I have a theory. It is based on the evolution of the soul.
Picture in your mind a candy store. Every possible sweet in jars, on trays and in bags. See sweets that you know and love, see the ones you know you don't like, and the ones that you want to try but haven't. Then I want you to see some that are almost unknown. Different on color, shape, design, and don't have a name. All these tasty temptations are in a room as long as you can see, wider than you can imagine and as tall as you can make it, and each isle of sweets is well above your reach to get to the ones on the top.
Now that I have set this image in your mind, I want you to place four people in the store. One is a child, one as a youth in his prime, one is an adult in their 40's and one is an elderly person in their 80's. Imagine how they would react to being in the shop. Clearly the child is going to go galavanting off, wishing to try everything at once, yet not sure what to take first. The youth would probably stick to things they like, while maybe taking a few new things that are closely related. The adult would be a bit more open on the range of choice, taking both things they know they like while trying something new, and the elderly person, with the most experience, knows what they like and what they don't.
Clearly, not everything can be taken at once, as much as the child could wish it. Each person is allowed to take a certain amount. The child can't take too many because if they do, they will make themselves sick. The youth needs to be careful how much they take for they still need to establish good paterns in life. The adult would probably ration while the elder would take a lot of one thing that they like to stock up on, and an een amount of something newer.
These four people in your mind, sweets in hand and paid for, will walk out of the candy store and incarnate into their next lives, each a newborn baby and the sweets they have choosen are the challenges they have choosen to take with them. Effectively, the souls has gone shopping for their experiences. When they leave the next mortal coil, reguardless of its length, they will return to the store, a little wiser for their likes and dislikes, with the possible exception of the elder, who might have tried everything in the store. What happens to them I will get to a bit later.
This demonstration I have put to you is my theory of soul evolution for us as humans, and all other souls who move through a reincarnation cycle, whether they share it with us or not. For humans at least, we have a lot to experience, and some of these things are already beyond our perception, which is represented by the sweets we cannot identify by name or shape or color. There are challenges that have been apart of our existence for a long time, and you might represent these with sweets such as turkish delight or bullseyes. There are modern, here-and-now challenges, and they would be more represented by a bag of starburst jellybeans. Either way, as we select the sweets we take with us, we elect our life challenges, but there is more to it than that. Because there is more to us than simply being born, being challenged and going back to be incarnated again, we must also choose specifically a few other things to come with us. This candy store of souls also holds for us the things we will be interested in, our likes and dislikes, our sexuality, our disorders and our quirks.
I want you to take a pen and pad and write down four groups of three different types of sweets. Either by company name and the type of sweet (eg: Starburst chews), or just the name of the sweet itself (eg: musk sticks). Leave a space next to each item to write more information.
Sweets can be from lollies, to ice-creams to puddings to anything you consider sweet.
*One list of three should be sweets that you love, that you could have right now if you could.
1. Turkish Delight
2. Chilli Chocolate
3. Jelly Belly Jelly Beans
*One list should be three flavors you like in sweets, be it a flavor of chocolate, jelly bean of just a sweet flavor you like.
1. Musk
2. Roasted Marshmellow
3. Cookies and Cream
*One list should be sweets that you don't mind, but do not necessarily buy for yourself.
1. Dark Chocolate
2. Butterscotch
3. Fruitcake
*The final list should be three sweets you do not like.
1. Tiramisu
2. Rice Pudding
3. Black Licorice
From this list, we are going to turn your favorite sweets and flavors into who you are.
*Your favorite sweets are going to be your good qualities.
1. Turkish Delight / Polite
2. Chilli Chocolate / Pazzaz
3. Jelly Belly Jelly Beans / Diversity
*Your favorite flavors are things you enjoy, such as hobbies, interests, occupation. But make sure it is something specific to you.
1. Musk / Spiritual Guiding
2. Roasted Marshmellow / Entertaining Friends
3. Cookies and Cream / Both good and bad humour
*Your next list are things that you have had to accept about yourself.
1. Dark Chocolate / Procrastinator
2. Butterscotch / mental disability
3. Fruitcake / Body image
*The last three are things that we have to or have had to overcome in our lives. looking at them gives us lots to think about, becuase they clearly changed our lives. These things can be both positive or negative, but the point is that they were a challenge, not a breese.
1. Tiramisu / Damage from all my surgerys
2. Rice Pudding / Being ostroscised
3. Black Licorice / Social Awkwardness
these 12 things are things you brought with you from the candy store. Clearly you took a whole lot more than that, right down to the number of strawberry jelly beans. However, this example you have worked demonstrates in a small detail that we have taken a lot of things with us to make us who we are.
The four people running around the store, as mentioned earlier, are souls, each at a different level of age and maturity. Just like physical beings, just over a longer period of time, our souls age and grow wiser. Clearly, our age and experience makes us choose more wisely about what we like, what we don't like and what we should try next in the world. Presenting this as the biggest candy store in the collective imagination is a simple way to present it.
The Child New to the ideas of living and learning, a child wants to try everything without a lot of thoughts to the consciquences. The child is limited on how much they can take form the store because, being so young, they cannot handle all the responsability at once. A young soul has a lot of choice because they haven't tried very many things (if any). they may choose one or two things to take with them from past lives and this may reflect in either interests, goals, beliefs or lifestyles. A few of the things that they will choose, because of their limit in height, will be life challenges which will be represented by things they will either not get from the store on their next visit or willget again to get a taste for. Ultimutely, they take a balanced amount of everything.
These souls are identifyable because they have an easier run in life. They don't face up to a lot from start to finish. Their challenges are very mundane in their creation and finding a conclussion to. This does not suggest they won't have a hard time dealing with it, because they will need to gain the experience of this aspect of living. But in comparrison to the other three souls, their lives are somewhat easier and more carefree.
The Youth Having experienced a few things, the youth as an idea of what they like and what is and isn't good. They can be a bit more choosy on what they take for themselves, but are still unwise as to what works as a combination and what doesn't. In comparrison, it is like serving musk sticks with your tiramisu, it doesn't really work at all. The youth also has more access to some of the sweets on the shelves that were previously beyond their reach because they have experienced enough to be able to take the sweets and learn their tastes in life.
These souls are identified from their level of experience and gain in life. Probably the more successful ranks of the soul when looked at in their lives. They can achieve quite well and deal with their issues, have a well rounded personality, but perhaps fall apart at the seems a little quicker than others. They have built something, but if it is taken form them, it might have them crumple into a being beyond not being able to do much with themselves. So while success is eisier, it is precious and requires a lot of maintaining.
The Adult: Knowledged and wise to the effects of a lot of the sweets in the store, they can choose very carefully as to what they want to do in their next round. they will take the things they like having in life while challenging themselves to newer and tougher things on higher shelves still. These souls may also try some foreign sweets, which incarnate them outside of earth. We cannot learn everything here, and so incarnate in places where they can learn these things.
You can pick these souls from their level of depth and understanding. While they haven't totally grasped the difference between being mortal and being beyond this world, they do seem to understand a lot, either form their own life experience this time or a deeper knowledge. Their lives are with difficulties that a lot of epople cannot comprehend how to deal with, and it is up to the soul to work out how to deal with what they have choosen. However, being able to deal with it makes the soul older and wiser still. Not being able to deal with it means they will prbably buy more from the store until they can swallow and digest it.
Elderly souls: These people have an experience, colectively, that goes beyond the minds and comprehensions of being human. They know a lot about living and coping. They have very few things left to try in the candy store, have found the right combination of sweets that they like and work woell together. Their last visits are the toughest tests of the soul and the mortal mind, and these souls have ladders to reach the sweets on the top shelves.
These souls are simply different form others. they are the toughest, the most knowing and the ones most likely to want to help. Many examples of these are in Doreen Virtues "Realms of the Earth Angels", but even if they are not an earth angel, they are well experienced. While dealing with thier own lives, they can help others with theirs, because they know about their troubles and can answer the call.
Beyond the Store: When we have, finally, tasted every last sweet in the candy store and finished eating them, whcih takes many centuries of our time, we discover that we have the knowledge of life. It doesn't make us perfect, but it is the point in which our souls evolve into the next stage of experience. These experiences are as helpers back to the physical worlds but in spiritual forms. Guides, protectors, warriors and so forth.
In conclussion, the Candy Store is where we choose our experiences. We have our tastes, our prefered combinations of foods and where we are all encouraged to try new things. Every aspect of mortal lving can be made here, and we will need to experience them all in one way or another. As examples...
Fairyfloss: Being homosexual
Black jelly beans: having dark skin
Spearmint: being a warrior
strawberry/blueberry: being fe/male
apple cobbler: living in the country
lemon drops: having mental disability
In these examples, and many many more, we will discover that we have a lot to learn. The things we choose to experience in our lives are for sale at the Candy Store at the beginning of incarnation. The things we don't like we must learn to cope with, and the things we love we have done before, are a part of who we are as continuous incarnations or something we have come to like this time around.
I have a theory. It is about soul evolution as humans.
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