I know it says Linda, but I couldn't fix it myself without making a worse mess of it.
Well, I am now officially on term break for two weeks. Thisa, however is not going to mean slowing down for any great period of time. Here is my to-do list.
*Complete Assessment 6
*Complete Assessment 7
*Make preperations for Practical placement in Oct
*Have friends over for a night or two.
*Visit hypnotheripist to quit smoking
*Potential trip to Geelong
*Potential trip to Adelaide
*Volunteer work 2 days a week
*Straighten up house
*Continue with standard social activities within week
*Catch up with friends that it is otherwise difficult to catch up with otherwise
*Start planning Christmas shopping
Think I got enough to do? I suppose it is a good thing, rather than having me sitting around on my arse doing nothing for two straight weeks. The fact I have been sick the past few days hasn't exactly helped. I've missed all my volunteer work this week plus class on tuesday, so I am feeling really bad about all that. So This weekend we make a big stab at the Assessments and start working out the papers for my practical placement. Once the major amount of my paperwork is done, a lot of it is really just social, it is just a long list of socialisation. I love it... if I feel well enough. Should be fine.
Aside form that, I've been doing a bit of back-tracking with music, listening to the music I loved from 1999-2001. The age when Pink came to life, music on the radio was worth listening to and you knew every song by title, artist and lyrics (full song if not chorus). Here are some of the ones I found. No sensoring, be warned.
Whatcha Gonna Do
Let Me Blow Your Mind
There You Go
Don't Wanna LEt You Go
Why DOn't You Get a Job
Have fun!
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