All rights to the Victorian Police Force in the use of this image.
Now, as I pointed out a blog or two ago, I would have happily been a policeman if things in my life hadn't been different and made me uneligable to join. But from my learning, watching, reading and understanding, the police force isn't as clear-cut as it should be, and this is anywhere in the world. I am simply using the Victoria Police Force badge because it is in memory of my local force.
Now, in general, I don't have a problem with the police. They have never tried to use their position to bully or intimidate me. In the times I have worked with the police form being a victim of crime, the officers who I spoke with were kind, thoughtful and understanding. None of this looking-down-their-noses crap. However, I still find that there are three types of police members, each as different as the other in one circumstance or another.
1) Honest Force: These are the people who joined the police force for that reason; because they honestly want to make a difference without fear, favor or force. Despite people's history, circumstances, beliefs, lifestyles, etc. Honest, unbribable and to the point. You will define these people as policemen/women.
2) Biast: While these people MAY lead similar lives to option one, they will judge circumstances and people based on history, choices, etc in ways number 1 won't. So if they learn that you are homosexual, muslim, have a history, etc, you are instantly in the wrong. These people do exist in the force, just some are more obvious than others. For example, my bashing a few years ago, which I will do an entry on later, if I had disclosed my sexuality to a type 1 policeman, they wouldn't have been bothered or phased by this. However number 2 would have 1 of two reactions...
a) hidden their discontent and simply not acted as much upon the case, keeping quiet their thoughts I deserved what I got or...
b) made an obvious statement that they wouldn't look into the case because I deserved what I got. But that would lead me to file a complaint. Henceforth, these types of officers are few and far between.
These officers are, while not seriously on the take, more easily bribbed. Looking the other way because she'll give him a blow job. Yes, believe me, I've heard of this happening. But this slackness on the job loosens the hold of authority that the police hold.
3) Corrupted: Yes, I have heard of the many police, many of whom are highly ranked, that are either on the take or protecting people who are less than agreeable. Because of the money they get, the drugs they are handed or whatever the reason, these people will act before justice to make sure it does not happen. This completely undermines their position and power. The only reason they keep their positions is because there are fewer people in higher power than them.
So at the end of the day, even when treated badly by people, doing the hard runs and the mass paperwork, I'd still be happy to be a policeman, because I would be doing the right thing. And even if I was a member of ESD (Ethical Standards Department, aka Internal Affairs) I'd be happy to be ruling out corruption.
So now I hope simply that the police will remain the force of justice they should be, and nothing more. May the Gods protect those brave men and women in the police force, and may karma and true justice serve where it shall,
I have never really had an issue with the police. Never met any that weren't option number one, although I have heard tales of the corrupt and biased ones.
ReplyDeleteUltimately, I still find it a little weird that we put so much trust in people, simply because they wear that white and blue.
But that goes the same for doctors, politicians, pretty much anyone who has authority and power.
On another note, I think you would have made an excellent police officer :)