Yes, I do realise that the topic of today and the image above have nothing to do with each other, I just thought the image was the best. MAJOR FAIL! MAJOR LOL!
Anyway, I would have posted this earlier this week or over the weekend but it seems that I have had major issues with my wireless device, and so I had to go and replace it. Lucky for me my provider was happy to swap out for a better model. So I was laughing all the way to the bank on that one.
While I have managed to silence my emotions lsited in my last blog for the time being, it seems that if one aspect of my five selves (metal, physical, emotional, creative, spiritual) is not having an issue, another one is. From a light respatory problem to emotional confusion to creative block to dreams of chasing desires and goals. All I needed was for my mind to go for a trip and the past two days seem to have done that to it. While running around trying to get things planned and organised and booked, I seem to have put my brain into fast forward, and now that things are actually slow for the present moment, I can't seem to shake this need to run around doing something/anything just to keep my body up with my brain. I have done what I can for the moment, so for now it has to wait until there is something to do outside of a little housework.
I think also I am picking up on some other people's deeper emotional issues, whether they are expressing tyhem to me or not. Fears, angers, emotional insecuritys or just plain uncertainty. Needless to say, I have my own set of those right now and I don't need anyone elses. This is causing me to have a lack of sleep. My mind wants to be doing things, and no, before certain individuals ask, it has nothing to do with my caffiene intake. I cut off well before I went to bed. So now I have the thought that my sleep patterns are about to fall out of place again. I don't need that, considering I just fixed them.
Outside of all of that, things have also been plain annoying. I had my Tai Chi class set back because I forgot I had to go to the dentist that Thursday, so I still haven't learned anything yet. But I managed to rebook the class for tomorrow, and I KNOW I have nothing on in the meantime. I also have my first singing class on Friday, which I am looking forward to, considering that I seem to be losing people in my line of popularity.
Last week's karaoke was a nightmare. I went back to the Village Green, my original Melbourne karaoke base for the first time in months. Needless to say, it looked like it would be good, because there was a larger crowd that what I am gerneally used to. last time I was there, we didn't total 20 people and only three of us were singers. But this time the crowd was large and I thought it'd be a good night. Whoopsie! The mass majority was not there for karaoke but simply for after work drinks at unconventional mid-week hours. I got very little applause for my efforts and felt worse as the night went on. I suppose I partly have myself to blame, not having been there in months, but three hours of travel there and back (total) is not my idea of going out for a good night.
But hey, I can make up for that. Friday night is always a good night as far as Karaoke goes at my normal venue where people enjoy what I do and are always looking for a good show from me. That fell on its arse as well. No one seemed to really notice, nor did it inspire confidence in what I was doing. I did see some people that I haven't seen in a while, and that was a bonus, but it seems that lack of communications between them and me has left a great deal to tell them. They thought I was still in my compedative drive, which I haven't been for a while. One of the guys I know who tours the karaoke beats is jamie. Jamie is older than me, polite and has a slight case of down (sic) syndrome. It isn't heavy and he is rather independant, but it effects his speech and some of his physical capabilities at keeping time or coordination in some aspects. But he is an entertainer like me, and I'd admire that more if it wasn't based on Michael Jackson impersonations. He went out and hired the costume from 'Thriller' and was walking around in it a few songs before he was up. My long-lost friend, Craig, seemed to think that this had an effect on me (which it didn't) so he decided to make continuous comment on the fact I was being upstaged. I can't even recall the alast time I cared. But having that rubbed in my face while I wasn't feeling to confident was not a nice thing, and ended with me leaving for the night. If he does it again I might just drag him around in a squirrel grip, because not only will that challenge his pain tolerence, but also his masqulinity and sexuality, both of which I know he puts on defense when I am there. Yes I had a crush on him back in the day, but that ahs long since been disolved. I don't think he gets that though. What do you do with a man who doesn't know about emotional evolution? Remind him that he doesn't know me as well as he;d like? Tell him to take a flying leap? I dunno, it'll probably be another six months before I see him again, so let's not get this right out of proportion.
So, with all that happening and my mind driving at 100km over the speed limit required for a quiet evening, I probably need to find something to do to either put myself up to speed or bring it down to the required speeds.
Song of the week: Lady gaga - Love Game Parental advisory on video clip and lyrics. Ciao,
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