Okay, not only does this make me sad, but it is absolute proof that our justice system is not as foolproof as we think. In my next new segment here, we are going to do "HELL NO!" Where jsutice seems to have failed, not done it's job or even left a mark at the end of the day.
Five years ago, three boys went on a killing spree. One bashed and killed a friend who had taken him in for shelter/a visit (not stated clearly) while another was bashed and killed in the garge. As the night went on, another was bashed and killed, wittnesses were bullied and tourmented with what would be their fate, and a single mother was raped while her young child was in the next room.
When the police was put onto these three killers, there was a chase, where the killers threw furniture at them, before being cornered and arrseted. Two of the killers have been arrested and jailed for life for triple homocide and rape. However, the last killer will be set free on Monday. He claimed that he only partisipated to save his life, and was sentanced to do 10 years in juvinille detention. He has only had to serve five. He walks out on Monday, legally protected from having his identity revealed, no mark on his record, a clean slate and we don't even get a heads up on where he is going to be located, if not in his home town.
I can't believe that this kid, whether or not he did the killings out of self-protection or vandiction, murder is murder. No amount of appologising or begging will bring that person back. I wonder if WT (news name for the soon to be freed) has any remorse for the families of the people who were killed. Their children, who barely had a chance to live their lives, aren't coming home. I could feel their pain so much that I've actually had to take some time between sections of this blog to control my emotions.
Dear Human Justice,
The person being released from juvenile detention has served nothing for what he has done. What possessed you to sentence him to ten years and only let him serve five? I gather that Juvenile detention is not a fun place to be, but since he has become an adult, doesn't he deserve to go to prison to serve the last of his sentence? has he shown true remorse for his crime? Has he been punished enough? Have the families of three teenagers, killed for no reason, suffered so little? Perhaps you wouldn't feel so happy on letting them go if you lost your kids to a pointless murder.
Following your weakened service of justice for a murder, you are releasing this person unamed to society with a clean record. Should he reoffend and commit murder again, there is no record of his previous killings will not be held against him and he will get another reduced sentence. Knowing his luck thus far, he will probably get another reduced sentence, out early again, and his record me remain untarnished. You cannot be doing this seriously? And what sort of message does this send to other young children? That they can get away with whatever they want because they know the courts will go easy on them? While kids probably need a boot up the bum and some serious lessons in how life works, you need some serious lessons on when to and when not to hold back on the cane. Sparing the rod and spoiling the child is what creates this outburst of juvenile misbehaviour, because they know they are not going to be punished as badly. Don't shift the blame until you have fully assessed your own doings.
Along with this poor miscarriage of justice comes a major let down for the families of these victims. I could hardly stand watching the Mother's of these kids sit there and cry while they talked about the fact that they were never going to see their children again, never share another hug, another simple chat over how their days were or watch as their child graduates school and goes on to do whatever it is they dreamed. All that cut short and you let, albeit the minor, offender go free without a perminent mark outside of his mind. I wonder how you would feel if that were to happen to you? Would you feel any different if your partneer, child, best friend or anyone close to you was killed for no reason other than a bit of fun, and you discovered that justice was carried incorrectly? How would you honestly feel? It is time that you re-wrote your laws to be more harsh. While I do not suggest the death penalty, because that is too good for osme of them, I highly recomend heavier sentances for juvenile cases where they are going to learn a lesson.
In conclussion, you have failed to deliver any great amount of hope to the parents of this world, and have set a potential danger into our streets who is just ready for taking another life if he so feels. You have failed to keep in line the problems you otherwise would complain about. Straighten yourself up before your blame moves to parents, video games or anything else. The paddle is there to be used, so belt this kids into line. Yours,
Shikiblade the Unimpressed
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