Well, today ahs been one of the biggest and best days I've had for a while. Today was the Melbourne City Romp, raising money to fight the three major viruses of our age. I recall one of them being HIV, but I forget the others. Together with my friends Sheldon and Bree, we raised $125 towards the cause. This in turn gave us a bonus to our romp score of 124. While following the clues we were given, we had four hours to complete as many of the challenges as possible. We walked all over Melbourne CBD looking for the required checkpoints. We were given the general locations and a clue to specifically find the locations, but not all of them were as easy as it seemed. All up, we visited 11 checkpoints, got about 9 of the games right and got a grand total score of 148. We had 4 specific locations to go to in order to earn special prizes, but we only managed to get to three, as one of them was really far out, so getting out and back was a real time taker. We only had four hours all up.
But this has inspired me into something that I hope to grow into something amoungst my friends and friends of friends and so on. I want to set up a facebook group linked to me and a few friends so that when charity events come around, we can raise funds quickly and help good causes. It is only in its begining phase of thought. And if the charity event is a romp or a party or whatever, we will invite people to sign up to our group or make their own, etc. Like I said, still an early idea. But the people invited to join will be people who are more likely to want to donate than partisipate. Charitable souls like myself. And the money wouldn't cover entry costs. Like City Romp cost $25 before a certain date, then next to double afterwards. So we would cover that ourselves.
In the meantime, I am going to rest my legs, as they are really sore form all the walking, but I feel a lot better for all that physical exercise.. or at least I think I do. Exhustion and happiness are still mixed. I'll let you know if I find out what place we got in the overall for todays romp. But considering that if you raised $300 you got 300 points, I don't think we scored too highly. No matter, it was a game of fun, not compeditiveness. So, until my knees stop hurtng, I'll chat to you soon,
PS: Will have some pics up on Facebook in the next few days, from team Danse Macabre.
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