I'm bored.
Really I am!
I look around and see a few minor jobs to be done around the house and that's about it. Everyone is either back at work or busy, and while I have enjoyed my quiet time, today is just one of those days. The only major thing on my list for today is the iorning. Can't really say how depressing I am finding that.
Needless to say I have been online all day trying to find ways to deal with my boredom. I have watched some wonderful fan-made movies on line (Youtube link below) and watched the video logs of friends. I have done most of the dishes, all the washing my clothesline can take and straightened things out. But I do have a plan to make this evening a little less bored, I am just hoping that all falls into place. If my money from Centrelink comes in early enough (which it has been known to do) I can pick up the next season of Blue Heelers for myself, which will be nice because I need something new to watch around here, and it is up to a good point. So lets hope that all falls in place.
Well, I have also done a bit of advertising for this blog. So all my family on Dad's side know of it's existance, as well as Mum, but there are still people to tell. I don't know how well this is going to go, hbut if it flies, it flies.
One thing people might care to note is the blog I am following on blogspot. Why Women Hate Men. I can't tell you the number of hours I have spent reading this site and laughing my head off at the sexual undertones and overtones of how stupid some heterosexual men are. Maybe I was just raised to respect women or am just plain sensable, but even I know some of those things are rediculous. The other blog I want to follow is Cake Wrecks, which is as amusing as it sounds, but I can't link it to my blog at the present moment. It is linked to my facebook, so you can find it there if you are linked. What some wreckorators do to cakes is highly amusing.
I do need to call a few people today, such as Nan and Mum, and few other people I owe a polite call to. I just find it hard to phone people because I hate interupting, but I really should bite the bullet and get on with it... or text them! Well, obviously not Mum or Nan, but the others... maybe. Just depends right now.
The one thing that has been keeping me entertained the past few nights is a small set of DVD's Nan gave me that explain about life in different parts of the world, both cultural and modern. There are 10 locations, and I have presently watched 3 (Australia, China and Italy). You would not beleive some of the things people do to uphold culture and tradition... or break it. Some of the stories are really touching, while others are rather interesting. It does inspire one to travel. Mind you, some of the things you discover make you want to scream profanities... which I did. One of these was the 1960's Chinese cultural revolution. What a dramatic loss of many arts.
I'm still bored. I can't go up the street for another hour without loitering, and considering the number of police who wander around, I really don't want to risk pissing them off. I don't know how fair all of them play, so I might just keep myself out of trouble as far as they are concerned. Misbehaviour is for those who can take it.
Well, I might see what I can do before I pack up and go for the little shopping trip. Like bring in the washing and get the iorning ready to go. maybe the last few dishes as well. I am still looking for a few things that are going in my charity bag to be dropped off at the salvos in the near future, but I can't lay hands on them. Oh well. I will return soon. Ciao,
Youtube fanfilms: http://www.youtube.com/user/blinky500
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