The main point of this entry is that it is going to be posted to my small but ever true fans on facebook. Why? because a comment only allows so many words/characters per entry.
Now, I am very happy with my karaoke, my victories, my successes, my failures and disappointments, all of which have developed me into an entertainer who can bring you something I know you will enjoy. However, I am having major issues in recent times. Ues, I did a major performance on Hey hey, and I couldn't have done half as well without all my fans backing me up. However, this is bringing up a problem that I did foresee and hoped would just die. What is that problem> Have you not guessed?
I am sick and tired of 'All That Jazz.' I don't want to be singing it anymore. I am bored with doing the same thing over and over again. Now, it is a fun song, it has a lot of people entertained and asking for more. That's great! But when it comes to more, can you name more? A bit more on that later.
I have been doing All That Jazz on stage for about five years now, give or take a little bit. I first debuted it in Ballarat in late 2004 to early 2005, and I was singing over the top of Catherine Zeta-Jones because the backing track wasn't on hand, and it was a total flop. When I found the backing track with BPM some time later, I decided to give it a try and work a routine to it. This, clearly was a bit of asuccess. Over the years, All That Jazz has been my lead song, with much practiced routine and a lot of effort going into the singing, who can not say that it is one of the sings I have put a lot of effort into? The routine has come a long way over the years and while still somewhat representing what it used to be, is no longer an original.
In 2008, I partisipated in BPM's 'Karaoke Idol' and I vowed to see if I could make it through the competition without resorting to All That jazz. Well, that year I got further in the competition than I ever had, and I won my first trophy, all without ATJ. That was a big thrill to me to be reminded that I had more than one song in my lists that people enjoyed. From that performance (Filthy Gorgeous) on the competition night, luie and the Party Boyz decided that they would let me sing with them anytime that I was at one of their concerts. That has been a great prize as well.
Is it not clear that I am not that thrilled with ATJ? I am worth so much more than just doing that song over and over again, but I can't really get it across to people. Steve, my one and only karaoke hoast, while doing great in providing a lot of the songs I enjoy singing, has this wonderfully annoying habbit of cutting my choosen songs for the night in favor of ATJ. I know it gets the crowd going etc, etc, but I am so BORED! Newr songs I have taken on recently aren't getting a lot of attention, neither are old ones, and the only two songs that seem to stick to people are either ATJ or Walk Like an Egyptian.
Here is my challenge to all my fans on my facebook fan page, just to see how true of fans you are. Can you name three songs you have seen me perform on stage? You are not allowed to name ATJ or WLaE, nor cheat and look at the list on the info or look at my youtube (those videos are so getting replaced). Can you do it? If you can, and give the proper song title, without cheating, I'll believe you. I'll also be forever grateful if people could request songs that I have worked hard on to make sound good and actually be emotionally inspiring as opposed to visually appealing. I have tried so hard to improve my voice to expand my range and do some better songs that are of a vocal challenge, but they don't seem to stick to memory. So that is my small challenge. Post here on on the page.
So, my requests are for people not to request ATJ and try and remember me for something else. While this has been brewing for a while, it all struck home today when I was describbed as a 'One Hit Wonder.' that hurt! It wasn't meant to be insulting, but still. I want people to remember me for something else besides the same song and dance. Yes, most likely I will be doing the same ATJ Song and Dance in the next ten years, but I just don't want to be doing it every other week. Cool?
Well, now that I feel a little better... I think, I hope to see you all at the Karaoke in the near future, coz it will be a lot of fun. All the best guys,
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