Thursday, November 25, 2010

It Just Doesn't Make Sense

*A Push Door With a Handle
*Being handed a fork for your ice cream
*Naming your child after an inaninimate object that will get them teased in school
*Christmas decorations up in early October
*Supermarkets selling Easter Eggs from 26.Dec
These things do not make any sense. But neither does the newest government scheme. Today, I went down the road to pay to get into my diploma. For the record, yes, I am doing my Diploma in Leisure and Health next year. But there is no govenrment discount anymore. This doesn't make a lot of sense either. How are pensioners supposed to get a higher education to improve their job prospects if they can't afford the education required to get it? As a pensioner, I got a good discount on my Cert IV, so it was rather affordable. But this year, I got no such discount. While I can see where the government is saving a lot of money in one way, their introduction of the TAFE HEX fees is just a bigger waste. A cert IV or Diploma may not get you the job that will reach the payment level required to pay it back. So the government has just shot itself in the foot, because I doubt anyone will get a job that requires them to pay back the Hex. So offering a discount was probably cheaper in the long run than this new HEX plan. And like the short list above, it just doesn't make sense.
In other news, I finish my CertIV next Thursday. I am very excited, and somewhat nervous. My life for the apst number of months ahs been based on the routine of going to class and volunteer work. And while the latter is still in play, I'm gonna miss going to class for a while. While I have a few things set up to fill my time, they are not perminent and therefore, may seem somewhat dull after a while. What am I to do? Deal with Christmas for one. I've got the list put together for the most part. I am so cutting back this year. I really don't want to be doing too much. People may just have to put up with a card and something either small and simple or just a card. Most years I spend $500 and don't save anything for myself, but I want to do something about that. I want to either spend less and put the rest away or spend less and repay just that with a bit extra. So for almost everyone, it is gift vouchiers of their choice. Price, well, you get what you're given. Not too stingy but not dramatic either. And I wouldn't ask for anything more myself.
I am also shopping for fewer friends this year. I know who is getting what (except for the few who haven't gotten back to me) and then I will hopefully will spend a lot less. I love giving, don't get me wrong, but I need to honestly start looking at cash versus charity. I want some savings for myself, and I have been doing good to put some dollars aside. Now I need to follow through on that. I want some real money set aside for myself and it is there in case of emergencies. While I do have that money, I will probably dip into it to pay for X-mas and then use my C'link loan to replace it and a bit more. Not the full loan, coz I need to lower the repayment so I have more money throughout the year.
I can't believe I am debating with myself about my money on line. New subject! karaoke! We all like that! I am hoping, management permitting and technology induring, I will have some new videos of me at the karaoke on my YouTube soon. I was going to make some DVD's of the fotage and send them off here and there for Christmas, but because of continuous delays, I am just not going to get it done in time. It was a really good idea and I loved it and I am sure the recpriants would have loved it too, but I don't have enough time between now and Christmas to get it all put together. That is if my computer can do the job, because it is still a little testy about some things. Go figure! What I will do, once I have a number of songs put together, is ask people what songs they want and I'll put it all together for them for a small price (ie: CD, postage).
Big karaoke nights this fortnight as well. This Friday, AKA tomorrow, my Grandmother will be joining me and my parents at the Karaoke. I am looking forward to it, considering Nan has paid some of my singing lessons and was backing me on Red Faces. So this is where a year's worth of work sums up in one place and time. And the following Friday is the class break-up party at the karaoke. I think most people, if not all, have seen me on YT, so I have a show to put on. I know what songs I am doing and I know what I need to wear, so let's just hope it all goes well. And after all that, on Saturday.4.Dec I am going to wake up and feel either sad or excited. I am not totally sure. releif it is all done? Sadness that it is done? Miss my new friends? I really don't know what I am going to do. For those who don't know, when I did my Diploma in Professional Writing and Editing back in 04-5, I didn't pass, and dropped out. So I have not passed a higher education outside of a short course, which really doesn't count for much. So in earning my CertIV, I don't know what I am going to feel. But at the same time, I am going to be damned proud of finishing it. And when my actual certificate arrives, I am going to frame it and put it in on my shelf of trophies, along with my karaoke certificates, trophy, and some other certificates I need to put up there. They need framing too.
I know one thing I am going to do, and that is work on some of my other theories. They need more expanding. I am also going to refocus on my spiritual path and make an effort there to focus my gifts and skills. I am also going to catch up with friends here and there and everywhere. Not a lot of travel, perhaps, but let's see what happens.
Okay, i have ranted enough for now. I need to get some food before I eat my arm. It looks so good.
Pez-is-da-man man!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Movie Review

Title: Cinderella
Staring: Ilene Woods (Cinderella), Eleanor Audley (The Wicked Step-Mother/Lady Tremaine), Luis Van Rooten (The Grand Duke and the King), Lucille Bliss (Anastasia), Rhoda Williams (Drizella), Verna Felton (Fairy Godmother).
Rating: 3 Glass Slippers
Review: I’ve always enjoied Disney, and they do have an individual take on Fairy Tales (if your stanards aren’t too anal retentive). However, in watching this to remember a few things from my Childhood, I find that in comparrison to a lot of its predicessors and following films, this one is very slap-dash. The animation seems a little too fast and there are no specific scenes that have that special touch that you know took extra efforts. The only scene is the dance scene with the Prince. The stars are more specific and the background art is beautiful.
I took a point off because the story seemed too fast-forwarded. Even the Fairy Tale took its time to get to its point. But no, Disney decided to cut things down to what is basically an abridged version of the story. Not imptessed.
Another point was taken off for the lack of reality that seems to come with most other Disney movies. I don’t mind the magic, because that is the basis of a Fairy Tale. But watching the scenes with the King, I seriously can’t believe anyone can act that way in real like, short of John Astin as Gomez Addams.
The good points I had about this movie were the voice actors that were used. The EvilS tepmother is voiced by the same person who did Maleficent, and if you pay close attention, you can see Maleficent in her. The Fairy Godmother was also voiced by one of the Good Faires from Sleeping Beauty (Flora) but it was harder to tell. The voice was lighter and not so.... formal.
In the end, this is certainly not going on my DVD shelf, but only as the rare hire-out should I ever be baby-sitting or holding a very camp princess party. Whichever works.
As a side note, to which a little research never hurt, I discover that Verna Felton has been in all the Disney Movies I have enjoied. The roles are somewhat versitile, both human and paciderm, and always of different temporament and bravery and slapsticks. For the refference, here is her casting list, in chronological order.
Dumbo (Matriarch Elephant and Mrs.Jumbo)
Cinderella (Fairy Godmother)
Alice in Wonderland (Queen of Hearts)
Lady and the Tramp (Aunt Sarah)
Sleeping Beauty (Flora)
The Jungle Book (Winifred the Elephant)

Title:Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey
Staring: Keanu Reeves (Ted), Alex Winter (Bill), William Sadler (Death)
Rating: 3 Air Guitars
Review: I recall seeing this movie when I was really young, and while I remembered aspects and points, not enough to make a proper movie in my mind. So after a few weeks, I’d tracked down the title and hired the movie.
I can’t say I enjoy the personality types. It makes you wonder what the underlying psychology is. A lot of people might suggest that Bill and Ted should be in a relationship, because it would save them a lot of time and effort and they seem to enjoy each other WAY too much. However, since the stereotype of 1991 wouldn’t permit such a thing, we can only look to fanfiction writing for such a thing. One might question the actors, both being in their 40’s and not married. Stop daydreaming Perry and get on with it! Although, I did find a game reference in the movie. The rock show hoastess is the model for one of the radio shows in the PS2 game ‘Grand Theft Auto, Vice City.’
I knew the early 90’s as a time of Primary School years, and not good ones at that. And after watching this, I am glad I wasn’t in my teens at that time. Or that if I was, I certainly wouldn’t be there.
I took a point off for the ending. Seriously, too much talking, not enough suspence, and so on. I had a number of hopes for how the ending might be, but the sad humor of the movie simply subtracted from it.
Following that, another point and a half taken off for the jumps in the plot in places. There wasn’t a lot of places where it happened, but where it did happen was a pain in the rear, as it lacked a lot of explanation. Little explanation to get key plot points in.
However, I put the half point back, because William Sadler has the best evil laugh, and the music, in itself, wasn’t too bad. Clearly I am not going to get this movie for my shelf, and I doubt I will watch it again. But it does give one thought for the things that make one’s own personal hell and what it might contain. Just a thought!

Title: The Frighteners
Staring: Michael J. Fox, Trini Alvardo, Jeffrey Combs, John Astin
Rating: 4 Reaper Scythes
Review: I saw this movie for English class years back, and then again when it was shown on TV, and still there were plot points missing in my mind. But I love a horror chase through an abandoned location with psychos and a mission. What I really need is some plot revival.
Michael J Fox, in his hey day, was gorgeous. He is a major contender for my hot men list. But that is off topic. He is somewhat of a good actor. To play the role he did where he had to pretend to interact with somebody was highly amusing. For a horror, it didn’t instill a lot of comic releif after the plot picked up, and it certainly demonstrated how narrow-minded some people are. But the plot went well and despite the fact I knew what happened at the end, I enjoied it. After all, there is something about the camera angles and way the movie jumped between the here and there.
I did remove a point. The lead female character, Lucy, seems to be in and out for a while, with not the best of explanations as to WHY she is there or HOW she managed to get there. And she seems to be in the police station for at least 16 hours. But that’s just me.
In the end, this is going on my shelf... eventually. It is just a matter of supply, demand and cost. And believe me, trying to get the DVD’s from the list below. After all, depending on the age of the movie depicts how much it is going to be.

Title: Friday the 13th
Staring: Jared Padalecki, Danielle Panabacker, Aaron Yoo, Amanda Righetti
Rating: 3 Hockey Masks
Review: There are many components to survival horror. And without breaking it down too much, this film had a number of these things. However, I have heard a few things about this movie, and I know that I am not going to see the rest of them. I refuse to believe any person could survive any of those brutal murders. Even the killers death was unsuvivable. Yet he still comes back... again and again. Don’t buy it.
The story in itself wasn’t too bad. I don’t mind survival horror, it is a good way to pointless dispurse with human life. It is especially annoying when you can predict when they will die, or when most movies give the same reasons as to WHY someone dies (eg: they are smashed, drugged, having sex or in the bathroom).
Let’s start at the beginning. A kid sees his mother get killed after she kills a lot of people because she thinks he’s dead. Her ‘spirit’ tells him to “kill for Mummy”. He lives at the now abandoned camp at Crystal Lake. As time goes by, Jason, the kid, kills anyone who isn’t local to the area and living near the lake. For a kid who has been living on his own for 20-something years, he is highly intuitive and knows how to read human behavior. He can sneak perfectly and kill in either a quick and painless death or drag it out to be as long and painful as he likes.
Our heroes, most of whom are stoned, drunk, stuck up or idiodic, are slowly picked off one by one, although some lived longer after their deaths than expected. Especially that guy with the arrow in his head.
Anyway, the lead character, Clay, is searching for his sister, beleived dead. Cast aside by the other characters, only one helps him. When they come to the abandoned campsite where Jason lives, it doesn’t take long for them to discover something is very wrong. As they try to get help, their ‘comrads’ are picked off like so many targets at a shooting gallery.
In the final showdown, Clay gets his sister back, as she ahs been the prisoner of Jason for the past month, and they both manage to not only strangle him, but stab him through the upper chest. He should be dead, considering how much damage he was given. But no, after the sister throws the prized necklace of Jason’s in after his dead body, he jumps up through the floorboards and attacks. The end! -1.5
Another -.5 for the stupid title. There is no reference, no link, no nothing. I fail to understand. I’d give this movie a simple title to get your attention, like “Jason.” or “Crystal Death”. That way it couldn’t really get dragged out too far. ‘Friday the 13th’ should be left for a more supernatural film title where there is a relevance.
No, I won’t get this film. I prefer the killer to remain dead once killed. I also prefer to see the villain take some damage. And lastly, if the disposable characters are just that, please find a more original situation or state of mind for them.

Title: harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, part 1
Staring: Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, Rupert Grint
Rating: 3.5 Horcrux’s
When I noted Steve Kloves’ name among the credits, I didn’t have a good feeling. Slowly but surely, he has been taking the films away from the books. This folm was alright though, it came back to the point of the books. He just distorted the time line (-1) and screwed up the character development (-.5). It was good to see that they could at least keep the plot where it should be. However, the finishing point and it’s place in the book leave a lot to ponder for the next movie.
The end scne where there should be a big battle has been a letdown in the past few films, and the vattle is less than award-winning. I know it goes against the book, but for the love of Hufflepuff, at least make the fights last, or put more suspence into it.
The thing I also note that doesn’t change is death and its fuck-ups. The movie has characters dying in ways they shouldn’t, characters dying that shouldn’t and characters that should die, not. Clue much? It’s times like this, and poor character development, or even understanding, that make me wonder how closely the book was read and translated before the screenplay or script was put together. Steve Cloves has done a good job of screwing things over in one or another over time.
The only reason this DVD is going on the shelf is to add to the collection. Whether it comes off to be watched as often is not predictable. It has done better than other movies, Harry should be dead with hypothermia, but I always wonder what causes these idiotic changes, insertions or withdrawls that are not necessary.

Title: The Addams Family (1991 film)
Staring: Anjelica Huston, Raul Julia, Christopher Lloyd, Christina Ricci
Rating: 4 decapitated hands
Review: How much fun this film was way back when. Dad can certainly vouch for how much I enjoied it. Watching it over and over again. Years later I go searching and discover the DVD is not available in Australia. Well, ga humph! But we have a copy now and very happy with it.
One thing I note is the amount of jokes I didn’t get back then that I get now. Adult humor and all. The story makes more sense and nothing is missed. But what I appreciate even more is Wednesday’s comments and level of humor. The other thing I appreciate is that Gomez is not as... over-done. John Astin did great, but Gomez portrayed by Raul Julia had a bit more control and was better looking. May her rest in peace.
Speaking of great acting, Anjelica Huston has two great scenes in this film outside of her standard Morticia role. One scene is where Morticia finds Fester outside and leads him through the graveyard, touring him on a brief Addams Family history. She is dressed in a cross between the Grim Reaper and a woman in moarning. She speaks softly, with feeling and directly. Her words are well effected and the backing music and sounds work the scene well. And she gets her point across. The other scene that is a major bonus in her favor is the scene where she is sitting in the motel room looking at her family. Deciding she needs to do something, she wanders off. The scene that always makes me laugh is when she is a kindergarden teacher and gets all the kids to cry. Voted as one of the Mother’s of the times. Always caring for her family, first to react when something is wrong, Morticia is really the best. And I’d go dancing and fencing with her too.
A point was removed. This was simply the lack of logic in two points. One is when Wednesday flees upon discovering Fester is a fake, and instead of going to her parents, she curls up in a mausoleum and snoozes away. The other is when the bad guys are searching for the vault, they don’t use any logical tagging system to note which chains have and haven’t been used.
The other thing I noticed was that in this movie, margaret has a son, who seems to disappear into the ether in the next movie. Go figure!
I have found the family motto to be a good one for the next time I am in karaoke competition.
‘Sic Gorgiamus Allos Subjectatos Nunc’
‘We Gladly Feast on Those Who Would Subdue Us.’
Good night boys and girls

Overall Top 10
1) Silent Hill (4.5)
2) The Color Purple (4.5)
3) The Frightners (4)
4) Shortbus (4)
5) Indiana Jones and the Last Criusade (4)
6) The Addams Family (4)
7) Mrs.Doubtfire (4)
8) Sleepwalkers (4)
9) Indiana Jones and Raiders of the Lost Ark (4)
10) Conversations With God (4)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Dating thoughts

Methinks I'm not doing so well. You see, I've got a problem with guys, and it doesn't seem to be getting any better. here is the problem.
1) Finding a guy worth dating. A lot of men are either too old, too shallow or not interested.
2) Geography is becoming more of a pain. One guy I liked was in Shepparton while I was in Sth melbourne, another is in Geelong while I'm in Box Hill. For the geographically unsure, Shepparton is 2 hrs north of melb while I was living in South Melbourne. A guy in Geelong which is West of Melb while I am in Box Hill, East Melb. Help me!
3) Sex. We all like in in one way or another, and while it is a factor of a relationship, it becomes hard not to have sex with someone you're attracted to and not have it blow everything everything up. the problem becoming is when? Too early and you seem to lose appreciation. Too late and you might be friends not willing to push the bill.
4) Men leave suddenly. I don't know why, and most of the time is without explanation. I know I have dropped men like hot spuds, so it is my own medicine on some levels, but I try not to do that anymore. Only if someone hurts me really badly do I drop them off without a word. If that is my own medicine on a %100 round, then clearly I am missing a trick somewhere.
5) Attraction. I know I am not the hottest thing on the grill, nor does my body come in line with the stereotypes of health pushed upon us through mainstream media. However, with all my physical problems, obvious or not, I can still get by. In this world of physical pleasure, we do our best to get the best, or at least the best of what we want. Clearly the guys who take their time to get to know me WITHOUT mixed signals would be nice, so therefore there is a chance.
Now, I know that I still have to sowrk out some aspects of what a relationship really is, and when that comes to pass, I might be able to be more presentable. I also need to find someone who is as honest as I am. I have found 1 guy who has fallen under all that so far. We haven't met personally, but we have been talking for months, so it is getting somewhere. Only thing is, problem number 2 is back in play. Why is it all the guys you think are worth something either taken or away?
Well, now that I have vented some of my issues about this subject, as I occasionally do, I feel a bit better now. I know I am being impatient for someone who is 24.10, but seriously, I get frustrated when I see people start and finish a relationship over a long period of time or people who run through them like they're going out of fashion. The latter clearly isn't a good thing, but the other is nice but ency making. But I like weddings. Am involved with my friends wedding that is in a few months. I look forward to my own one day, one far away day, but I look forward to it. Still, I'll survive. Watch me!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

A Pagan's Job

Well, I think I have done my job. Well, at least for now. I didn't realise I was doing it for a while, but when everything comes to a pass, it seems I have done what I needed to for someone. I just hope that it all follows through.
For a while at karaoke, there has been a person there who has had a bit of a problem with me. Now, I don't expect everyone to like me, and I'd be foolish if I did. I usually gave this guy half a glance then ignored him and his comments. However, a few weeks ago, a mutual friend of ours told him that I read palms and tarot cards. Intrigued, he offered me $10 to read his palm. I don't know what he was expecting, but it certainly wasn't what he got. I managed to end the reading half way through because he was so freaked out that I was reading him so accurately. He's been suggesting me to everyone everyone ever since, and he has discovered a new respect for me.
Now, what I hope I have achieved is, in the long term, the ability to open his mind a bit more. What I am finding a lot in this world is that people look and judge by the slightest things, as I discussed in my last theory. But what I have hopefully done is helped him start to push apst that. He is a good guy with a good head on his shoulders, he just lets his pre-empted thoughts direct his judgement. With a bit of luck, he will learn not to judge people on sight until he has gotten to know them a little.
Another person I did a reading for, I think I have set him up on something that he needs to do. I foresaw that he is about to start a journey of self discovery, and I could tell from the look in his eye, the emotions he radiated and so forth that he was doing this, or at least finding the will to do it. And I wish him the best of luck with it. I can't dictate to him that he MSUT take this quest, but I think I unknowingly but timingly gave him the boost he needed to begin.
This is the sort of work I enjoy with my psychic practices. I enjoy helping people find a deeper meaning within themselves and their own abilities. To point people in the direction they need to become a better them. There has always been a reason for everything, and I think that for the efforts I put in with these guys over the past few weeks, I have been given a small reward in the form of a guy. Not relationship stuff, but certainly a good friend. What could be wrong with that?

In the meantime, I am having an issue with some of the things people are telling me these days. I know it is chain mail, and so therefore I'd like to point out I do not blame the sender for sending it. I won't repeat myself.
There is a wonderful thing in life and the human charity when we discover something about ourselves or others that is truly touching, and when we give up what we need to help those less fortunate. I think these stories are great. BUT, and I say BUT with much force, I do not want to know how God is involved, or how it is his doing. Yes, in my round-about way, I do believe in it, I just don't title it as such. I find that if a nice story has got the whole 'Gods Will' in it, I can't read any further. Why is it so beyond people to think that things happen for a reason without titling it? You were placed in that position for a reason and your reaction is down to you. I think it is great if you do the right thing, but I really couldn't care less if you think God is behind it.
For the reference, when I say 'God', I mean the Christian, Catholic, whatever other closely related religion you can think of God. If I want to reference a god, I will give a name or say 'The God.'
Now, what I want to see, is some people taking a step back from this idea of God's controlling and then place the idea that they were placed in a situation to see how they would respond, or that (as it usually does) lines up wonderfully with something they are doing. I am happy if you do the right thing, I really am, but why do you discredit yourself to put God in your place? I just find it belittling and self-destructive. Doing a good thing should be for your own peace, not to promote God, and that is why I can't read these touching stories, because I find it all winds up being a promotion for religion. What I want is to read a good story that is both heart-touching and warm-felt without having religion dragged into it. Readers of this blog should have a good idea of what I think on the subject of religion.
Now that I have finished here, I think I'll go back to my music and my writing. Nothing posted online for a while, so nothing to offer really. Sorry folks,

Friday, November 12, 2010

Theory #2: The Human Overview

I have a theory. It is about the human perception of itself and the understanding of the unknown human need.
I want you to just relax for a moment. Picture in your mind the last time you walked through your local shopping centre on a busy day. Think of every person you passed. I do not expect you to pick out specific details, but just remember something about each person. Consider how many people you walk past in a moment, a minute, five minutes, one hour and so on. For each person, I want you to give them a color; Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Piurple or Pink. Once you have done that, read the list below and it will tell you what you have walked past.
Red: This person is violent.
Orange: This person has a mental illness
Yellow: This person was born overseas.
Green: This person struggles with an addiction
Blue: This person has a physical disability (obvious or not)
Purple: This person has a very stereotypical attitude towards a minority.
Pink: This person is homosexual.
Consider this for a moment. You have labelled a lot of people around you, probably falsely, with something that you can't really tell. These things, more commonly invisible than obvious, But what this theory is about is the perception of the human world in one mind and in many minds.
Consider this little activity the next time you are out down the street. All these people, somewhat normal in their everyday appearance, have a hidden something. It is not your place to know what it is, but consider that very few people you walk past will not be suffering one of these things. In fact it is a near garantee you won't meet someone who hasn't been through or is going through one of these things, if not more.
What the human perception is generally wired to do is not to contemplate what is not obvious. And when it is obvious, our minds instantly jump in one of a few directions.
Pity: Feeling sorry for the person
Anger: That they make their problems others problems
happiness: That the person is (hopefully) brave enough to face life, reguardless
Uncertainty: human fear of the unknown.
In everything that makes us human, we need to accept that there is something wrong with all of us, and that we are not perfect. my theory, however, does not place itself on the obvious.
My theory is that the human mind cannot accept what it does not understand from experience. We cannot understand issues of sexuality if we have ot been through it or had someone close to us go through it. We cannot accept mental or physical disability if we do not have it or care for someone who does. We cannot understand different culture without having lived it. We cannot understand addiction if we haven't dealt with it, or seen someone dealing with it. There is no general acceptance for these things beyond perception and listening. And while I do not expect everyone to go through these things in their lifetime (at least not all of them) I do expect that the human mind will percieve that there is something to be said for these different groups.
When we see someone who has a real problem with their temper, what is the first thing we think of? Clearly, our own protection from this person, which is fair enough. But when we pass that, we tend to think negatively on the person for their outlandish behaviour. Instead of that, my theory is that the human mind can take a different approach. That in viewing this perosn, there can be seen a reason for their behaviour and a reason for their not knowing another way. I do not mean to say this justifys their actions, should they be less than reasonable. But there is a reason why they are prone to acting this way.
lets look at a different group, like someone born overseas. Yes, this can be obvious by different skin color, different customs in general living and so forth. But for some it isn't so obvious. While it might be easy to pick someone who is asian or african american by sight, could you pick an american or a europian by sight? the answer is probably not. And even in this, you discover that there are some things hidden from view.
Even sexuality, a topic of major debate, is something that is hidden. I do not expect that many people walk around with their sexuality on their sleeves, and that even the most obvious might not be and the least obvious could be. It is all down to the unseen part of the mind. But when we are presented with someone who is same-sex attracted, what is our first thoughts? For some, it is self preservation of their ego. For some it is the wondering thought of what goes through that persons mind. having seen and heard it often enough myself, it makes things interesting in conversation, or very negative. There is always, in one way or another, small underlying hints that the person is not comfortable or are trying to remind you constantly of their own sexuality. However, what they haven't seen is the other side of the sexuality. The boiling down is that sexuality only rules so uch of a persons life, despite what some people present in their own theories. The other side of sexuality is mortality, and that even these people, as different as they are in their private lives, are actually about as similar as you and I and Uncle Bob.
Lets talk about mental disability. What comes to your mind when I say that or as you read it? The first thing that probably rocks up is someone who has Down Syndrome. Once again, the human mind only chooses the obvious. What about people with Autism? What about Bipolar Disorder or Aspurgas? These are things you cannot see but still exist. You will walk past a lot of people with a mental disability in a single day, from depression to anxiety to paranoia. You will never know it is there, but it is. And for those who are mysophobic, these things are not catching, they are simply a condition of the human mind that affects everyday living in the persons head. What do you think of these people? It is surprising some of the things people will say without a lot of consideration. But try it this way, if a person has a mental disability, whatever the level, it is a sign that they might have a hyperintelligence or a more wild personality. Or it is something unhelpable except through correct medication to keep it at bay. In any event, these people are still human.
My theory within getting you to view these perceptions at a different angle is to understand the two viewpoints we take. One is simple judgmentalism and the other is an attempt to understand.
From here, scroll back up to the color list and choose the colors that reperesent you. Yes, pluril. So you don't feel left out, I will do it myself.
Orange (mental disability), Green (Struggles with addiction), Blue (physical disability), Pink (same-sex attracted). Yes, I openly admit all these things. I have a mental disability, have an addiction problem, have a physical disability and identify as same-sex ttracted. How many colors have you picked up? Are you being honest with yourself? For the colors you have choosen, you can safely say, on some level, that you understand these viewpoints, because you have been there and lived it. the other colors you can understand TO A POINT but not in their full context.
My next point is for you to take a look at someone else in your mind who also fits into one of these catagories that you have picked out for yourself. How do you react towards them? How do you percieve them as humans or individuals? What is your general responce towards theese people? Would you stop and help them if you knew? I hope the answer is yes.
the theory is that people fear what they do not understand, and are quick to judge because they do not understand. Understanding that fear comes from not having lived through it themselves. The result is a closed-minded world. My theory is that humans can percieve more and judge less if they experience more in their lives. I do understand that no one person is going to experience all of these things at once, and how could they? On some levels, it is possible, but it is not an easy life. However, the human body can endure quite a bit. the theory is that if each person in this world faced at least four of these issues, both in a positive and negative way, then they would e a lot less judging and more open to the potentials of blockades. They might see the potential in others, and this is what I hope that, one day, we will see.
I have a theory. it is based on human perception of itself and the basic human needs in others. I hope you have enjoyed reading it.

Monday, November 8, 2010


Well, I realise the title and the picture have little to do with each other unless you really think about it.
Anyway, I had a bit of a personal insight the other day, and I thought I'd share it. A lot of people feel sorry for me that I don't have any bones about my vision loss, and ocassionally it is a pain, but when I stopped and thought about it in comparrison to everything I enjoy in life, I don't have a problem getting by. But I had a major think about all my senses and which one I'd miss the most, and how much would it effect my life.
Sight: So I have lost osme already, but if I lost all of it and became completely blind, I don't think I'd have a problem once I got used to it. Sure, I'd be more dependant on people and not as physically active as I am, but I could still sing for people, run some diversional therapy activities (with assisstance) and do the things I enjoy doing. I could even listen to television and visualise what was happening. But I couldn't maintain my independence for a lot of the time. I'd need some help, and eventually I'd regain some of the lost independence.
Speech: This would be a bit more of a pain. I'd be very restricted on the things I'd enjoy doing. Clearly, I'd lose my singing and be seriously restricted in the activities I could run as a Diversional Theripist. However, with a lot of effort I could do some of the things I enjoy and still be good at them.
Hearing: I fear losing this sense. I'd lose almost everything I enjoy. I wouldn't be able to sing, listen to the music I enjoy, do my diversional theropy work effectively or even my psychic work. The best I could do with the latter is e/mail responses, which would be the best business I could set up. While I could still enjoy some things in life such as movies or writing, I don't think it would be the same without the music that goes with it. I'd also have to get some assisstence to communicate with people because, clearly, it would all go in one ear and out the other. But I would have such a sense of loss because most of my life would have just gone down the crapper all at once.
So when it comes to sensory disability, even losing my marbles to an Aquired Brain Injury wouldn't put me off so much because I could still remember and compute a lot of things, just not perform them to the extent I do now. But to have all that swept out form under me with one hard yank would almost be the end of me. Sure, i could do some Diversional work, but I wouldn't be able to hear the things people said, or the compliments that are often handed to me, or be able to discuss things with my clients.
So I want you, just for a minute, to consider the things in your life, and which sense would take all that from you at once. Is it sight? Is it your hearing or speech? Would the loss of another sense or motorfunction stop you? I know the loss of a motorfunction, such as walking, wouldn't stop me from doing what I do now, but it would be a pain in the rear for a while. What is it about your body that you really need to make you you? I find the question interesting because not a lot of people stop and consider it. On the other hand, I do hear on and off about different people who have done well for themselves without different functions, and I don't doubt that I could find a similar path if that were to happen. But still, it is something I don't think a lot of people think about that often, if at all. That probably explains why a lot of people are so amazed by what I do and achieve with my vision loss, because they can't/haven't contemplated what it would like to be that blind.
Well, that is my lot for today. I am going to go back to listening to my music and probably write some emails. Some of my readers should be expecting one from me today. Lotsa love,