Title: Cinderella
Staring: Ilene Woods (Cinderella), Eleanor Audley (The Wicked Step-Mother/Lady Tremaine), Luis Van Rooten (The Grand Duke and the King), Lucille Bliss (Anastasia), Rhoda Williams (Drizella), Verna Felton (Fairy Godmother).
Rating: 3 Glass Slippers
Review: I’ve always enjoied Disney, and they do have an individual take on Fairy Tales (if your stanards aren’t too anal retentive). However, in watching this to remember a few things from my Childhood, I find that in comparrison to a lot of its predicessors and following films, this one is very slap-dash. The animation seems a little too fast and there are no specific scenes that have that special touch that you know took extra efforts. The only scene is the dance scene with the Prince. The stars are more specific and the background art is beautiful.
I took a point off because the story seemed too fast-forwarded. Even the Fairy Tale took its time to get to its point. But no, Disney decided to cut things down to what is basically an abridged version of the story. Not imptessed.
Another point was taken off for the lack of reality that seems to come with most other Disney movies. I don’t mind the magic, because that is the basis of a Fairy Tale. But watching the scenes with the King, I seriously can’t believe anyone can act that way in real like, short of John Astin as Gomez Addams.
The good points I had about this movie were the voice actors that were used. The EvilS tepmother is voiced by the same person who did Maleficent, and if you pay close attention, you can see Maleficent in her. The Fairy Godmother was also voiced by one of the Good Faires from Sleeping Beauty (Flora) but it was harder to tell. The voice was lighter and not so.... formal.
In the end, this is certainly not going on my DVD shelf, but only as the rare hire-out should I ever be baby-sitting or holding a very camp princess party. Whichever works.
As a side note, to which a little research never hurt, I discover that Verna Felton has been in all the Disney Movies I have enjoied. The roles are somewhat versitile, both human and paciderm, and always of different temporament and bravery and slapsticks. For the refference, here is her casting list, in chronological order.
Dumbo (Matriarch Elephant and Mrs.Jumbo)
Cinderella (Fairy Godmother)
Alice in Wonderland (Queen of Hearts)
Lady and the Tramp (Aunt Sarah)
Sleeping Beauty (Flora)
The Jungle Book (Winifred the Elephant)
Title:Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey
Staring: Keanu Reeves (Ted), Alex Winter (Bill), William Sadler (Death)
Rating: 3 Air Guitars
Review: I recall seeing this movie when I was really young, and while I remembered aspects and points, not enough to make a proper movie in my mind. So after a few weeks, I’d tracked down the title and hired the movie.
I can’t say I enjoy the personality types. It makes you wonder what the underlying psychology is. A lot of people might suggest that Bill and Ted should be in a relationship, because it would save them a lot of time and effort and they seem to enjoy each other WAY too much. However, since the stereotype of 1991 wouldn’t permit such a thing, we can only look to fanfiction writing for such a thing. One might question the actors, both being in their 40’s and not married. Stop daydreaming Perry and get on with it! Although, I did find a game reference in the movie. The rock show hoastess is the model for one of the radio shows in the PS2 game ‘Grand Theft Auto, Vice City.’
I knew the early 90’s as a time of Primary School years, and not good ones at that. And after watching this, I am glad I wasn’t in my teens at that time. Or that if I was, I certainly wouldn’t be there.
I took a point off for the ending. Seriously, too much talking, not enough suspence, and so on. I had a number of hopes for how the ending might be, but the sad humor of the movie simply subtracted from it.
Following that, another point and a half taken off for the jumps in the plot in places. There wasn’t a lot of places where it happened, but where it did happen was a pain in the rear, as it lacked a lot of explanation. Little explanation to get key plot points in.
However, I put the half point back, because William Sadler has the best evil laugh, and the music, in itself, wasn’t too bad. Clearly I am not going to get this movie for my shelf, and I doubt I will watch it again. But it does give one thought for the things that make one’s own personal hell and what it might contain. Just a thought!
Title: The Frighteners
Staring: Michael J. Fox, Trini Alvardo, Jeffrey Combs, John Astin
Rating: 4 Reaper Scythes
Review: I saw this movie for English class years back, and then again when it was shown on TV, and still there were plot points missing in my mind. But I love a horror chase through an abandoned location with psychos and a mission. What I really need is some plot revival.
Michael J Fox, in his hey day, was gorgeous. He is a major contender for my hot men list. But that is off topic. He is somewhat of a good actor. To play the role he did where he had to pretend to interact with somebody was highly amusing. For a horror, it didn’t instill a lot of comic releif after the plot picked up, and it certainly demonstrated how narrow-minded some people are. But the plot went well and despite the fact I knew what happened at the end, I enjoied it. After all, there is something about the camera angles and way the movie jumped between the here and there.
I did remove a point. The lead female character, Lucy, seems to be in and out for a while, with not the best of explanations as to WHY she is there or HOW she managed to get there. And she seems to be in the police station for at least 16 hours. But that’s just me.
In the end, this is going on my shelf... eventually. It is just a matter of supply, demand and cost. And believe me, trying to get the DVD’s from the list below. After all, depending on the age of the movie depicts how much it is going to be.
Title: Friday the 13th
Staring: Jared Padalecki, Danielle Panabacker, Aaron Yoo, Amanda Righetti
Rating: 3 Hockey Masks
Review: There are many components to survival horror. And without breaking it down too much, this film had a number of these things. However, I have heard a few things about this movie, and I know that I am not going to see the rest of them. I refuse to believe any person could survive any of those brutal murders. Even the killers death was unsuvivable. Yet he still comes back... again and again. Don’t buy it.
The story in itself wasn’t too bad. I don’t mind survival horror, it is a good way to pointless dispurse with human life. It is especially annoying when you can predict when they will die, or when most movies give the same reasons as to WHY someone dies (eg: they are smashed, drugged, having sex or in the bathroom).
Let’s start at the beginning. A kid sees his mother get killed after she kills a lot of people because she thinks he’s dead. Her ‘spirit’ tells him to “kill for Mummy”. He lives at the now abandoned camp at Crystal Lake. As time goes by, Jason, the kid, kills anyone who isn’t local to the area and living near the lake. For a kid who has been living on his own for 20-something years, he is highly intuitive and knows how to read human behavior. He can sneak perfectly and kill in either a quick and painless death or drag it out to be as long and painful as he likes.
Our heroes, most of whom are stoned, drunk, stuck up or idiodic, are slowly picked off one by one, although some lived longer after their deaths than expected. Especially that guy with the arrow in his head.
Anyway, the lead character, Clay, is searching for his sister, beleived dead. Cast aside by the other characters, only one helps him. When they come to the abandoned campsite where Jason lives, it doesn’t take long for them to discover something is very wrong. As they try to get help, their ‘comrads’ are picked off like so many targets at a shooting gallery.
In the final showdown, Clay gets his sister back, as she ahs been the prisoner of Jason for the past month, and they both manage to not only strangle him, but stab him through the upper chest. He should be dead, considering how much damage he was given. But no, after the sister throws the prized necklace of Jason’s in after his dead body, he jumps up through the floorboards and attacks. The end! -1.5
Another -.5 for the stupid title. There is no reference, no link, no nothing. I fail to understand. I’d give this movie a simple title to get your attention, like “Jason.” or “Crystal Death”. That way it couldn’t really get dragged out too far. ‘Friday the 13th’ should be left for a more supernatural film title where there is a relevance.
No, I won’t get this film. I prefer the killer to remain dead once killed. I also prefer to see the villain take some damage. And lastly, if the disposable characters are just that, please find a more original situation or state of mind for them.
Title: harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, part 1
Staring: Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, Rupert Grint
Rating: 3.5 Horcrux’s
When I noted Steve Kloves’ name among the credits, I didn’t have a good feeling. Slowly but surely, he has been taking the films away from the books. This folm was alright though, it came back to the point of the books. He just distorted the time line (-1) and screwed up the character development (-.5). It was good to see that they could at least keep the plot where it should be. However, the finishing point and it’s place in the book leave a lot to ponder for the next movie.
The end scne where there should be a big battle has been a letdown in the past few films, and the vattle is less than award-winning. I know it goes against the book, but for the love of Hufflepuff, at least make the fights last, or put more suspence into it.
The thing I also note that doesn’t change is death and its fuck-ups. The movie has characters dying in ways they shouldn’t, characters dying that shouldn’t and characters that should die, not. Clue much? It’s times like this, and poor character development, or even understanding, that make me wonder how closely the book was read and translated before the screenplay or script was put together. Steve Cloves has done a good job of screwing things over in one or another over time.
The only reason this DVD is going on the shelf is to add to the collection. Whether it comes off to be watched as often is not predictable. It has done better than other movies, Harry should be dead with hypothermia, but I always wonder what causes these idiotic changes, insertions or withdrawls that are not necessary.
Title: The Addams Family (1991 film)
Staring: Anjelica Huston, Raul Julia, Christopher Lloyd, Christina Ricci
Rating: 4 decapitated hands
Review: How much fun this film was way back when. Dad can certainly vouch for how much I enjoied it. Watching it over and over again. Years later I go searching and discover the DVD is not available in Australia. Well, ga humph! But we have a copy now and very happy with it.
One thing I note is the amount of jokes I didn’t get back then that I get now. Adult humor and all. The story makes more sense and nothing is missed. But what I appreciate even more is Wednesday’s comments and level of humor. The other thing I appreciate is that Gomez is not as... over-done. John Astin did great, but Gomez portrayed by Raul Julia had a bit more control and was better looking. May her rest in peace.
Speaking of great acting, Anjelica Huston has two great scenes in this film outside of her standard Morticia role. One scene is where Morticia finds Fester outside and leads him through the graveyard, touring him on a brief Addams Family history. She is dressed in a cross between the Grim Reaper and a woman in moarning. She speaks softly, with feeling and directly. Her words are well effected and the backing music and sounds work the scene well. And she gets her point across. The other scene that is a major bonus in her favor is the scene where she is sitting in the motel room looking at her family. Deciding she needs to do something, she wanders off. The scene that always makes me laugh is when she is a kindergarden teacher and gets all the kids to cry. Voted as one of the Mother’s of the times. Always caring for her family, first to react when something is wrong, Morticia is really the best. And I’d go dancing and fencing with her too.
A point was removed. This was simply the lack of logic in two points. One is when Wednesday flees upon discovering Fester is a fake, and instead of going to her parents, she curls up in a mausoleum and snoozes away. The other is when the bad guys are searching for the vault, they don’t use any logical tagging system to note which chains have and haven’t been used.
The other thing I noticed was that in this movie, margaret has a son, who seems to disappear into the ether in the next movie. Go figure!
I have found the family motto to be a good one for the next time I am in karaoke competition.
‘Sic Gorgiamus Allos Subjectatos Nunc’
‘We Gladly Feast on Those Who Would Subdue Us.’
Good night boys and girls
Overall Top 10
1) Silent Hill (4.5)
2) The Color Purple (4.5)
3) The Frightners (4)
4) Shortbus (4)
5) Indiana Jones and the Last Criusade (4)
6) The Addams Family (4)
7) Mrs.Doubtfire (4)
8) Sleepwalkers (4)
9) Indiana Jones and Raiders of the Lost Ark (4)
10) Conversations With God (4)
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