You hear the stories, you know that somewhere out there it is happening. What you really hope is that you will never see it. Well, I haven't been in my voluntary job 6 months, and I saw it, and I was disgusted.
Favershan House Retirement Home has come across as a really well run centre for both low and high level care. While a little short-staffed, it certainly doesn't fall below general expectations, and the residents seem really happy. Activities are run every week day and most residents seem to have something to do.
But what I saw today really made me mad. You'd think that a nurse/PCA would know better, but apparently not. My jobs on Wednesday are to move residents form the high care facility to a Church service, help with the High Care reminisense group and perhaps a few other minor things, depending on the day. One of the clients in high care needs to be taken in a wheelchair because her movement is slow and she can be hard to get around. So I asked one of the nurses to help me get her into a wheelchair. He said for her to sit in a polite manor, but she thought he meant sit in the nearby armchair. I was standing next to her and I told her not to sit, that we were going to church. Before I had a chance to get her going again, the burse grabbed her arm and, with more force than necessary, pulled her into position, and she nearly went crashing into the table. While this client is not totally capable of communicating her emotions or feelings, she became more and more adjitated as the church service went on and I finally had to take her back to her ward.
Later, while I was helping the high care residents down to reminisense group, the same nurse was trying to either move a client from her sitting chair to a wheel chair, or help her with something. She was making it quite plain that she wanted to be left alone, which he clearly wasn't hearing. She also did not wish to be touched. The nurse ended up grabbing her and she was next to screaming no. She even threatened to hit him if he didn't leave her alone. I feel really bad because I didn't intervene, as the nurse was clearly distressing her more and more. I did report him to my superior supervisor, who said she would take it to the person in charge of the ward. But seriously, what sort of behaviour is this? Rose, my teacher, is educating us in being very focused on what the client wants without becoming physical or confrontational. Clearly, what they are teaching us is not being taught to all nurses. Now, I could say a lot of other things about this nurse/PCA, but I don't want to come across from the worng point of view, or imply things I don't believe. What I do beleive is that his approach towards the people in his care is not as good as it should be, and that he either needs reeducation or removal. However, i could also be reading the situation wrong, and that he was in a position to need to be physical, but I somehow doubt it. At least not with the first insodent. The client only need a few extra seconds to be lined up and she would have been fine and wouldn't have been so distressed. I'm on the edge of tears trying not to get emotional about this. I know this is not the last time I will see this, and I want people's thoughts. Should I interviene next time or should I keep quiet and report it later? My instinct is to keep back and report them later, but next time could have worse consiquences, either by accident or on purpose. Next time, I might try and step in, but as a volunteer, I don't have a lot of authority over someone getting paid. Then again, if they are getting paid, why don't they get a job as a wrestler. All their rage worked out and they can get some of it back.
In other news, work at TAFE is coming along. I have holidays coming up in a few weeks and then my prtactical placement starts. I'm nervous about it, but when I get the ball rolling, I should be fine. Until then I have at least one assignment a week and they are getting a little tougher. But then agian, this next one is a little easier. I have a report I just need to reference, due tomorrow, and I need to give a talk about the culture of China (my choice on China) in a bit of an armchair travel. My computer skills really aren't savey, so I just need to do my best. But then again, I just hit myself with an idea. And kinda like Thor, it hurts.
Guy problems are still on and off. Men can't make up their minds, it is pissing me off, but at least I have two guys who have potential. I like potential. Geography is a bit of an issue, but it could be worse. At least they are cute, which is a start.
My social circle is also growing slowly. I have a few nice female friends moving into my social life, as well as a rising feeling in my psychic abilities. My palmistry is getting a little better, but my Tarot seems to have come to a near-grinding hault. Need more practice. That's life.

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