Yes, I know I have been keeping this topic a little quiet since I started it back in Feb, but I have had two more enteries. I'm trying really hard to avoid going all out on television celebrities, but it really doesn't leave you a lot of choice when it comes to listing people you might know. So I thought this had better be the top 10 celebrities I think are hot and definately dateable. No, the list is not finished, but at least I am over the halfway mark with six. I haven't included pictures yet, but if there is a Wikipedia reference (or any reference), it has been added as a link below. The interesting things about three of them is that they are single with no marriage history (as far as I can find). But I'll let you work out which is which. So in no particular order, here we go...
1) Johnny Galecki is a newer addition. Despite his cuteness in 'The Big Bang Theory', you will find the photo on the link absolutely delicious... and his shirt isn't even off. It is scary ro think he has been acting for almost as long as I have been alive (first appearence 1987). His profile is standard here, but have a read if you're interested.
2) Oded Fehr with seperate image first came to my attention in The Mummy, but his hotness wasn't drawn to me until Resident Evil Appocolypse and Charmed season 7. With a twisted little smile and a broad acting range, I really enjoy Oded as an actor and eye candy.
3) Grant Bowler with seperate image first came to my attention as the somewhat smart-arsed hoast of Australia's 'The Mole' and later as he played a role in 'Always Greener,' where his cuteness really caught my attention. When collecting Blue Heelers, I discovered he was apart of the original cast, and I grew continuously envious of the many girls his kissed. But out of all the actors listed here, he is one of two that I have seen almost fully naked. Henceforth, the shirtless image.
4) Damien Walshe-Howling with seperate image has had three major points in his acting life, two of which I enjoyed. His younger acting role in Blue Heelers is where he first got my attention, because when that was filmed he was young, spunky and (his character at least) was cheeky. He then went and did 'Underbelly' which didn't get my interest in the least. But he now hoasts 'Boarder Security', and I don't know if I am imagining it, but whenever he talks about more... personal things that airport security might do, does he seem somewhat flirty or excited about it? I don't know, but either then or now, he is still majorly hot to trot.
5) Sean Murray is the American/Australian actor who has a long list of acting parts. The first time I saw Sean Murray was in 'Hocus Pocus' but his part in the film required little physical acting and more voice-over. When he joined the NCIS team, I felt sorry gor his character, and his well portrayed acting gave me an attraction to him. From what I've learned, he is somewhat close to his character, minues the whimpiness that he sometimes portrays, so he would be a nice match for me.
6) George Calombaris with seperate image is the only man here listed that is not a professional actor, and physically, is not totally the same physically, and has a long and proud history within the worlds kitchen here in Australia. He studied at the TAFE I am about to attend and has opened a number of restuarants here in Melbourne and one in Greece, and is a judge and instructor on 'Australian Master Chef.' While I haven't been able to discover a lot about him as a person (except that he has a love for all sorts of food that aren't spicy) he is certainly, hpysically and academically, my type of man.
Well, I need another four and I am searching, but it is really hard to dance around actors, as I said. But I know I will find some more people tro add to the list. And if I can get them all together in one place, dress them appropriately and convince them of the one sexuality (mine) we can reinact today's image, now the main image in the search for my ten top men. Have fun,
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