Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What's new?

What? I had to do something cat-like and enduring to distract you from the fact I haven't posted in a bit. But let's put it this way, the longer I don't post, the more I have to tell you. My visit to lolcats not being one of them.
The most important news is that I have the final details of the Melbourne Romp and where me and my team came in the whole thing. We didn't raise the most money, but I'd like to thank my Mum and my Sister for donating. You can check out the details at our romp page at this address
What do you think of the changes I made around here? I thought it was time for something new and out of all my choices, this one was pretty much the nicer of them all.
Anyway, going back to this Saturday just gone, I actually had a surprise invitation. Some friends and aquaintances were having dinner for a friend's birthday. I arrived at DT's expecting to be like any other night until I got asked if I wanted to come to dinner. It was tough choice between being left next to broke for the rest of the pay week and doing something social that I haven't done in ages with so many people. So the twelve of us ended up going to a little place called BBQ House. I know how many of those there are in Melbourne, despite the fact they don't act like a chain, so I'll narrow it down and say it was the one on Victoria st, Richmond. Dinner consisted of a lot of different dishes on a lazy susan and basically, it became all you could eat for $30, excluding drinks. A lot of bottles of wine were provided by one of the guys at the table, so I didn't fuss about ordering anything else. Mind you, there are a few perks to sitting at a table with 11 other gay men who might not be as friendly to each other as you'd hope. CLAWS OUT BITCHES! I just sat there and pissed myself laughing for the most part. We were later described as hyenas; if there is nothing to attack, they turn on themselves. I'm glad I didn't point out I was most likely the youngest, because the youngest tend to get attacked first in these hyena situations.

Anyway, I have been exceptionally busy this week. The good news is that I have been handed the lease for another year in my appartment, so I don't have to plan on leaving untila t least this time next year. So that is all good and settled and we are off and away on that.
I recieved a few things from my Grandfather (God rest Peter Reynolds, Nov 2009) because his house was cleaned up and out by family members over the weekend. I got Granddad's TV, which I have no idea what I am going to do with, a number of photos of me when I was younger and a few of Granddad, myself and Mum. I also got some cat statues that were originally designed by my Grandfather, and are now represented as the compeditors gift for the Burmesse Cat Show every year. I had one from many years ago in lime green, now it has two white ones to keep it company. So now that these things are home, I am going to do some fussing with the photos and find a use for the frames. I don't have that many pictures to put in them, so I need to do some searching and requesting of some of the more important people in my lfie. I have asked family members for photos, so I will soon have my whole family on the shelf. Sounds weird, but I am sure you know what I mean.
Today has been a bit of a run around as well. I had an interview for volunteer work at a group called BASS care. they are more than willing to take me on, I just need to get some signatures on papers so I can have a police check. Isn't that nice? So hopefully, if that doesn't get backed up too far, I'll have my required volunteer work down.
I am also up for my three month assessment of my feet this week. I have had flat feet most of my life, but now there is a way of reversing that which involves no surgery or drugs. Simple exercises and correctional massage three days a week. Well, this has been happening for a few months now (basically just before the Christmas insanities) and I am due for my three month review. I was told that my condition is going to be tough to reverse fully, but we have been persisting and I am hoping that I will soon be taken off my authotics. I am so looking forward to that. It means I can wear shoes normally again!
What else have I been up to? Been chasing a few things over the internet. I am trying to locate some old songs from as far back as the 40's and have (finally) located all of them. I might take one or two of them to karaoke. Not sure right now, since I am still working on another song for this Friday's performance.
Well, after all that and watching another season of Blue Heelers (season 8 for the home game) I might just knock this blog off with another cute cat or mean joke just for your amusement value. Talk soon,

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Punching Pontifs on a Pedistool

So while I don't like much that comes across late night TV, it is always a good time to catch the news I might have missed during the day.
While I don't agree with everything the Christian (and similar religions) have to say about themselves and others, I still find marginal points about their beliefs acceptable.
So what do I find on latenight news, happening in the middle of America? Religious boxing into the most extremes. While these people believe in the mass amjority of the rules fo the Christian belief, they exempt the rules of anti-violence. They gather together and pray to God, thank them for the fight they are about to engage in, and pray for their victory. What bothers me is that they think that if/when jesus returns to earth (and into America for some strange reason) he would walk into this bar of brawling and think nothing of it, say the blessing, break the bread and go on with his inspection. Now, I will emphicise that these fights do end in knock outs and fighters come out with some good shinners (briuses) to say the least.
Now, seriously, what is religion coming to? I hear constantly from the mass majority that they do not want violence but to do things peacfully. But at the same time they go about pontificating their ideals in trying to control people's lives, and when those people disagree, it all goes downhill. Wars are started over religious ideas and just to top it all off, you can't get a word of difference in edgeways because they are so rooted in their beliefs. The only religious group I can think out outside of the Pagans who don't go around getting their nickers in a twist about what people think is the Buhddists. Go them!
Can't wait for the Age of Aquarius to start. The revolution will begin and hopefully calm a few of the fundamentalists, like Fred Felps, down. Until then, I can't help but wonder if their invision of God is the same as Mister Sinister (above). Until they work it out, I'm leaving!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Are You Daft?

Now, my newer habit is to try and watch one news report every day, considering the newspaper takes too long and is too much strain on my eyesight. But when it comes to presenting news, there is always something to be done when choosing the order of your stories and making sure they don't become a major wreck.
That is just what happened today. There is growing concern that there are too many fatalities on country roads at unguarded train crossings. this is a worry, because no one has thought to put in warning lights, but also that coutry drivers are clearly not paying attention and suddenly finding themselves burried in train wheels and being pushed so many kilometers down the road. Some of the disaster pictures displayed during this news article are enough to always make me reconsider taking a trip into rural victoria, bt considering i have nowhere to go out there, I am not fussed at the present moment.
this worry continues to grow in the city as people still find it necessary to go jumping through closing boom gates because they are in a hurry. While they usually get away with it, tempting fate often results with an eventual answer.
The point of this part of the entry is that straight after making the announcement of how many people have died in these situations since 2001, they announce a new plan to place a high-speed train to connect all major cities across the east coast of Australia. This train will travel at, wait for it, 400km/prh (about 248 mph). So through the coutry where there are no proper warnings about incoming trains, lets put in a train travelling more than twice as fast. Can anyone see the my problem with this? just in case the people who can't see the trains coming at 100 km (at estimate) we should boost the train speed so that the blur will simply collect you without you even seeing it coming even if you stop and look.
Now, at the end of the day, what our State and Federal governments should be doing is following train lines throughout victoria (not to mention Australia) and make sure that EVERY train crossing should be protected by a proper set of boomgates and be sure that people understand the road rules around them. Then we can focus on making sure we can get from Melbourne to Brisbane in less than half a day.

for those of you who have been out of the loop, the past week or two has seen news and Current Affairs programs have been focused on what, until recently, has been a covered up sex scandal on the set of the very old TV comedy series Hey Dad! now i remember hey Dad from when i was young, and while I don't recall a lot about it, I do recall some humour from it.
Now, the young actress Sarah monahan came forward recently to state that for the time she was on the set, she was victimised and sexually abused by a member of cast or crew. While myself and some friends had some speculations, it wasn't until just over half an hour ago that the purpatrator was revealed. Robert hughes, lead actor, was sexually targeting Sarah and other young actresses on the show. Mind you, there was always something creepy about him from the get go, but even I didn't think it was him.
One actor caught him in the act. Ben Oxenbould has recently come forward to say that he caught Robert in the act. The producers silenced him with threats of his career and other minor things. Recently, the director/producer stated he had no idea of what was happening on set. not true says Ben, and I think I know who's side I am on. however, it appears Robert got a little shaken at one point, because he left the show rather abruptly.
So, here are the two things I have to say about this subject.
1) I offer my appologies and prayers to the victims of this saga. I hope that Sarah monahan and all of the other victims get their justice in either court or in the afterworld. May other people, like Ben, who tried to do the right thing but were silenced about it be rewarded in the universe should they do the right thing now. When all this is over, the pain won't go, but there will be relief.
2) Despite the scandal, should I chase down the DVD series anyway? It kinda feels weird knowing these things about the show but still wanting to watch it. Any suggestions?
In the meantime, I think i am going to go and watch some mindless idiot box or do some writing or something. Hope this has been a pause for thought. As a side note, i have seen it safe to announce Robert hughs as the offender, because it has been made public knowledge. All the best,

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Drugs in the World

So we all know that there are people in the world who take drugs. We all know that there are different ranges of drugs, as well as effects and users. Now, in my own opinion, if people want to do drugs on whatever level of frequency and dose, they can go for it. The aftermath and side-effects are not to clean up.
I suppose I go into this, I better make a few admitions to drugs in my life. There hs only ever been one time that I have conciously taken drugs. Don't give me that look, the offer comes to all of us at one point or another. Anyway, it was back when I was 19, and some friends and I were chilling in this guys (someone I knew, but for the purpose of revealing names, you get the idea) hotel room, and everyone was going to smoke dope. I decided that I might as well try, but made my friends promise to look after me. Considering they were living with me at the time and I controlled the lease, that gave them little choice. Anyway, after smoking what attributes to less than half a cigarettes worth, it went str8 to my head and left me feeling paralitical for a few hours. When I discovered I could move freely, it just felt weird, I knew I could make a poor effort of leaving if I wanted. Originally, i was offered to stay the night, but then my friend had a change of heart and kicked us out. So I got escorted home by my friends while feeling very vague and tired. The downer for me was just having an overamount of energy, I didn't mind so much. But I never wanted to feel that expossed again. So far, so good.
There have been a few times in my life where I have taken drugs on a secondary basis. In short, someone else has taken them and I have just gotten a minor amount off them. And it was all unintentional. I was at an underwear party (and yes, that does intail what you think it does) and I was kissing on with one guy, but I thought he had a weird taste to him. So I stopped him and asked why he tasted so sweet, and he said he had eaten/had/whatever some marijuana butter. I stopped kissing him after that as, while not stoned, I was feeling light and giggly. So a little later I was sitting outside in the smoking area with a cigarette in one hand, a drink in the other and unable to do anything with either because I was giggling too hard.
What pisses me off about some guys I get with is their use of inhailents, in short poopers/valium. I really enjoy kissing guys, and I can't do that with guys inhailing to improve their sex drives. Why? Because the smell goes onto their tongues and I can taste it and it is a foul taste. They all get the flick after that. Some of them have tried to get me to take, through dirty tricks some of them, and they all got the flick as well.
Now, I know what at least some of you are thinking. Yes, the mass run-ins of people doing drugs is at a sexual event/locations. I have stepped back from these, because I am not enjoying them as much as I might have a few years ago. But that doesn't stop the number of times I hear people proudly going on about their drug use.
One person I am associated with smokes quite a bit of dope, but he has been smart enough not to offer to me because he knows I won't take it. But I have watched as he has taken a few of the other people around me and gotten them hooked. Now, thought my continuous research into the subject, I have discovered that smoking marijuana can cause your brain, quite literally, to change shape and function. In the end, the damage you do to it can cause irreversable (and sometimes untreatable) depression. Why do people want to do this to themselves? And even on top of that, they are proud of it.
Now, my aforementioned associate ahs both a drinking problem and smokes a bit of dope most days. I know why he does, but I am not going to say why here. In short, it has become a coping mechanism. What I would do and what he would do for the same situation are two very different things, but he would probably find himself a lot better off financially and emotionally if he found another way around of an issue that can be moved. But that is just me.
Now, the popular belief that the gay scene is full of drugs is only half true. There are people with brains, like myself, that avoid the scene and there are those on the scene who don't do drugs... go them! But there are many more who do them, either as survival, recreational or habbit. Some even do it for the sexual drive. Why isn't there a bigger smackdown on these people. Was half tempted to call them idiots. All the things they are taking, last I checked, are illegal. I know the police can't go through the clubs looking for trouble-makers (for lack of better terms) but surly there is some form of effort in place to stop these people? Am I hoping for too much here?
There is certainly a lot of preasure to do drugs in this day and age. The new drug on the streets, 'Meow Meow' is certainly causing a stir. A few teenagers have died. In short, the drug, when enough is taken, can make you act and react like a cat. Mix it with animal tranqs and you can redo Zoolander.
"Are you on drugs?"
"Do these drugs include animal tranqs?"
"Can I get you anything?"
"To drink?"
"No, I wanna swim, my flippers are dry."
Comedy aside, the thing is that a lot of people, especially those who lived hard lives, think that drugs 'make you somebody.' If someone can tell me how destroying your mind and body makes you important, I'm all ears. The trip is fun, I'm sure, but the aftermath of coming down and the effect it has on people around you is that you will probably end up alone and rather sick, if not decomposing alive. Yes, drugs can do that to you.
I have heard a lot of people who do drugs on a regualr to heavy level that they want to die young, hence forth the life they lead. A haze of alcohol, drugs, lights and music. Why does old age seem like such a bad thing? While I am not counting down the days until i reach the golden 60, I can say I am looking forward to it in retrospect.
But at the end of the day, odds are that people taking drugs really have no idea what they are doing to themselves. That's scary too, considering it really isn't difficult to sit down and do a quick internet search to draw out quite a bit of info. I know or have at least read in detail the damage drugs can do. All the things you need to know from side effects, long term damage, possibility of fatality, the list goes on. If you want to know, have a look at The Victorian Government Health Information or look up your local health info site.
At the end of the day, if people want to do this to themselves, God speed. But I really don't want to hear about it. And if you are going to tell me about it, I at least want to know that you are trying to get over them or at least cut back. I don't want to know that you are doing some to relax, get over whatever or have a good time. Get a clue,

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Melbourne Romp 2010

Well, today ahs been one of the biggest and best days I've had for a while. Today was the Melbourne City Romp, raising money to fight the three major viruses of our age. I recall one of them being HIV, but I forget the others. Together with my friends Sheldon and Bree, we raised $125 towards the cause. This in turn gave us a bonus to our romp score of 124. While following the clues we were given, we had four hours to complete as many of the challenges as possible. We walked all over Melbourne CBD looking for the required checkpoints. We were given the general locations and a clue to specifically find the locations, but not all of them were as easy as it seemed. All up, we visited 11 checkpoints, got about 9 of the games right and got a grand total score of 148. We had 4 specific locations to go to in order to earn special prizes, but we only managed to get to three, as one of them was really far out, so getting out and back was a real time taker. We only had four hours all up.
But this has inspired me into something that I hope to grow into something amoungst my friends and friends of friends and so on. I want to set up a facebook group linked to me and a few friends so that when charity events come around, we can raise funds quickly and help good causes. It is only in its begining phase of thought. And if the charity event is a romp or a party or whatever, we will invite people to sign up to our group or make their own, etc. Like I said, still an early idea. But the people invited to join will be people who are more likely to want to donate than partisipate. Charitable souls like myself. And the money wouldn't cover entry costs. Like City Romp cost $25 before a certain date, then next to double afterwards. So we would cover that ourselves.
In the meantime, I am going to rest my legs, as they are really sore form all the walking, but I feel a lot better for all that physical exercise.. or at least I think I do. Exhustion and happiness are still mixed. I'll let you know if I find out what place we got in the overall for todays romp. But considering that if you raised $300 you got 300 points, I don't think we scored too highly. No matter, it was a game of fun, not compeditiveness. So, until my knees stop hurtng, I'll chat to you soon,
PS: Will have some pics up on Facebook in the next few days, from team Danse Macabre.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Get the Holy Water, Stakes and Buffy or Blade

And that is exactly what I would do too. I can only take so much of this crap before I have to vent it out to someone or onto something. And while ranting with friends is amusing, i thought my blog could go a dose of anti Twilight. Or as some people have called it...
*Toilight paper
*Twi hards (fans of movies who haven't read the books).
Now, I am not going to be hypocritical. I have indeed read Twilight, and that was enough. The story in itself wasn't too bad for a story, but a lot could have been cut and the characters need a grip on reality.
Now, I am apart of the Facebook group Sorry, Edward Cullen won't be your boyfriend, he doesn't exist and I have to agree. Of all the things I want in a man, the following are not one of them...
*Wishy washy
I can find more excitement from a jar of olives. And if you know me, you know I hate olives. That aside, I fail to understand why all these people have such a thing for this social degenerate who is clearly nothing more than a nut job. he doesn't bite people, he climbs trees and sparkles. Face it, Edward Cullen isn't a vampire, he is a fairy.
What bothers me the most about Twilight is that it suggests that abusive relationships are alright, and that girls should cling desperately to a man who is clearly not going to respect them in any great way, shape or form. So why do people still want him so badly? Is it because he is physically attractive? is it because he is the lead character? is it because he is dangerous? Of all of those, the last seems to be the better of all the evils. I mean, ahs anyone actually drawn a full comparrison between Edward Cullen as a character and Robert Pattison (who is younger than me) as an actor. All supernatural themes not withstanding, there probably is a world of difference. I'm sure that Robert pattison has a wonderful personality under all that swagger and drug abuse. Yes, I wouldn't say it if I coudn't back it up, but I'll get to that later. but between now and then, i suggest that Robert learn a thing or two about how to dress, cut his hair or at least stop sticking forks into power sockets. What? That's what his hair looks like.
As for belle as a character... well, she isn't. She is what is typically defined as a sue. A sue is very flat in personality and almost unrealistic in her existance because it lets the reader take her place in their mind. So while she directs the narrrative, you can pretty much insert yourself in her place. The actress they chose to portray her didn't get a lot of praise for her efforts and lack of facial movement either. But then again, a sue is not defined by how she works or who she is, but by how flat she can be.
Following that, belle is also the psychological creation and/or lovechild of a necrophiliac and beastiality. She moves her romantic interests between a vampire and a werewolf, so I am being honest here. I also found her character to be the main definition of a spoiled brat. All of the human people around her do all these things for her and she is so rude to them in return. She nags and whines about her needs and wants, but they seem next to impossible to forfill. She really puts some cats to shame for all her gripping.
Now, as for the aforementioned drug abuse... I can't actually go into detail about that, but I do have good authority that the major cast members of Twilight are smoking MJ at least. A friend of mine had been working overseas in America in a cafe, and while she was there during the morning shift, in came the actors looking for early morning coffee and anti hangover munchies. She could smell the MJ on them and their delayed reactions, glazed eyes and incoherant speech suggested drug and alcohol intake. I know that a lot of people in the acting world are probably on drugs in one way or another, but I do recommend keeping it behind closed doors if they want to work again.
Now, Robert pattison has just been to the release of his most recent movie, which wasn't Twilight for a change, and I watched as many girls and women were lined up and screaming. Seriously ladies, it's an actor, not an actual vampire, control yourselves! And as for these goddamned Twilight Mums, I'd like to point out that if they were 40 year-old men screaming after a 17 year old actress, someone would call the police and there would be a big feminist outburst. not that the latter upsets me, being a feminist, but I can still see the reverse effect. GROW UP!
It seems to be the growing consensous of people around me that Robert pattison is most likely homosexual or at least bi. And you see, i think that might be the problem with a lor of uprising young actors these days. Zack Effron was making a title for himself for a while and now he seems to have turned invisible in the wake of Robert P. I wonder who is going to shove him off the catwalk and go mincing down next? Whoever he is, can he at least come across a little bit heterosexual and beleiveably so, have a decent hair cut and choose the roles he plays more carefully. I also suggest he be armed with a big and unbreakable stick to keep the screaming hoards away from him. As long as he has acting talent, i don't care.
What pleases me about Twilight is that there is an end in sight. the third movie is due out soon, and then the forth one and then it will all go quiet. will hopefully have to hear less and less about twilight until a while down the track when people start asking where the actors went. the only one who could come out of the rubble alive is Robert and the lesser actors who had careers before Twilight... providing their agents are good. the books will stop having their own body-height shelving in the book store and our focus will be turned to something more useful. I want something more realistic to come to our shelves and movies again. harry Potter was good until the end of the books and the fourth movie, and that will probably still be in its final stages after the last Twilight movie.
yes, i do feel better now. I really do hate twilight with a passion. But there have been a number of parody books released, with such titles as...
*New Moan
*Face it, your vampire boyfriend just isn't into you
*how to attract the perfect vampiric lover
The latter is most definately a life choice. Within five years, it will all be over, and i can reasure myself with that knowledge as this travesty continues. Goodnight my children,
PS: If the facebook link doesn't work, I appologise, as that is where the group is based.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Just for a laugh

Well, there is one thing I like in a lot of my friends, and try to build up in others, is humor. Now believe me, I have a very wide range of jokes at my disposal, some more funny than others, but I can reach almost anyone with them. But when it comes to images, I just say what I want and someone with more computer IQ than me makes them. Or at least I hope so.

And despite my views, beliefs, ideas and general fight for equality, I can find the funny side in most things. When it comes to downright cruelty... find a psychopath, I am not in the mood. The cruelst thing I can do is cut you with the razor wit that is the combination of exhaling, oral movement and mental processing. In other words, I will speak my attack.

Now, I do challenge people with my wit, because it is fun to win a humor match, but it is also good to see how far people can stretch their minds. If you have a broad range of ideas and experience, we could go on for hours. We might not get very far, but we would have an interesting debate. If your mental compasity holds all the openness of a black box, then you are probably going to be put in a corner with words and nailed in by your own lack of knowledge.

I even expand my humor into my internet hobbies. This is known as sporking. With many years of sarcasm and witt at my disposal, I can certainly take the worlds most poorly written and dully narrated fan fiction and turn it into something humorous. I do have a long record of doing this. Have a look at another one of my journals. This entry is a one off, located at my livejournal.

Now that I have entered this entry with lots of sarcastic icons, partially for my own amusement more than anything, I will leave you with some pretty birds to admire.
"I was walking past an ATM when an old lady asked me to help her check her balance, so I pushed her over. I told her it wasn't good."

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Fan Dance (Entry Extended)

Wow, I am so happy! I had my first Tai Chi class today, and Master Tang was very impressed. He said I learned quickly and could advance well. A few minor habits I have developed in myself to get rid of, but he taught me Tai Chi Fan and we got a good distance into a pattern. I got my breathing going and I was sweating like all hell. This is just what I need to get rid of some of my podge in my torso and chin. Mind you, my arms are gonna be very disproportionate. My right arm, which holds the fan, is getting more of a workout than my left so I will need to work out my left arm with some weights to even things out.

Well, I gotta say that Tai Chi has been more useful than I thought. I did a 20 minute practice this morning after getting out of bed and stretching. I feel a lot better for my day ahead, despite a lot of aching muscles. I am definately looking forward to advancing my skills in Tai Chi Fan. Too bad I can only afford one class a fortnight, but for now that is enough to give me something to practice with. Because there is a lot to get right, like stance and foot positions, hand movements and positioning the fan. The routine I've learned so far, which is about 10-14 steps long, has a number of movements that can be difficult to weave together. But I have pretty much two weeks to put it together and give it smoothness and grace... and practice what has to be the most difficult squat positions.
Well, now that this blog is slightly longer, I will leave it at that. I might post a a youtube video of the Tai Chi I have learned when it is longer. Hell, I should post a video at all. Cheers,

One Word
USING ONLY ONE WORD! It's not as easy as you might think!

1. Where is your cell phone? Left

2. Your significant other? Where?

3. Your hair? Growing

4. Your mother? Busy

5. Your father? Stubborn

6. Your favorite? Gunsen

7. Your dream last night? Discovery

8. Your favorite drink? Orange

9. Your dream/goal? Charity

10. What room you are in? Lounge

11. Your hobby? Singing

12. Your fear? Hospitals

13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Working

14. Where were you last night? Home

15. Something that you are not? Practical

16. Muffins? Chocolate

17. Wish list item? Speakers

18. Where you grew up? Shepparton

19. Last thing you did? Gamed

20. What are you wearing? Clothing

21. Your TV? Sizable

22. Your pets? Kitties!

23. Friends? Fun

24. Your life? Advancing

25. Your mood? Amused

26. Missing some one? Always

27. Car? Huh?

28. Something you're not wearing? Spandex

29. Your favorite store? Sanity

30. Your favorite colour? Silver

31. What's your favorite season? Spring

32. Can't leave the house without...? Brain

33. When is the last time you laughed? Earlier

34. Last time you cried? November

35. Who will repost this? Incognito

36. One place that I go to over and over? DT's

37. One person who text me regularly? Sara

38. My favorite place to eat? Home

39. Muisc? Everything

40. Answer to the universe? Existance

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Fast Forward my brain

Yes, I do realise that the topic of today and the image above have nothing to do with each other, I just thought the image was the best. MAJOR FAIL! MAJOR LOL!
Anyway, I would have posted this earlier this week or over the weekend but it seems that I have had major issues with my wireless device, and so I had to go and replace it. Lucky for me my provider was happy to swap out for a better model. So I was laughing all the way to the bank on that one.
While I have managed to silence my emotions lsited in my last blog for the time being, it seems that if one aspect of my five selves (metal, physical, emotional, creative, spiritual) is not having an issue, another one is. From a light respatory problem to emotional confusion to creative block to dreams of chasing desires and goals. All I needed was for my mind to go for a trip and the past two days seem to have done that to it. While running around trying to get things planned and organised and booked, I seem to have put my brain into fast forward, and now that things are actually slow for the present moment, I can't seem to shake this need to run around doing something/anything just to keep my body up with my brain. I have done what I can for the moment, so for now it has to wait until there is something to do outside of a little housework.
I think also I am picking up on some other people's deeper emotional issues, whether they are expressing tyhem to me or not. Fears, angers, emotional insecuritys or just plain uncertainty. Needless to say, I have my own set of those right now and I don't need anyone elses. This is causing me to have a lack of sleep. My mind wants to be doing things, and no, before certain individuals ask, it has nothing to do with my caffiene intake. I cut off well before I went to bed. So now I have the thought that my sleep patterns are about to fall out of place again. I don't need that, considering I just fixed them.
Outside of all of that, things have also been plain annoying. I had my Tai Chi class set back because I forgot I had to go to the dentist that Thursday, so I still haven't learned anything yet. But I managed to rebook the class for tomorrow, and I KNOW I have nothing on in the meantime. I also have my first singing class on Friday, which I am looking forward to, considering that I seem to be losing people in my line of popularity.
Last week's karaoke was a nightmare. I went back to the Village Green, my original Melbourne karaoke base for the first time in months. Needless to say, it looked like it would be good, because there was a larger crowd that what I am gerneally used to. last time I was there, we didn't total 20 people and only three of us were singers. But this time the crowd was large and I thought it'd be a good night. Whoopsie! The mass majority was not there for karaoke but simply for after work drinks at unconventional mid-week hours. I got very little applause for my efforts and felt worse as the night went on. I suppose I partly have myself to blame, not having been there in months, but three hours of travel there and back (total) is not my idea of going out for a good night.
But hey, I can make up for that. Friday night is always a good night as far as Karaoke goes at my normal venue where people enjoy what I do and are always looking for a good show from me. That fell on its arse as well. No one seemed to really notice, nor did it inspire confidence in what I was doing. I did see some people that I haven't seen in a while, and that was a bonus, but it seems that lack of communications between them and me has left a great deal to tell them. They thought I was still in my compedative drive, which I haven't been for a while. One of the guys I know who tours the karaoke beats is jamie. Jamie is older than me, polite and has a slight case of down (sic) syndrome. It isn't heavy and he is rather independant, but it effects his speech and some of his physical capabilities at keeping time or coordination in some aspects. But he is an entertainer like me, and I'd admire that more if it wasn't based on Michael Jackson impersonations. He went out and hired the costume from 'Thriller' and was walking around in it a few songs before he was up. My long-lost friend, Craig, seemed to think that this had an effect on me (which it didn't) so he decided to make continuous comment on the fact I was being upstaged. I can't even recall the alast time I cared. But having that rubbed in my face while I wasn't feeling to confident was not a nice thing, and ended with me leaving for the night. If he does it again I might just drag him around in a squirrel grip, because not only will that challenge his pain tolerence, but also his masqulinity and sexuality, both of which I know he puts on defense when I am there. Yes I had a crush on him back in the day, but that ahs long since been disolved. I don't think he gets that though. What do you do with a man who doesn't know about emotional evolution? Remind him that he doesn't know me as well as he;d like? Tell him to take a flying leap? I dunno, it'll probably be another six months before I see him again, so let's not get this right out of proportion.
So, with all that happening and my mind driving at 100km over the speed limit required for a quiet evening, I probably need to find something to do to either put myself up to speed or bring it down to the required speeds.
Song of the week: Lady gaga - Love Game Parental advisory on video clip and lyrics. Ciao,

Sunday, March 7, 2010


Emotions are amusing things. There is no real way to describe them, even though each of us experiences them.
Love: A strong liking or feeling towards certain individuals, a sexual desire beyond lust.
Sadness: Expressing of or characterised sorrow or mourning.
Pride: A high or expression of dignity within one's self or others displayed in either the mind or the physical presence of an item.
Anger: A strong feeling of displeasure or agitation towards a wrong-doing or event.
Fear: Distress caused by surrounding danger or vunrability when concerned for one's safety.
And while we go through these, and many more, there are some emotions that you can't put a name to. This relates to a feeling that is triggered not in reaction to an action, but via a memory of images and feelings that are expressed by children who are really young. The emotion comes from an accident, where you spill your drink or drop your ice-cream cone. The emotion is hard to describe from an adult mind. It isn't loss, because it isn't the same form of emotion. It isn't really sadness, despite the need to cry. It is just difficult to explain. And this emotion has been coming more and more.
At one point in my life, I owned a card game called 'Teddy-bears Picnic,' in which there are pictures of teddy bears. One I recall specifically is of a smaller teddy crying because he had spilt his drink. And for some reason the picture wants me to move through the frame and comfort the teddy.
This feeling also has come through as a form of empathy for others. Whether fictional or not, it has developed into something that is both enjoyable but a bit of a curse at the same time, because it drives my sexuality in ways I'd rather it didn't. What it has given me is a divine caring for people, and so when someone becomes a friend and we share deep and meaningful things, I get an overwhelming urge of compassion. It is great because I can feel the closeness between my friends and me, and I like to hope they feel it too. But when it comes to males, considering my sexuality, the feeling over-develops into sexual feelings. This can be seriously frustrating, because i am trying to develop friendships, not sexual liaisons. And while the idea of sex with some of my friends is entertaining, I don't want that. On the other hand, sex with some of my other friends is seriously not on my mind, but still the urge is there.
I did do some research into myself to see what might be the cause of this, and I found something. Some of this (not the earlier described emotion... I think) comes from my astrology. My Taurus Moon Sign has a great affect on me. In brief, our sun signs (when we were born) affect our lives and external appearance. Moon Signs (where the moon's position when you are born) affects our internal and personal lives. And it seems, aside from giving me stubborness, creativenesss and a great will for living, it also gives me a lot of emotional links that may/not be so useful. Compassionate lover but not easily brought into a relationship. Isn't that a good start? At least it will make me a good parent.
I found a ritual in a book to subdue the emotions, but I need to go ALL the way to the city to get the stuff I need. I will get the stuff I need and cast the spell and see if it makes a difference. Wish me luck,

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The New Goal

This fancy looking pose is one of many from the traditional Tai Chi Fan styles, which, starting this Thursday, I am going to be learning once a fortnight. I finally organised my finances enough to be able to work out how to pay for these lessons, as well as some singing lessons on the off weeks. So, now that I actually have something to focus on, I will have more of my time filled. Practicing the fan dance and the Mantis styles I have learned, practicing the singing, I will hopefully put together a bit of a better, confident and fitter me. Now doesn't that sound like fun?
I was filing around on Youtube and found a few demonstrations. While the music was a little... weird, the demonstrations were very interesting. I am still trying to work out if Tai Chi Fan (TCF) is a fighting style, dance or both. I can see it as both, but I don't want to go into the lesson expecting one and finding it is the other.
Mind you, I have found a teacher with great credentials (sic). Master Lai Wei Tang has trained with (and taught, I understand) Jackie Chan and Jet Lee. Where are you going to find anyone that great? Have a look at the site at Taichi For Life
Well, this is only going to be a short entry because I am not in a really big mood for writing today. Ciao,