Okay, I really do hate public holidays. They are impossible. Not only do 95% of all useful shops close down, but it is next to impossible to even buy a decent meal. No supermarkets open either. Finally, it is also difficult to find something to do. I spent half my afternoon trying to work out what I was going to do with my evening considering everything was being cancelled. No karaoke, no bands I am in league with were playing, so it just seems that everything was shutting down around me.
So I took my chances on going to the one place that I generally don't like going to. But I also thought it was a good idea to test out some magick. The reaosn I don't go to The Peel Hotel is because my psychic abilities feel every emotion that is massed in a large group. At a place like the Peel, those emotions tend to be either judgmentalism, shallowness or something I am sure can only be experienced on a drug high. Yes, the Peel is a dance party and yes, I have wittnessed both first and second hand people taking drugs.
The other really frustrating thing is that the Peel charges like a wounded bull with ingrown horns. $3.50 per item in the coat rack and there is no free water. A bottle of water at about 600ml costs more than any general store will sell you. A bottle is $4.30. Shoot me now. But Thursday night, I won a raffle at DT's worth $180, so I could afford a night out and a taxi home. All up, probably just over $40. Considering that the only thing there decently priced is the OJ, I wasn't pitching a fit.
Now, to focus my psychic abilities back into me, I took two grounding stones with me and wore my Isis pendant. The two grounding stones to stop my psychic abilities going to far unless I focused them in a direction. The Isis pendant was to guard my emotions from feeling emotions that weren't mine. This worked out pretty well. I was able to dance, laugh psychotically and enjoy my night. I danced hard to the best music, flirted with a few guys and scared a few people who weren't expecting me at the Peel. I have made it pretty well known I don't like the Peel. I did have to work a few things out. First of all, when the crowd got thicker, the shields weined a little and I could feel a headache coming on. Altitude puts me in a position to keep the energies below me, so I spent most of the night dancing on a stage with the few people there not being able to generate enough emotion to affect me. But, at the end of the day, I had a good night out, I had fun and danced my little head off. All in all, a good night. If it wasn't so darned expensive, I'd go back and do it again. Party hard,
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