For those of you who have been following my blog, or at least my life, for a while, you will know that I have been having some problems in my singing recently. I've been struggling to sing some of my songs and get the notes I want. But tonight, after much persuasion, I was talked into doing All That Jazz, which I have been avoiding because I am generally over doing it. But after my few singing lessons and taking a few tips from friends, I actually managed to get all the notes... for the most part. But now I kinda feel like I am back to where I started, being too loud for the system. At least this time I have some microphone control, so that I won't completely blow the system sideways with a loud note. So I am having a lot of confidance in my skills.
The songs I did tonight were certainly very challenging. I tried The Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy and did a very good job. Slipped up on a line and there was an unexpected music break, but I otherwise did well. A bit of practice and I can nail it. I also tried Love Game which didn't sound too good, but was very well appreciated for the sex appeal I put into the dance. I'll probably do it a few times and then drop it unless requested again.
As for those who are inquiring, my toothache has settled and I am back to feeling somewhat human again. I have also drank more tea and ovalteen to keep my caffine up since I can't drink coke at the moment. It is becoming a need to drink warmer drinks these days. Winter is coming and if you ask me, probably on time.
Anyway, my subject matter is really short tonight, so I'll write again when I have something to extend upon. Hugs,
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