Today was the last day. I have finished my classes for my Certificate 4, I ahve finished them all. I am glad to say I only missed one class due to illness and the worst time being late was less than five minutes. I have passed all my assignments (except perhaps one, but it was submitted today) and I have a long list of contacts. But what I am facing is how I feel about this. I don't know how I feel though. I have to work out how to live within a new level of life. I still have my volunteer work two days a week and I can try and take up some of my other activities, and there is a few other things I can do with my time, like take up Tai Chi again. I had to cancel because my classes were on Thursdays, and by the time I got out of class and to the dojo, they'd be closed. I hope I can take up my classes again. I need a bit more practice. I can also TRY and take up mu singing lessons again, but no guarantee. This will set me back a bit ($72+$60=$132 per fortnight). Might have to wait until I am back on my payments from studying. Speaking of which, I am back in TAFE for my Diploma in early February, not March. So for now, I have 2 months and one week to relax, deal with Christmas and celebrate my birthday. Go me!
Until then, I have a few things I can do to fill in my time. Got a trip to Geelong next week which I am looking forward to, and all the Christmas things I need to do. I'll work it out. My graduation ceremony is sometime next year (don't ask, don't know why) and I have a long list of people to invite. I hope they can all make it. In the meantime, I might go sleep, or read, or something. I dunno,
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