I have a theory. It is about human thought, freewill and living.
Consider this: there are many forms of life here on earth, both in living things and raw elements and amterials. Each one of these is a form of life that, in its own ways, collects and retains knowledge. While for some people it may be hard to view the knowedge from either a scientific or mundane viewpoint, the knowledge is still there.
Now, if you buy into my theiry, it means that every thing and everyone that has lived has gathered information about its different aspects, and has a collection of thoughts, ideas, theories and facts about our existence. In humans, it is the retained knowledge of how to live and make the best of our lives through our mistakes. through something of raw element, like a diamond or a tree, it has the gathered knowledge and memories of everything it has seen and experienced throughout its existence, reguardless of its length of life.
In the mind of each person or thing, concious or subconcious, everything is gathered, and that every moment of our lives is recorded, in a form of a very long movie for living humans and animals, and in the form of energy for elemental beings. This collected knowledge on its own is a power to itself, a way to reflect upon things and to discover the best ways of living and educating. Understanding the world around us in all its forms is gathered in one place.
So what would happen if all these collective minds and memories were put together? let's break this down into two forms of time, the now, and the existance.
The now: In your mind, i want you to visualise everything that comes to mind when you read the above list of beings included in my list. Humans, animals, forces of nature, things that have no true substance such as air and gases, and things that have a very short life such as fire and rain. Each one a measurable existence, either brief or extended, with all its gathered knowledge and memory. Now, i want you to combine all that memory into one thing. All these thoughts, processes, energies and memories are now encased in one being, knownas 'Mega Concious'(MC). The MC is now one living thing. It has every thought lived by every person and animal, every energy recollection of every element and, if made into existence, is represented by a brain made up of pure energy without mass. unlike a human or animal brain, it has the compasity to store every thought of every living being in the here and now at this second. It has the memories of many years before, as long as it was a living force.
Inside this collective concious is the power to create and shape the answers to many things. Inside this mind lies all the answers that, if it had a mouth, could answer your questions. It has a long knowledge of history, science, math, mythology, spiritual understanding and political overview.
Once in creation, this mind debated with itself the best possible answers to everything and has devised an answer to every question of this earth. Now i want you to think to yourself what you would ask it.
My theory, in this aspect, is to show that in a collective place lies all the answers, like a giant encyclopedia with more pages than we have numbers for. But what my theory is to represent is that in this moment and in this place, everything that we have knowledge of would have an answer, or that very few questions would remain for us to need answers to. Before you read into the next part of my theory, i want you to honestly consider what you would ask the brain if it could give you answers. to limit the mass amounts of questions in your mind that relate between your sense of self-preservation, humanity and world issues, choose three questions. And be honest that you are asking these questions for the reasons you want.
The Existence Using the same theory on how we made the MC, I want you to consider every thing and everyone that has lived throughout the planets time and space. Depending on your beliefs, this will go back millions of years to when Dinosaurs weren't a universal thought, or back to when god created Adam and Eve.
This mind, the 'Time Collected Concious' (TCC) has a mass of knowledge beyond anyone's understanding, but also has a lot more to work out within itself. because, despite what we may know to be true, TCC needs to sort out a lot more to create one clear answer.
From here, we now have a generated history book and all the answers to the questions that we still have for the here and now. What's changed? has anything changed?
What we also have is a force that can tell us in no uncertain terms the best possible paths the world could have taken, the answers to generate peace. In accordance, we also have the worst possible outcomes, and how this world could have fallen apart many years before.
What would you ask the TCC? Are your questions still the same? have you had to consider your questions?
The reason i present this theory is because it demonstrates the power of existence, and the power of freewill. the collective concious exists, but beyond our understanding. MC and TCC can be expanded to a universal collective knowledge and existances collective knowledge. This is not an attempt to create and symbolise God/s, because this does not link into spiritual. This is an theory presented to test the human mind and to consider the truth of our world.
In writing out this theory, I discovered a few things that are bound to happen, should the collective conciousness be created while we as humans still lived.
1) the power of the collective concious, on the assumption it is accessable to everyone, would inevitably cause friction between many people from the foundations of religion, politics, viewpoints, understandings and science. The result would be destructive.
2) The need for survival would become non-existant, because the collective concious could reveal everything that is about to happen before it comes to pass, preventing war and crime. Humans as a race would become obsoleite.
3)The collective concious would be evergrowing, because if it existed while everything else did, it would learn as we lived.
And so, as humans without the power of one mind, we need to try and view the world form one conciousness; our own. Within your mind is the power of freewill and decission. Now, while many people will debate me on this point alone, buy into it for a minute to allow me to make my point. Within the limitless resource that is freewill exists the power to create and change the world. There is no one force that decides you, and you need to rule yourself. from your freewill you will find that you are challenged and come to various wins and losses. Within your own mind, take your questions again and ask them of yourself. have you asked for something you do not have the answer to? have you asked for the answer to something you can find the answer to yourself? have you asked something you could answer?
In conclussion, you will find that the collective conciousness is there and that it is accessable. We as a single conciousness are merely a gatheror and collector for the collective. The collective conciousness of either time or the now is a living thing that does not work in our world, because we are not prepared to share either our knowledge, or put too much value on how we see people. When we reach a state where just as humans, we can combine our minds and resolve the answers, we will have come to a place where there is n longer a world ruled by money, but by that of peace and acceptance.

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