Okay, so I know I asked for it. I asked for a larger and more active social life. I wanted to see friends more often and I wanted to feel like I was apart of something improtant and that I enjoyed. Well, I got it. Now I'm wanting it to slow down again. But it is out of my control, so I might as well make the best of it. Here's an example of the week aheaed.
Tuesday: mum is dropping around for a chat and to pick some things up. Going to a book launch in the evening
Wednesday: Visiting friends in St.Kilda
Thursday: COULD go to DT's but have choosen to give it up to save a few dollars.
Friday: Karaoke, singing lesson
Saturday: Possibly going to a show, depending on cost. DT's afterwards if money stands.
Sunday: Quiet for now, but have the feeling something will crop up.
Monday: Things to do down the road
Tuesday: Dentist
Well, I do have a bit on. I could cancel a lot of this, but I might as well face facts and accept that I want to be out there, so that's life. But looking at it, some of it is rather exciting, like tomorrow's book launch. The book is 'Why vs. Why' and it looks at both sides of the arguement of rights and marriage laws for homosexals from a lot of different ideals and beliefs, as well as standard human rights. I hope to pick up a copy while I am there, because it is a topic close to me.
The show 0on Saturday is by Kaye Sera, and she is one of Melbourne's most renouned Drag Queens, and one of the few that actually sings. I don't know much about the show, but Kaye always puts on a show and is definately worth going to see.
I had my yearly forcast done, and it seems that while things are going to be generally easy, I am looking at a few tough challenges as well. Like when I go back to TAFE in July, I am going to have a bit of a spiritual power down for a few months, and trying to do readings for anybody will be difficult if not beyond me for a while. This happens to the best of us, so I am not surprised. I also have a tedious relationship coming up, as well as financial difficulties to watch over. I have decided to give up going to DT's on Thursdays because it would save me a bit of money, and instead get some DVD's and watch them throughout the week. That will save me a few dollars. I can hear you saying that if I quit smoking I will save even more, and I know that. Especially with the new tax on cigarettes that has just come through. Just let me work on it and don't lecture me.
I am looking at going on a better health plan when it comes to food. No more cutting corners with getting fast junk when I am in a hurry. These places sell fruit so I should buy fruit. While I can sense mum telling me to get off the coke, that ain't gonna happen. A cut down is certainly happening, but not a shut off. This in effect does make goung out hard. Coke, juices and so forth are damaging to my teeth, just drinking water makes me look stingy and cheap, wines all night are too expensive even after watering/sweetening down and then we go into drinks that I don't like (aka beer). Any thoughts? Mineral water was suggested, so I might look into it.
In short, with this windfall of money from Red Faces, I am aiming to start saving some money for myself and be disiplined about it. Basically, if I borrow from it, I have to put it back. I kinda have that system at home right now, so I want to up the anti a little since I will be depositing most of my winnings into a bank account. I owe myself that much.
I also have more dentistry in the next month or two than I could poke a stick at. Mind you, after the last round my teeth look a lot better and whiter and shinnyer. So let's keep at it, despite the fact I look like a drooling idiot on the way home, and cannot hold any liquids in my mouth. But if my mouth is all the better for it, then I will do it.
Well, if anyone has any suggestions I have NOT said so far in my ongoing thought patterns, scattered though they are, I am more than willing to listen. Until then, I think I'll go for a cig and make me a cup of tea. Nite nite,
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