I'm sitting here in my usual regale for a Wednesday night, watching Hey Hey. It doesn't have the same appeal now that I have been backstage and seen how it all works. My mind keeps going over a few things, like how I could have quickly snagged an autograph from Daryl, Plucka and Red. However, what's past is past, and I did get to at least meet them (albeit breifly). My ego and reasoning are arguing about being called back for one thing or another. My ego hopes that they might, my reasoning says that they won't, simply because, at the end of the day, I am just another Red Faces act, nothing special. Well, except being Red's favorite Dirty Dancer. Quite the title.
Anyway, I'm writing today asking people if they know a few movies they think I should see. I'm trying to find a few new movies that will interedt me for this weeks upcoming movie hiring, and while I can hire a part of Buffy tVS season two, I want to get a few other things as well. the list presently includes...
*Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark.
*Young Indiana Jones
*The Fifth Element
*Who Am I?
Seriously, help me out here. I want to get some grip on movies, but there doesn't seem to be a lot to get my attention.
The other thing I am looking to do is expand my readership here. My present mental count of people reading is five. Hmm, makes me feel a little lack for attention. Also the lack of comments isn't making me feel any better either. maybe my ego is more infated than I thought. maybe I should try and tone myself down. Mind you, I'm also thinking about a few songs to do at karaoke. I've been taking a few hits on not being serious in my singing. This, as I hope you know, is far from the truth, because there are a number of songs I enjoy singing that are as serious as their title. I'm also getting the feeling that I am going to get yet another going at for not taking up the idea of going into acting. I enjoy the idea of going on stage, but I know my body won't keep up with it.
Well, I have a movie to watch (Leathal Weapon) and a few things to do, so I might as well face the music and deal with them. Hugs,