So I'm bored! I thought with every week of movies I hire I might as well do a review for them and rate them out of five. It will be a score of five items relating to the movie.
Title: Lethal Weapon
Starring: Mel Gibson, Danny Glover
Rating: 2 1/2 bullets
Review: This movie joins the usual theme for this movie era, in that it starts a little way before Christmas and ends with the good guys sharing it together. This theme can be chased through other movie titles such as 'The Long Kiss Goodnight.'
Quite honestly, this movie didn't hold my interest to begin with. I thought it was rather typical of the ages criminal circles, planning something big that will change the world, in this case a large drug shippment. As the story continues, the characters do develop in their own ways, learning from each other to become better people.
The movie picked up with the ransom for the daughter and everything towards the ending. In all honesty, I did enjoy the fight scenes and the jokes that the heroes and villains made at each other. Mind you, Mel Gibson's torture scene was rather painful, but at least original.
At the end of the day, I took points off because it didn't hold my interest from start to finish and that the continuous ongoging Christmas theme was a bit of a let down.
Title: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Starring: Harrison Ford, Sean Connery
Rating: Four Holy Grails
Review: I did see this movie long ago during High School, as it was the movie to study for year 7 English. I did remember quite a bit of it. I thought the movie interesting then, and still do. It is a good look into Indiana's past and how it effects his present.
The search for the Holy Grail is not a new idea, but at least it had some different twists on how to get there. Indiana doesn't strike me as a religious man, but at least he knew enogh to get to the grail. One thing I do want is for Venice to stop being the key to everything. If you tied together every movie, television show and video game that had things hidden in Venice, the whole city would be a sacred burial ground and center of 'How to Start Your Own Archiological Adventure Involving Blood, Guns and Glory."
Aside from that, the chase is pretty interesting, but I do wonder where Indiana keeps getting the whip back from, considering how many times it is taken off him, he drops it, etc. Magic whips. Continuing, Sean Connery plays such a part that is convincing enough that I could reach through the screen and smack him upside the head. Still, he is smart in his own ways.
The truth about cats and dogs is certainly a good saying to go with this film, considering how many people keep jumping the good vs bad guy fence. But still, they all get what they deserve in the end through the power of choice. The ending was rather interesting, considering that there is not one grail but at least fifty and you need to work out which is which.
Enough plot spoiling. I took points of for obvious fallings apart in the plot continuing and continuity (such as the whip). But after that, the movie is certainly one I want to add to my shelves.
Title: Alice in Wonderland
Starring: Robbie Coltrane, Whoopi Goldberg, Ben Kingsley and Tina Majorino as Alice
Rating: Three Grinning Cheshire Cats
Review: I have been searching on and off for a good recounting film of Alice in Wonderland/Alice Through the Looking Glass. While I saw the start of this film years ago, and seems to be the one closest to the book so far, I found it hard to keep up with. What I really want is a good retelling from start to finish, considering that each one seems to have a different introduction and plot point. This one is to help Alice gain her confidence to perform before a party her parents are having.
Moving from character to character, I can only suggest that they are all mad there, which suits me fine. But even I had to draw the line at the point that they all seem to be performers in one way or another, and it was rather redundant by the end of it. The other thing that didn't escape my notice is how blindly homocidal some of the characters are. In short, they tend to kill each other without much thought or care.
I do have to agree that Whoopi Goldberg as the Cheshire Cat was a good choice, as I like Whoopi playing characters that are either guides or advisory rolls. It is also one of her more Zany rolls, as she doesn't tend to hold any sanity or mothod to madness.
Sadly, this movie lost points because towards the end, it did start to drag and display the same point over and over again, but not having read the book (but with intention to) I can't say for sure if it is the major plot point to Alice in Wonderland. I know the moral is that one can change one's personality or approach to life through one's experiences, and that loss of identity can lead to a better self, but the continuous refference point to her singing in public didn't stick. Also that the plot seemed a tad jumpy didn't help it's scoring either.
Title: Aladdin
Starring: Robin Williams, Scott Weinger, Linda Larkin
Rating: Three and a half Gold Lamps
Review: One of the funniest Disney movies made in 1992, I thought I'd rewatch this because of its comedy level. With Robin Williams as Genei and Jafar, the most comic relief (and voted second most popular villain 2004), this movie is always a laugh. With many good lines and good music, Aladdin is definately worth watching.
Jafar's voyage through the movie is definately something to laugh at with such lines as 'Ecstatic' which became quite an icon on the internet since then.

See? Anyway, there are a few down points in this movie. The magor one is that Princess Jasmine thought Aladdin dead, but when she discovers he is alive, she is not happy he is alive nor remorseful that the man she had feelings for him, but is angry. The other problem is that Aladdin, if you check the original text, has two key differences. 1. Aladdin was based in China. 2.Aladdin had infinate wishes, not three.
These were the major removal points for the score.
Well, we will have another movie review next week once I have watched all the movies I hire, whether I enjoy them or not. The number of movies I review will vary deppending on how many parts of Buffy seasons I can hire as well. Cheers,
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