I have been listening to way too much classical music recently, which ahs kicked up the side of me that enjoys dancing. I know I am not the best dancer when it comes to taking someone else into my arms and making it look good, but it is still a nice dream.
What I'd really like to have one day is a traditional ball. Men in suits, women in dresses and (if I really wanted to push the bar) have everyone in fancy masks. Then play some wonderful music, like Tchaikovsky or ballroom and let everyone go form there. Or make it better and just have a gay ball. I really couldn't care either way, but I'd really like to experience that once in my life. Hey, I'll even sit on the piano and sing if it makes them dance or at least be entertained.
This is one of those times that makes me wish I was born genX as opposed to genY, coz I find genY far too impossible to work with. I am polite, civilised and friendly. Always with manners and some grace. GenY... well, I recall an email my sister sent in reference to why it is called genY. For those who don't know, it is because they wear their pants lose enough that you can see a 'Y' forming at the top of their bums. perhaps this will give u a better idea. (Y) But anyway, I'd like to take my generation back to that and see how they'd cope. considering I spent last Saturday listening to different rounds of social circle dvulge the many things they planned to do in the six remaining hours of Saturday night, I really can't say I was impressed.
Considering that the mass majority of may readers (if not all) are members of genX and before, lets test to see if you know the things I am listing.
*Andrews Sisters
*You Must Have Been a Beautiful Baby
*Whatever Happened to baby jane
*The Great Race
*The Kirov
*Ian Flemming
If you failed to list those as...
*Song Title and/or tune used in Looney Tunes to promote love/lust
*Movie 1959 and/or fictional autobiography
*Movie 1965
*Ballet Theatre group (specifically Russian)
*Novelist of James Bond (not the cricketer)
... then clearly I have been a few places you haven't. However, knowing my readers like I do, surely you got at least one of those right. If not, then come and join my gen, it might be more your speed. Seriously, I am sitting here listening to the Andrews Sisters sing 'Lullyaby of Broadway' and loving every moment of it. I just finished watching 'Diamonds Are Forever' which was made in the late 60's to early 70's. I'm glad I have a wider range of tastes and am not a complete and total philistine. And believe me, I know a good handful of people who fit that title for many reasons.
Now that I have expressed another dream and bitched about my position in social circles and stances, I'll call it a night. Hugs,
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