Sunday, December 19, 2010

As Gay as AID's? You're dreaming!

For the people that know me really well, I don't get really pissed off with things in life. I get stressed, i get annoied, but I certainly don't get angry or enraged. But while out with a few friends today, one whom I had just met. He didn't know me at all, not my sexuality, not my occupation, not anything. Now, because it is the last week before Christmas, it is rather difficult to get a parking space anywhere, and he and another one of my friends were shooting their mouths off in frustration about the people driving around. The number of racist comments didn't really get to me, but when my new aquaintance decided that the situation was 'as gay as AID's' I almost lost it in a split second and rammed his head into a window.
I cannot, will not and do not stand for the idea that AID's is a gay-related sickness. It has been proven time and time again that it isn't. the reason AID's is more spread amoungst homosexuals is for two reasons.
1) Men are more suseptable to HIV AID's than women.
2) Homosexuals tend to have more sexually active lifestyles than heterosexual men.
Point number two is a generalisation, not an actuality. But because we have a harder time meeting people who are like-minded, we have a few elected places that are basically a free-for-all brothel, commonly known as Saunas. It is a good place for things like HIV, herpies and other wonderful diseases/infections to spread. This does raise the odds of contracting HIV AID's, unless you use your brain and use the provided condoms there.
Let me make a few simple points.

1)AID's does not target homosexuals, as there is nothing in the human body that protects heterosexuals that homosexuals don't have.
2) AID's was not invented by homosexuals, nor did it come into the world for homosexuals. It originated from the mutation of viruses and germs that became fatal to humans, and nothing more.
3) AID's is a horrid way to die, is most uncomfortable to the person who has it.
4) AID's is not an indication of a persons sexuality
5) Many homosexuals live full lives without contracting AID's/being gay does not automatically give you AID's.
6) The idea that homosexuals spread AID's has some truth, but the blame is often misplaced. (See below).

It is beyond clear to me the ignorance and misguidance of people who believe such things. Anyone who dares say that to my face is asking for a lot of hurt should I lack self control. Especially if I have been previously riled up. You wouldn't say such things if you knew someone with HIV AID's, and you wouldn't dare call them names to their face, would you? I simply cannot stand this sort of ignorance. I don't know if it is from a lack of education, a lack of understanding at all, or simply a want to hurt. But I suppose ignorance is bliss, especially if you haven't seen or experienced it.

Now, this stupid idea that homosexuals are responsible for HIV AID's is absolute bullshit. I want to know where the logic for this came from. I know it was a popular idea between the 60's and 80's, but we now know better. There is no truth to this idea that homosexuals make HIV AID's. Those who are biochemists MIGHT be able to, but it is a rediculous idea that we make a disease to infect ourselves with to cut short our lifespan, lifestyle and tortures us for the rest of our existence. That would be like breaking your own spine to spite your walking. There is little sense in this. If someone can provide me with a logical answer to this question that I couldn't debate my way out of, I'll conceit, but I seriously doubt that it can be presented.
As for this idea that AID's is spread by homosexuals... well, there is a little truth, but it basically again boils down to people's own stupidity and unwillingness to see the fault in their own plans. Many places in the world believe that they can "cure" homosexuality. This is a rare occurance, because you can't change who you are, only disguise it. At the same time, there are those who will act heterosexual to be more accepted. When people like this have the virus, they go out and sleep with women and pass the virus on if they haven't been using safe sex measures. And all of a sudden, whoops, the women have the virus, and they can pass it on too. I know I mentioned that men are more prone to HIV AID's than men, and this is because recently, it has been discovered that estrogen (the female hormone) can block the virus to a very good extent.
The other reason HIV get's around is because of needle sharing. And believe me, you don't need to to homosexual in this situation to have or get the virus. Sharing needles is about as safe as drinking a bowl of e-coli. This level of ignorance and lack of knowledge is definately a major cause of the virus' spread.
So, if you ever catch someone saying how homosexuals are evil because they spread, HIV AID's, pass them onto me and let me teach them a thing or two, or use this knowledge to your advantage because we need to teach the ignorant people some truth. You will find, most often, that their cases for their statements have no basis other than just because they do.' I hope that this has given you some insight as well.

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