*A Push Door With a Handle
*Being handed a fork for your ice cream
*Naming your child after an inaninimate object that will get them teased in school
*Christmas decorations up in early October
*Supermarkets selling Easter Eggs from 26.Dec
These things do not make any sense. But neither does the newest government scheme. Today, I went down the road to pay to get into my diploma. For the record, yes, I am doing my Diploma in Leisure and Health next year. But there is no govenrment discount anymore. This doesn't make a lot of sense either. How are pensioners supposed to get a higher education to improve their job prospects if they can't afford the education required to get it? As a pensioner, I got a good discount on my Cert IV, so it was rather affordable. But this year, I got no such discount. While I can see where the government is saving a lot of money in one way, their introduction of the TAFE HEX fees is just a bigger waste. A cert IV or Diploma may not get you the job that will reach the payment level required to pay it back. So the government has just shot itself in the foot, because I doubt anyone will get a job that requires them to pay back the Hex. So offering a discount was probably cheaper in the long run than this new HEX plan. And like the short list above, it just doesn't make sense.
In other news, I finish my CertIV next Thursday. I am very excited, and somewhat nervous. My life for the apst number of months ahs been based on the routine of going to class and volunteer work. And while the latter is still in play, I'm gonna miss going to class for a while. While I have a few things set up to fill my time, they are not perminent and therefore, may seem somewhat dull after a while. What am I to do? Deal with Christmas for one. I've got the list put together for the most part. I am so cutting back this year. I really don't want to be doing too much. People may just have to put up with a card and something either small and simple or just a card. Most years I spend $500 and don't save anything for myself, but I want to do something about that. I want to either spend less and put the rest away or spend less and repay just that with a bit extra. So for almost everyone, it is gift vouchiers of their choice. Price, well, you get what you're given. Not too stingy but not dramatic either. And I wouldn't ask for anything more myself.
I am also shopping for fewer friends this year. I know who is getting what (except for the few who haven't gotten back to me) and then I will hopefully will spend a lot less. I love giving, don't get me wrong, but I need to honestly start looking at cash versus charity. I want some savings for myself, and I have been doing good to put some dollars aside. Now I need to follow through on that. I want some real money set aside for myself and it is there in case of emergencies. While I do have that money, I will probably dip into it to pay for X-mas and then use my C'link loan to replace it and a bit more. Not the full loan, coz I need to lower the repayment so I have more money throughout the year.
I can't believe I am debating with myself about my money on line. New subject! karaoke! We all like that! I am hoping, management permitting and technology induring, I will have some new videos of me at the karaoke on my YouTube soon. I was going to make some DVD's of the fotage and send them off here and there for Christmas, but because of continuous delays, I am just not going to get it done in time. It was a really good idea and I loved it and I am sure the recpriants would have loved it too, but I don't have enough time between now and Christmas to get it all put together. That is if my computer can do the job, because it is still a little testy about some things. Go figure! What I will do, once I have a number of songs put together, is ask people what songs they want and I'll put it all together for them for a small price (ie: CD, postage).
Big karaoke nights this fortnight as well. This Friday, AKA tomorrow, my Grandmother will be joining me and my parents at the Karaoke. I am looking forward to it, considering Nan has paid some of my singing lessons and was backing me on Red Faces. So this is where a year's worth of work sums up in one place and time. And the following Friday is the class break-up party at the karaoke. I think most people, if not all, have seen me on YT, so I have a show to put on. I know what songs I am doing and I know what I need to wear, so let's just hope it all goes well. And after all that, on Saturday.4.Dec I am going to wake up and feel either sad or excited. I am not totally sure. releif it is all done? Sadness that it is done? Miss my new friends? I really don't know what I am going to do. For those who don't know, when I did my Diploma in Professional Writing and Editing back in 04-5, I didn't pass, and dropped out. So I have not passed a higher education outside of a short course, which really doesn't count for much. So in earning my CertIV, I don't know what I am going to feel. But at the same time, I am going to be damned proud of finishing it. And when my actual certificate arrives, I am going to frame it and put it in on my shelf of trophies, along with my karaoke certificates, trophy, and some other certificates I need to put back.place up there. They need framing too.
I know one thing I am going to do, and that is work on some of my other theories. They need more expanding. I am also going to refocus on my spiritual path and make an effort there to focus my gifts and skills. I am also going to catch up with friends here and there and everywhere. Not a lot of travel, perhaps, but let's see what happens.
Okay, i have ranted enough for now. I need to get some food before I eat my arm. It looks so good.
Pez-is-da-man man!
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