Hey everyone! I am assuming I might have a few more readers before this week is up, now that I have been on National Television here in Australia. Well, befroe I go into what my night was about, I'd like to give a big thank you to all my friends, family and karaoke fans who supported me on the night and before the night and even before the auditions. I'd especially like to thank Roula for coming with me to the auditions and supporting me on that day, I'd like to thank my Aunt Vanessa who supplied me with some last minute make-up (which I didn't use, but still), Krystal who provided me with some of my jewelery, and I'd like to thank the people at Channel Nine for looking after me, especially Jack Storm, the man who has managed Red Faces auditions and shows for the last so many years. I will do a later entry on what people have said on Facebook, my phone and so forth once the hubub settles a little.
Okay, so I knew this was going to be a long evening, and it still is really considering I have a fast dinner in the microwave, but I had decided to rest up and be bright and refreshed for the evenings events. Just as I was getting ready to walk out the door, Roula called me with the news there had been a fire at the studios, and I was almost going insane thinking that I might have to cancel everything. But I was assured the damage was minimal and that we were going ahead as normal after a quick call to Jack.
When I got there, I was really excited to be walking around backstage of Hey Hey. You gotta be on the ball though, because men are running here and there and everywhere to insure the sound is right, the lights are correct and so on. I got to relax in what was a small lounge out of the way while the other performers showed up. All of them were very nice and I will have photos at a later date when they email me.
We had a very fast trial of sound about an hour before the show, and then we were free to look around and get an idea of things, as well as get some food from the canteen (which I did).
When the show started, I was watching it for a little bit, as there was a television in the lounge, and as the time got closer and closer, I got changed and got some photos of myself on my phone, which I will add both to Facebook and this blog.
When the time came close, I was reminded to keep the act alive and going. As many people have told me, I did. I was first up, and while there were three types of insults going around, only one was obvious to me. One was on screen comments which I haven't read yet, comic cartoons (which I got to keep) and verbal comments, which I heard as clear as day. However, the audiance, the laughs, the cheers and all of it kept me going. I could see Red out of the corner of my eye trying to work out whether or not he should gong me, and he was having a hard time. At some point, someone yelled for me to 'take it off,' and when I saw Red going for the gong, I simply thought 'stuff it' and ripped my shirt open.
Now, before anyone else asks, I am letting you know that the amount of contact I had with Darryl on stage was it, but more on that later. I wasn't overly impressed on my score and was sure I'd come third, especially after Red handed me a big fat '0' for all my efforts. Meh to that, I couldn't care less now. When I watched the other perform, I was very happy with them, even Joy who got gonged less than 10 seconds in. I enjoyed the feeling of coming second, and the group that came first deserved it, and I mean it.
After we left the stage, Loy was given a photoshoot with Oliva for promotion, and then she had her photos taken with the winners, and I got her autograph. I was so excited to meet her. But I had such a major leg twitch, which I am sure you can see/had seen while I was on stage.
After the show, I changed and asked if I could get the cartoons of me. I did. I hadn't seen them, nor when they were posted, but the one describbing me as Russel's Brother has been autographed by Russel, so that is going in a frame on my wall, as well as my money envolope. No, the thing was empty, I get the cheque in the mail in about 2 weeks.
I have had such a great time. Thanks to everyone who called, texted or messaged me on facebook. I will definately keep you posted on anything that might come of the show, and where to find stuff on youtube. I might have it posted on my channel, which I will link here, and so forth. I am getting tired, so I might knock this off and call it quits. Thank you everyone,
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