Thursday, January 27, 2011

Birthday: Camp Party

I know I am late in posting this, but at least I am finally getting around to it. Had a bit to deal with.
Anyway, Saturday night was the last round of celebrations and where else would I go but DT's? The celebration was of quite a bit of cidar to drink, a number of friends to talk to and people to get to know better. Needless to say, I only paid for 2 drinks all night, and everyone else was getting me as drunk as tey could. I'm not an idiot though, and refused a few drinks so I could keep a level head home.
Slash DFarling, my one and only Slash, made a big mistake though. Her opening number was 'Sweet Transvestite' (seems to be the theme this year) and her usual thing to do while Brad is talking is to nick someone's beer and skull it. But there wasn't any beer up front, so she took my cidar thinking it was beer. Needless to say she couldn't finish it because it was too sweet and she was expecting bitter. She got me a new one to say thanks. And another at the end of the night. If we had gone out moreso, she would've had me smashed.
Dulsie told the WORST joke on God's earth, considering our national disasters.
"If you have friends or family lost in the floods, get onto www.bigpond and find them there." Too soon, Dulse dear, far too soon!
With kissing on with a nice guy at the tram stop until my tram arrived... in front of street workers, I bid farewell to another round of birthday party for this year. I feel a bit more mature and settled in who I am, considering I tend to age and mature at the same time. I wonder what this year holds? I know the dedications I made are already in play, and although I asked for some time off during my Birthday, that time has past and I am back on duty. But I feel rested enough to do my spiritual work again.
I am also doing my Diploma this year, so that will be exciting. I already know some of my classmates, and one of the newer (as in not in my cert4 class0 students works where I work, and I know that I am not the only guy after meeting him. I also know I am not the only cute guy after meeting him. Tehehe! \
Well, lots to plan, lots to do, can't sit here chewing the fat and stroking the keys all day. Chat to you soon,

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