Now, my newer habit is to try and watch one news report every day, considering the newspaper takes too long and is too much strain on my eyesight. But when it comes to presenting news, there is always something to be done when choosing the order of your stories and making sure they don't become a major wreck.
That is just what happened today. There is growing concern that there are too many fatalities on country roads at unguarded train crossings. this is a worry, because no one has thought to put in warning lights, but also that coutry drivers are clearly not paying attention and suddenly finding themselves burried in train wheels and being pushed so many kilometers down the road. Some of the disaster pictures displayed during this news article are enough to always make me reconsider taking a trip into rural victoria, bt considering i have nowhere to go out there, I am not fussed at the present moment.
this worry continues to grow in the city as people still find it necessary to go jumping through closing boom gates because they are in a hurry. While they usually get away with it, tempting fate often results with an eventual answer.
The point of this part of the entry is that straight after making the announcement of how many people have died in these situations since 2001, they announce a new plan to place a high-speed train to connect all major cities across the east coast of Australia. This train will travel at, wait for it, 400km/prh (about 248 mph). So through the coutry where there are no proper warnings about incoming trains, lets put in a train travelling more than twice as fast. Can anyone see the my problem with this? just in case the people who can't see the trains coming at 100 km (at estimate) we should boost the train speed so that the blur will simply collect you without you even seeing it coming even if you stop and look.
Now, at the end of the day, what our State and Federal governments should be doing is following train lines throughout victoria (not to mention Australia) and make sure that EVERY train crossing should be protected by a proper set of boomgates and be sure that people understand the road rules around them. Then we can focus on making sure we can get from Melbourne to Brisbane in less than half a day.
for those of you who have been out of the loop, the past week or two has seen news and Current Affairs programs have been focused on what, until recently, has been a covered up sex scandal on the set of the very old TV comedy series Hey Dad! now i remember hey Dad from when i was young, and while I don't recall a lot about it, I do recall some humour from it.
Now, the young actress Sarah monahan came forward recently to state that for the time she was on the set, she was victimised and sexually abused by a member of cast or crew. While myself and some friends had some speculations, it wasn't until just over half an hour ago that the purpatrator was revealed. Robert hughes, lead actor, was sexually targeting Sarah and other young actresses on the show. Mind you, there was always something creepy about him from the get go, but even I didn't think it was him.
One actor caught him in the act. Ben Oxenbould has recently come forward to say that he caught Robert in the act. The producers silenced him with threats of his career and other minor things. Recently, the director/producer stated he had no idea of what was happening on set. not true says Ben, and I think I know who's side I am on. however, it appears Robert got a little shaken at one point, because he left the show rather abruptly.
So, here are the two things I have to say about this subject.
1) I offer my appologies and prayers to the victims of this saga. I hope that Sarah monahan and all of the other victims get their justice in either court or in the afterworld. May other people, like Ben, who tried to do the right thing but were silenced about it be rewarded in the universe should they do the right thing now. When all this is over, the pain won't go, but there will be relief.
2) Despite the scandal, should I chase down the DVD series anyway? It kinda feels weird knowing these things about the show but still wanting to watch it. Any suggestions?
In the meantime, I think i am going to go and watch some mindless idiot box or do some writing or something. Hope this has been a pause for thought. As a side note, i have seen it safe to announce Robert hughs as the offender, because it has been made public knowledge. All the best,
Hey Bro,
ReplyDeleteLoved this blog - still laughing at your points about this train service and so true - maybe the hidden agenda is that we don't see it coming and feel it less. As for planning, well look at the rest of the country - why start now they have gotten away with it for so long it is now the norm to have an idea and just implement it, no planning or strategy. That's for the next government to clean up on, we just get the points for the idea!
As for Hey Dad - KARMA to that jerk!