What? I had to do something cat-like and enduring to distract you from the fact I haven't posted in a bit. But let's put it this way, the longer I don't post, the more I have to tell you. My visit to lolcats not being one of them.
The most important news is that I have the final details of the Melbourne Romp and where me and my team came in the whole thing. We didn't raise the most money, but I'd like to thank my Mum and my Sister for donating. You can check out the details at our romp page at this address
What do you think of the changes I made around here? I thought it was time for something new and out of all my choices, this one was pretty much the nicer of them all.
Anyway, going back to this Saturday just gone, I actually had a surprise invitation. Some friends and aquaintances were having dinner for a friend's birthday. I arrived at DT's expecting to be like any other night until I got asked if I wanted to come to dinner. It was tough choice between being left next to broke for the rest of the pay week and doing something social that I haven't done in ages with so many people. So the twelve of us ended up going to a little place called BBQ House. I know how many of those there are in Melbourne, despite the fact they don't act like a chain, so I'll narrow it down and say it was the one on Victoria st, Richmond. Dinner consisted of a lot of different dishes on a lazy susan and basically, it became all you could eat for $30, excluding drinks. A lot of bottles of wine were provided by one of the guys at the table, so I didn't fuss about ordering anything else. Mind you, there are a few perks to sitting at a table with 11 other gay men who might not be as friendly to each other as you'd hope. CLAWS OUT BITCHES! I just sat there and pissed myself laughing for the most part. We were later described as hyenas; if there is nothing to attack, they turn on themselves. I'm glad I didn't point out I was most likely the youngest, because the youngest tend to get attacked first in these hyena situations.
Anyway, I have been exceptionally busy this week. The good news is that I have been handed the lease for another year in my appartment, so I don't have to plan on leaving untila t least this time next year. So that is all good and settled and we are off and away on that.
I recieved a few things from my Grandfather (God rest Peter Reynolds, Nov 2009) because his house was cleaned up and out by family members over the weekend. I got Granddad's TV, which I have no idea what I am going to do with, a number of photos of me when I was younger and a few of Granddad, myself and Mum. I also got some cat statues that were originally designed by my Grandfather, and are now represented as the compeditors gift for the Burmesse Cat Show every year. I had one from many years ago in lime green, now it has two white ones to keep it company. So now that these things are home, I am going to do some fussing with the photos and find a use for the frames. I don't have that many pictures to put in them, so I need to do some searching and requesting of some of the more important people in my lfie. I have asked family members for photos, so I will soon have my whole family on the shelf. Sounds weird, but I am sure you know what I mean.
Today has been a bit of a run around as well. I had an interview for volunteer work at a group called BASS care. they are more than willing to take me on, I just need to get some signatures on papers so I can have a police check. Isn't that nice? So hopefully, if that doesn't get backed up too far, I'll have my required volunteer work down.
I am also up for my three month assessment of my feet this week. I have had flat feet most of my life, but now there is a way of reversing that which involves no surgery or drugs. Simple exercises and correctional massage three days a week. Well, this has been happening for a few months now (basically just before the Christmas insanities) and I am due for my three month review. I was told that my condition is going to be tough to reverse fully, but we have been persisting and I am hoping that I will soon be taken off my authotics. I am so looking forward to that. It means I can wear shoes normally again!
What else have I been up to? Been chasing a few things over the internet. I am trying to locate some old songs from as far back as the 40's and have (finally) located all of them. I might take one or two of them to karaoke. Not sure right now, since I am still working on another song for this Friday's performance.
Well, after all that and watching another season of Blue Heelers (season 8 for the home game) I might just knock this blog off with another cute cat or mean joke just for your amusement value. Talk soon,