In the past few weeks, Tony Abbott has been making statements about his views of abortion, divorce and, most recently, sex before marraige. Now, it is safe to say that I didn't vote for Tony, because his political and religious clashes tell me that he wouldn't support me in anything.
Now, his most recent comments to Women's Weekly (women's magazine) state that teenage girls are getting into sexual acts earlier and they should consider sex before marraige. Now, this is a very wild subject for me.
IF people want to have sex after marraige, God speed to you. People tell me how much you don't really need sex until after you lose your virginity. However, there are those out there who, even heterosexual, ahve a strong belief in sex before marraige. This is simply because they wouldn't get any at all otherwise.
Now, as far as Tony should be concerned, he can have his religious ideals, opinions and beliefs, as I would never deny anyone that. But publicising them across women's magazines and television, especially on Australia Day. Being a man, and one who has been caught with his hand in the cookie jar (more than once) he is not really in a position to talk. While he is in more of a position to make his views known, he has certainly sparked two different opinions. One was outrage, the other was a small rise in popularity.
Here are my thoughts. Yes, young women are more freed these days to do what they want. I have been a feminist for ages, and letting women be allowed to make their own choices. The 60's were a while ago, get over it. If girls want to have sex before marraige, within legal ages and so forth, that is all for them. If they don't want to, go for it.
The main problem lies in parental education, not teenage choices. I have seen and learned that teenagers are going to do their own thing, regardless, and the best thing to do is educate them on what to do when the situation is at such a point. My Mum, my Grandmother and many of my other close friends, when the subject comes up, remind me of the virtues of safe sex. And, as ongoing and repedative as it is, I know the difference between the two. If your child knows what s/he should do when and where, all you can hope is that they were smart enough to follow your advice.
I know that parents want to protect their children, and sex is definately the big topic for many reasons. But putting your child behind religious lines and preventing sex before marraige is not the answer, especially if it isn't what they want to do. Support your child through their decission making, even if you disagree, and be there to help them put the pieces back together when it is all over. I didn't always recognise it back then, but mum did that for me, even with some of my more foolish, regretable and disagreeable choices in life.
So, where do i stand? In short, protect your kids with knowledge, not forbidding. Education is the key, and sex education begins at home. I know (or at least last time I checked) sex education (or Personal Development, as we call it) is manditory in High School, but let me tell you, I lost my virginity before I stepped into that class.
Now, to my familywho I know are reading, I ahve a few things to say. To my mum, thank you for everything you said and did for me back in the days of my teenage life, even if I hardly ever showed my appreciation. to my Sister and Brothers; with the next generation growing up before your eyes, the time will soon come. While I won't tell you how to raise them, I suggest that you educate, advise and always be there if/when it falls apart. There is nothing better or worse you can do.
Tony Abbott; If your hand is the cookie jar, keep your mouth shut. I accept your religious beliefs, but don't impress them on people in a time when fewer people are not going to accept them. In case you weren't paying attention, feminism has come and I doubt it to be going anywhere. If people want to have sex before marraige, let them. Might I suggest that government up the anti on sex education and so forth so that if teenagers are going to have sex at a young age, they know there is support for them if they need it. Information is your key, not religious laws.
Until next time ladies and gentlemen,