I know I have been quiet for a few days, and that is because I haven't been here. I have been there. There being Eildon (about 1 1/2 hours north-east of Melbourne). As I mentioned, I was going up there with a few friends to have a relaxing weekend, and that is exactly what I did. Between movies, Trival Persuit and simply sitting back and chatting, Sheldon, Bree and I had a lot of fun. We laughed at everything that we did and at the end of the day breathing wasn't easy.
I can hear someone asking who won TP. Well, Bree won both games, I was second both times and Sheldon was alst. When we played Lord of the Rings TP on the last night, I won and I think Sheldon was second. Mind you, we have a long way to go. There are 20 segments to LotRTP, so there is a long way to go before I can say I am the winner. I seem to always have a problem getting the last piece I need, and I spend 20 turns trying to get to it, only to be landed with a seriously difficult question. Pain in the arse factor.
But now that I am home, things are very quiet, so I am going to take full advantage of it to do some writing. I was expecting some guys to book a reading from me today, but since they haven't called, I am not expecting anything at this point. I need to get my business cards printed off so I at least look professional. I have a card wallet ready to go, so there is only one delay in my way, which I will hopefully deal with tomorrow come the day after.
After that, there is not a lot to really speak of. Things progress quietly for a few days now until Thursday, when I pick up the pace again. I don't mind. Some solitude is good for me now and again. Although I might ask a friend over at some point, depends what I feel like. That's life,
Haven't played TP for ages...really fancy a game now!