Well, I think I have done my job. Well, at least for now. I didn't realise I was doing it for a while, but when everything comes to a pass, it seems I have done what I needed to for someone. I just hope that it all follows through.
For a while at karaoke, there has been a person there who has had a bit of a problem with me. Now, I don't expect everyone to like me, and I'd be foolish if I did. I usually gave this guy half a glance then ignored him and his comments. However, a few weeks ago, a mutual friend of ours told him that I read palms and tarot cards. Intrigued, he offered me $10 to read his palm. I don't know what he was expecting, but it certainly wasn't what he got. I managed to end the reading half way through because he was so freaked out that I was reading him so accurately. He's been suggesting me to everyone everyone ever since, and he has discovered a new respect for me.
Now, what I hope I have achieved is, in the long term, the ability to open his mind a bit more. What I am finding a lot in this world is that people look and judge by the slightest things, as I discussed in my last theory. But what I have hopefully done is helped him start to push apst that. He is a good guy with a good head on his shoulders, he just lets his pre-empted thoughts direct his judgement. With a bit of luck, he will learn not to judge people on sight until he has gotten to know them a little.
Another person I did a reading for, I think I have set him up on something that he needs to do. I foresaw that he is about to start a journey of self discovery, and I could tell from the look in his eye, the emotions he radiated and so forth that he was doing this, or at least finding the will to do it. And I wish him the best of luck with it. I can't dictate to him that he MSUT take this quest, but I think I unknowingly but timingly gave him the boost he needed to begin.
This is the sort of work I enjoy with my psychic practices. I enjoy helping people find a deeper meaning within themselves and their own abilities. To point people in the direction they need to become a better them. There has always been a reason for everything, and I think that for the efforts I put in with these guys over the past few weeks, I have been given a small reward in the form of a guy. Not relationship stuff, but certainly a good friend. What could be wrong with that?
In the meantime, I am having an issue with some of the things people are telling me these days. I know it is chain mail, and so therefore I'd like to point out I do not blame the sender for sending it. I won't repeat myself.
There is a wonderful thing in life and the human charity when we discover something about ourselves or others that is truly touching, and when we give up what we need to help those less fortunate. I think these stories are great. BUT, and I say BUT with much force, I do not want to know how God is involved, or how it is his doing. Yes, in my round-about way, I do believe in it, I just don't title it as such. I find that if a nice story has got the whole 'Gods Will' in it, I can't read any further. Why is it so beyond people to think that things happen for a reason without titling it? You were placed in that position for a reason and your reaction is down to you. I think it is great if you do the right thing, but I really couldn't care less if you think God is behind it.
For the reference, when I say 'God', I mean the Christian, Catholic, whatever other closely related religion you can think of God. If I want to reference a god, I will give a name or say 'The God.'
Now, what I want to see, is some people taking a step back from this idea of God's controlling and then place the idea that they were placed in a situation to see how they would respond, or that (as it usually does) lines up wonderfully with something they are doing. I am happy if you do the right thing, I really am, but why do you discredit yourself to put God in your place? I just find it belittling and self-destructive. Doing a good thing should be for your own peace, not to promote God, and that is why I can't read these touching stories, because I find it all winds up being a promotion for religion. What I want is to read a good story that is both heart-touching and warm-felt without having religion dragged into it. Readers of this blog should have a good idea of what I think on the subject of religion.
Now that I have finished here, I think I'll go back to my music and my writing. Nothing posted online for a while, so nothing to offer really. Sorry folks,
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