No, this isn't a follow on from my last blog, this is a continuing of something that had me a little miffed yesturday but today blew over the edge. Now, I know I have a few vices that people don't approve of.
*Coke intake
Now, no doubt there are ways to reverse and fix these things.
*Limit to a small amount
*Lose weight
Yes, and I intend to do these things eventually. Until then, SHUT THE FUCK UP! It is becoming I can't even have a cigarette braek without getting a lecture from complete strangers who think they can order me about. Now, if this woman wasn't a senior, I'd have told her to stick it, this was my five minutes off. But no, she gave me a lot of attitude and then expected me to do something for her. She was nicer later when I had managed to get her into the building I was doing voluntery work in. But I'm sorry, I'm on a cigarette break, do it yourself!
My dentist also had a go at me (in a nicer way) about my smoking and my coke intake. Now, people, please, one at a friggin time. Stressing and agrovating me about this is not going to help, because I'll jsut turn back to it to escape my stress. Capeiche? Now, for those of you who need a catch up, here we go!
Smoking: Yes, I intend to quit, it will happen, I will make it stick. BUT... and this is an issue anyway, to quit smoking with help (like inhailers, patches etc) is a lot more expensive than to smoke. I spend $60 (rounded figure) on smoking in a fortnight. A pack of 12 patches will cost me more. Do you see my point? So, to quit, I prefer to do it the old fasioned way... cold turkey. Cheaper and probably easier. But, in the end, I need more to occupy my time so that smoking is not so much of an issue. When I have too much to do, I might cut down dramatically or just quit. Is that cool with everyone? If you haven't had to quit yourself, STFU!
Coke intake: My intake used to be around 2ltrs a day to a day and a half. Now, I realise that is bad. I have cut down to 600mls most days, to some days being 1.25ltrs. Is that okay with everyone? I can cut it down more, just not at this present point. I haven't consumed more than a litre of coke since last saturday, I haven't had coke every day since, so please cut me some slack.
The other problem is that I'd like to substitute it with something else, because water all day is tasteless. But then people are going to go on at me about that.
Tea? I have sugar in it, and it isn't a yearly drink.
Juice? Weakens anamal in your teeth, and my dentistry is enough.
Cordial? Sugar content.
Milk? Probably about it, except I usually don't drink it fast enough before it dies.
Energy Drinks? Sugar
Vegie drinks? Stomach doesn't like them.
Kinda see my problem? One bad thing to another. Now, coke has more acid than these things which destroys teeth even faster, so for now it is a safe bet I might jump to cordial and keep it fairly diluted, but just leave me alone about it.
My weight: people are starting to have a go at me about this too! Piss off! Of course the people having a go are twinks who have either had lypo or spend half their waking time at the gym. Now, I've ranted before about people not understanding my medication vs my weight, so lets just jump all that this time.
I am doing my best to loose wieght. Please consider I walk to most places, I sometimes skip the bus to walk and I might even get off a station early or go the long way to my destination. I practice Tai Chi every few days and I dance frequently. My body won't drop the weight, get over it!
Right I feel a bit better now. When I do my next spectacular whatever, it would be nice, for once, to not have cheap shots about the negatives for a change. Cheers,
When it said coke I thought u meant the other kind lol
ReplyDeleteIf you want to go down the cordial path to minimise coke intake, grab the "diet rite" cordial, it has "no added sugar" and only has 1.5g of sugar total. It's the best one out there.
ReplyDeleteThe other option is the waterfords softdrink, it also has no sugar.
In the words of the immortal Hendrix, "I'm the one thats gotta die when its time for me to die, so let me live my life, the way I want to."
People can be full of shit and will blame/hassle others as a way to avoid the truth about their own lives. :/