Now, watching the news, I must first congratulate those who gained their Australian Citizenship today, because this is a multi-cultural nation, despite what some people say. You now have a home that does not force your hand for religion or politics (beyond the law of civic peace). Some of the stories I have heard of things that happen overseas for their laws and religions is rediculous. People get away with murder and rape while the victims and those related to them are punished. Remind me again why getting into a taxi with an indian driver is abad thing again?
Following that was Kevin Rudd's Nephew doing a peaceful demonstration outside the MCG to say that racism isn't identified or delt with enough in Australia. While they were finned for disturbing the peace or some such thing, I couldn't agree more. While every racist comment shouldn't be an offence, more racist acts should be with harder punishment.
But at the end of the day, I suppose Australia Day brings people together for a day at least. Some traditions for people have been standing for longer than I have been alive (24 years) and that is an interesting and honourable tradition.
Well, I'm going to stop ranting and look at the television. Oh look, a DVD of long-standing Australian Drama. All hail Blue Heelers and it's demonstration of small country life. Cheers,
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