Methinks I'm not doing so well. You see, I've got a problem with guys, and it doesn't seem to be getting any better. here is the problem.
1) Finding a guy worth dating. A lot of men are either too old, too shallow or not interested.
2) Geography is becoming more of a pain. One guy I liked was in Shepparton while I was in Sth melbourne, another is in Geelong while I'm in Box Hill. For the geographically unsure, Shepparton is 2 hrs north of melb while I was living in South Melbourne. A guy in Geelong which is West of Melb while I am in Box Hill, East Melb. Help me!
3) Sex. We all like in in one way or another, and while it is a factor of a relationship, it becomes hard not to have sex with someone you're attracted to and not have it blow everything everything up. the problem becoming is when? Too early and you seem to lose appreciation. Too late and you might be friends not willing to push the bill.
4) Men leave suddenly. I don't know why, and most of the time is without explanation. I know I have dropped men like hot spuds, so it is my own medicine on some levels, but I try not to do that anymore. Only if someone hurts me really badly do I drop them off without a word. If that is my own medicine on a %100 round, then clearly I am missing a trick somewhere.
5) Attraction. I know I am not the hottest thing on the grill, nor does my body come in line with the stereotypes of health pushed upon us through mainstream media. However, with all my physical problems, obvious or not, I can still get by. In this world of physical pleasure, we do our best to get the best, or at least the best of what we want. Clearly the guys who take their time to get to know me WITHOUT mixed signals would be nice, so therefore there is a chance.
Now, I know that I still have to sowrk out some aspects of what a relationship really is, and when that comes to pass, I might be able to be more presentable. I also need to find someone who is as honest as I am. I have found 1 guy who has fallen under all that so far. We haven't met personally, but we have been talking for months, so it is getting somewhere. Only thing is, problem number 2 is back in play. Why is it all the guys you think are worth something either taken or away?
Well, now that I have vented some of my issues about this subject, as I occasionally do, I feel a bit better now. I know I am being impatient for someone who is 24.10, but seriously, I get frustrated when I see people start and finish a relationship over a long period of time or people who run through them like they're going out of fashion. The latter clearly isn't a good thing, but the other is nice but ency making. But I like weddings. Am involved with my friends wedding that is in a few months. I look forward to my own one day, one far away day, but I look forward to it. Still, I'll survive. Watch me!
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