die! Go Away! Visit the pit of tartarus!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Movie Review 3.June
Well, this week we have hit extremes of both types. Not only do we have a new top ranking for a movie, but we also have the lowest ranking movie for your reviewing pleasure. It will be hard to match that combo again.
However, what I do need is some more movies for my list, because it has grown short. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, either here or on my Facebook.
This weeks mocies
Title: Conversations With God
Staring: Henry Czerny, Vilma Silva, T. Bruce Page, Ingrid Boulting
Rating: 4 Chats with a Deity
Review: This is completely a left-of-field movie for me. Normally, I avoid religious ideals and discussions because of the number of times I crash headlong with them, and the number of things they try to push on people is simply frustrating. But I saw an ad for it in the previews of ‘Shortbus’ and I thought it actually looked interesting, so I decided to bite the bullet and go with it. The other innormality about this film is that it is beyond rare for me to hire off the Drama shelf. Kudos for the change.
The movie is based on a real story, and a sad story at that, although the movie plot gets very mixed with the then and now. What I find more amusing is that there is a connection between God and the beliefs around what is called ‘White Lighting.’ But without getting too much into religious ideals, it presents God with an explanation. I have to say that from what I recall in the bible and my teachings from Church, this is the God I was brought up to believe in. Not a parent who punishes, not a disiplinary, but a being who creates connections of love and happiness which includes our intuition.
My one point deduction comes from just how slow the plot drags at the beginning. I had a hard time working out what point he was at in his life, what he was aiming for or what he was doing at specific points. The fact that the hired DVD disc was scratched to buggery didn’t help matters either.
What I am enjoying about this film is that. there is no preasure religiously, there is a lot of remorse for the main character, and there is a lot of wondering about how A gets to B. I am not sure if I will put it on my shelf, because it is not totally my type of film. But with such a high rating, you can bet with a lot of certainty that I will watch it again.
Tirle: Silent Hill
Staring: Radha Mitchell, Laurie Holden, Jodelle Ferland, Sean Bean
Rating: 4.5 Fires of Appocolypse
Review: Wow! JesusChrist with Cheese! This is a MOVIE! From start to finish, this movie has you going. It becomes a chase through the otherworlds and plains to rescue a little girl.
I took a point off because, when push came to shove, the movie turned into a bit of radical religous movie. But it was put back because there was a good moral in the fight, and it is an old one that doesn’t really apply in these times and beliefs, but the message is that good is not good when the faith is blind. The good is really evil and evil is just doing it’s best to bring things to a close. Who do you choose, the devil that will kill you or the devil that will free you with a price? What did the heroes choose? Not telling.
I did have to take a half point off, because as you follow the movie, you realise that there is a lot of time going by, and Rose’s (Radha Mitchell) mobile doesn’t run out of battery. And Rose is well dressed to go into combat (not with weapons, but her dress sense) right down to combat boots. This was also a contributor to the -.5.
When the movie came to one of its darkest points, I couldn’t help by laugh maniaclly, insanely, and with much glee as all hell broke loose in the big climax.
The movie is based on the video game series first released some 10 years ago. While the movie follows it’s own code for the most part, it still ahs a good plot, and does give you the feeling of being alone. But as the movie moves forward, you will see that things keep changing, literally. There are two worlds in all. One is the world that is the limbo of Silent Hill (location) that is straight after its historic fire. The other seems to be the town straight after the fire mixed with hell on earth. Whichever is more fun for you, go for it.
This movie, not only being top of the film list so far, is definately finding its way onto my shelf before the year is out. I prefer my horrors either psychological or survival. Hack and slash is reserved for video games in my books, but this is a horror movie I will very much enjoy again and again.
Title: Sleepwalkers
Staring: Brian Krause, Alice Krige, Madchen Amick
Rating: 4 Cats
Review: I’ve been a bit of a fan of Brian Krause because of his role in Charmed, but this puts him in a whole new light. Not only do I get to hear him say ‘Fuck’ but he is the villain, not the passafist goodie-two-shoes. This certainly gives Brian extra credit into my books, because it shows he can act a various range of characters, from good to bad to plainly fucked up. And if you are asking which one he is in this film, he is playing a completely fucked up character.
The film is one of the few (if not only) stories of Stephen King’s that did not previously appear in print, and it passes into the paranormal, which I believe (but cannot confirm) is a bit of a sidestep for him. But unlike a lot of movies of the same sort, there is a lot of places where explanation come into play. The beings known as ‘Sleepwalkers’ are humanoid cats that feed on female virgins to keep them alive. Moving all over America, they lure in young girls to suck the life out of. Their trade mark is a rose behind the left ear.
What gives this movie its bizare twist is that the two Sleepwalkers who are the villains are Mother and Son who are also lovers. Twisted, perhaps, but if you believe Jerry Springer, probably not as uncommon as you think. But this story is the same as a lot of vampire movies in that the enemies are somewhat incapable of being stopped by standard human killing methods. So what do they fear? Cats! They have a high alergic reaction to cats and being bitten, scratched or touched by one has the same effect as a holy item to a vampire.
The movie follows their path in Texas where they target a girl, but she fights back the best a terrified young girl can. With lucky twists here and there, she manages to turn the whole local police force onto them. That does bugger all, but it is still a good cattle for the slaughter.
I took a point off because, despite the age of the movie, the difference between the human form and the cat-like or zombie form is still quite noticable. If you took the film and reshot it with different actors and added todays editing abilities, it would look a lot more believable. I know that is no-ones fault, but it wasn’t convincing. But the story was good and you get a good explanation of things, or you can at least think about where the idea came from. Going on the shelf? Most definately!
Title: Legend
Staring: Tom Criuse, Mia Sara, Tim Curry
Rating: 2 Prancing Unicorns
Review: Oh for the days when Tom Criuse was not only young and hot but wasn’t a scientologist. Oh well, let’s move on.
This film now has the great title of not only being about as entertaining as a liberal dose of chloroform in a handky applied liberally to the face, but also it is about as easy to understand as chinese algerbra.
Now don’t get me wrong, I like fairy tales and fairy tale settings, but I also like it when enough explanation is given so that I know who is what. But, considering the low score, I’ll give reasons why I added points form the ground up rather than subtract from the top down.
+1 for the imagination that did go into making this a something. Enough imagination to recreate mythical creatures and do a good enough job of hiding the small things that you know mke them what they are. I suppose that when push comes to heave, I guess one can’t expect perfection for the age. At least I wasn’t subtracting points for mermaids with knees.
The other point was added because of the prettiness of the film that is the intro. Petals everywhere and unicorns. Thank God Disney wasn’t at hand otherwise I might have seen it overdone and been sick.
Frankly, this movie didn’t hold my attention. Too many expectations on the audience to keep up and assume, not to mention all the main characters of good should have been dead from frost bite and hypothermia. Don’t invite me to watch this movie, I’m really not interested in going through it again.
Title: Labyrinth
Staring: David Bowie, Jenniffer Connelly
Rating: 3.5 Crystal Orbs
Review: Never before have I seen such a display in a villain. Not a lot of pretense to back up threats, but enough campness to make Dr.Frankenfurter look like Gerard Butler. David Bowie looked like he had been dragged through Dead or Alive’s make-up waggon before he starred in this film, either that or Dead or Alive got dragged through his make-up waggon, whichever came first. But if you want to know just how camp and unthreatening a villain can be, watch this movie. -1
However, I give this movie the 1 back because, despite his massive lack of evil demonstration, David Bowie played a character that denotes the mental standings of a villain. No villain thinks they are a villain, they think from a position of gaining things though a slighty more agressive position and tactic. Bravo for that.
Now, this film has come with a lot of pretense through my life and I was expecting a no holds bard battle to the finish in a puzzle that was literally impossible to escape. Well, I was certainly let down, and wish people hadn’t played it up to be such a big thing. -.5.
There is a lot to be said for Jim Henson’s productions, and how creative they have been. While I was able to read through a number of the puzzles in the movie, having heard them before, I did also enjoy some of the creativenes of the minor characters, such as the faces created by the helping hands. I thought that was rather brilliant.
Another .5 came off because thourgh a lot of the movie, characters did the one thing I cannot stnad when making a film, and that is mumbling. I had to rewind the film several times to gather what people were saying, and I really shouldn’t have to do that.
There was the critical point in the movie where all the characters had their standard abilities/skills used to aid the hero, and it was very well planned, albeit corny to a great extent. However, I didn’t take any points off for that, because it is a Jim Henson film and therefor one shouldn’t expect too much in the way of dramatic battles.
The last -1 came off because of some of the predictability in the film. I could see certain twists and turns coming before they arrived, or managed to guess the outcome before they had been set down. I don’t really like it when I get ahead of the plot.
.5 was returned to the score, making it’s total, because Jenniffer Connelly wore some actually nice clothing. The headdresses and crowns were especially nice, and her character shares a love of fairy tales with me, which is also a major bonus to her. She and I could sit down and discuss the Brothers Grim for hours at a time without getting bored, so points to that.
Would I add this movie to my shelf? Now that I know where the song ‘Dance Magic Dance’ came from, probably not. However, not unlike Tron before it, if you asked me to sit down and watch it, I wouldn’t say no.
Ratings list for the month (*) = will buy for self (?) = Might buy DVD
(*)Silent Hill (4.5)
(*)Sleepwalkers (4)
(?)Conversations With God (4)
Labyrinth (3.5)
Legend (2)
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Requests of Habbit
No, this isn't a follow on from my last blog, this is a continuing of something that had me a little miffed yesturday but today blew over the edge. Now, I know I have a few vices that people don't approve of.
*Coke intake
Now, no doubt there are ways to reverse and fix these things.
*Limit to a small amount
*Lose weight
Yes, and I intend to do these things eventually. Until then, SHUT THE FUCK UP! It is becoming I can't even have a cigarette braek without getting a lecture from complete strangers who think they can order me about. Now, if this woman wasn't a senior, I'd have told her to stick it, this was my five minutes off. But no, she gave me a lot of attitude and then expected me to do something for her. She was nicer later when I had managed to get her into the building I was doing voluntery work in. But I'm sorry, I'm on a cigarette break, do it yourself!
My dentist also had a go at me (in a nicer way) about my smoking and my coke intake. Now, people, please, one at a friggin time. Stressing and agrovating me about this is not going to help, because I'll jsut turn back to it to escape my stress. Capeiche? Now, for those of you who need a catch up, here we go!
Smoking: Yes, I intend to quit, it will happen, I will make it stick. BUT... and this is an issue anyway, to quit smoking with help (like inhailers, patches etc) is a lot more expensive than to smoke. I spend $60 (rounded figure) on smoking in a fortnight. A pack of 12 patches will cost me more. Do you see my point? So, to quit, I prefer to do it the old fasioned way... cold turkey. Cheaper and probably easier. But, in the end, I need more to occupy my time so that smoking is not so much of an issue. When I have too much to do, I might cut down dramatically or just quit. Is that cool with everyone? If you haven't had to quit yourself, STFU!
Coke intake: My intake used to be around 2ltrs a day to a day and a half. Now, I realise that is bad. I have cut down to 600mls most days, to some days being 1.25ltrs. Is that okay with everyone? I can cut it down more, just not at this present point. I haven't consumed more than a litre of coke since last saturday, I haven't had coke every day since, so please cut me some slack.
The other problem is that I'd like to substitute it with something else, because water all day is tasteless. But then people are going to go on at me about that.
Tea? I have sugar in it, and it isn't a yearly drink.
Juice? Weakens anamal in your teeth, and my dentistry is enough.
Cordial? Sugar content.
Milk? Probably about it, except I usually don't drink it fast enough before it dies.
Energy Drinks? Sugar
Vegie drinks? Stomach doesn't like them.
Kinda see my problem? One bad thing to another. Now, coke has more acid than these things which destroys teeth even faster, so for now it is a safe bet I might jump to cordial and keep it fairly diluted, but just leave me alone about it.
My weight: people are starting to have a go at me about this too! Piss off! Of course the people having a go are twinks who have either had lypo or spend half their waking time at the gym. Now, I've ranted before about people not understanding my medication vs my weight, so lets just jump all that this time.
I am doing my best to loose wieght. Please consider I walk to most places, I sometimes skip the bus to walk and I might even get off a station early or go the long way to my destination. I practice Tai Chi every few days and I dance frequently. My body won't drop the weight, get over it!
Right I feel a bit better now. When I do my next spectacular whatever, it would be nice, for once, to not have cheap shots about the negatives for a change. Cheers,
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
And All That Goddamned Insanity
The main point of this entry is that it is going to be posted to my small but ever true fans on facebook. Why? because a comment only allows so many words/characters per entry.
Now, I am very happy with my karaoke, my victories, my successes, my failures and disappointments, all of which have developed me into an entertainer who can bring you something I know you will enjoy. However, I am having major issues in recent times. Ues, I did a major performance on Hey hey, and I couldn't have done half as well without all my fans backing me up. However, this is bringing up a problem that I did foresee and hoped would just die. What is that problem> Have you not guessed?
I am sick and tired of 'All That Jazz.' I don't want to be singing it anymore. I am bored with doing the same thing over and over again. Now, it is a fun song, it has a lot of people entertained and asking for more. That's great! But when it comes to more, can you name more? A bit more on that later.
I have been doing All That Jazz on stage for about five years now, give or take a little bit. I first debuted it in Ballarat in late 2004 to early 2005, and I was singing over the top of Catherine Zeta-Jones because the backing track wasn't on hand, and it was a total flop. When I found the backing track with BPM some time later, I decided to give it a try and work a routine to it. This, clearly was a bit of asuccess. Over the years, All That Jazz has been my lead song, with much practiced routine and a lot of effort going into the singing, who can not say that it is one of the sings I have put a lot of effort into? The routine has come a long way over the years and while still somewhat representing what it used to be, is no longer an original.
In 2008, I partisipated in BPM's 'Karaoke Idol' and I vowed to see if I could make it through the competition without resorting to All That jazz. Well, that year I got further in the competition than I ever had, and I won my first trophy, all without ATJ. That was a big thrill to me to be reminded that I had more than one song in my lists that people enjoyed. From that performance (Filthy Gorgeous) on the competition night, luie and the Party Boyz decided that they would let me sing with them anytime that I was at one of their concerts. That has been a great prize as well.
Is it not clear that I am not that thrilled with ATJ? I am worth so much more than just doing that song over and over again, but I can't really get it across to people. Steve, my one and only karaoke hoast, while doing great in providing a lot of the songs I enjoy singing, has this wonderfully annoying habbit of cutting my choosen songs for the night in favor of ATJ. I know it gets the crowd going etc, etc, but I am so BORED! Newr songs I have taken on recently aren't getting a lot of attention, neither are old ones, and the only two songs that seem to stick to people are either ATJ or Walk Like an Egyptian.
Here is my challenge to all my fans on my facebook fan page, just to see how true of fans you are. Can you name three songs you have seen me perform on stage? You are not allowed to name ATJ or WLaE, nor cheat and look at the list on the info or look at my youtube (those videos are so getting replaced). Can you do it? If you can, and give the proper song title, without cheating, I'll believe you. I'll also be forever grateful if people could request songs that I have worked hard on to make sound good and actually be emotionally inspiring as opposed to visually appealing. I have tried so hard to improve my voice to expand my range and do some better songs that are of a vocal challenge, but they don't seem to stick to memory. So that is my small challenge. Post here on on the page.
So, my requests are for people not to request ATJ and try and remember me for something else. While this has been brewing for a while, it all struck home today when I was describbed as a 'One Hit Wonder.' that hurt! It wasn't meant to be insulting, but still. I want people to remember me for something else besides the same song and dance. Yes, most likely I will be doing the same ATJ Song and Dance in the next ten years, but I just don't want to be doing it every other week. Cool?
Well, now that I feel a little better... I think, I hope to see you all at the Karaoke in the near future, coz it will be a lot of fun. All the best guys,
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