Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Undoing Alcoholuc Theory
Original fact; When we drink alcohol, it kills brain cells.
Alcoholic approach; when the brain senses alcohol, it seperates the slowest brain cells to be killed by the alchol, much the same way the slow and sick members of an animal herd are left behind to be eaten by preditors. Since the herd is always as fast as the slowest cell, and the slowest cells/animals are killed by the alcohol/preditor, the brain/herd moves faster. Therefore, drinking alcohol is good for your brain, because the least needed brain cells are killed first.
Undoing the theory; There are similarities in this theory. The brain loses cells and it is possible that the slowest cells go first. The latter goes unproven.
Considering the brain COULD move faster with fewer middlemen, it might be faster. But what the brain will work out for itself, over time, is that the cells around the now dead (and missing) brain cell would be working slower because they have to cover the work of the now dead cell. So when our patient, the alcoholic, drinks again, these slow-working brain cells will be the next to go.
So now the brain cells around the dead cell get killed, leaving their work, as well as the original cells' work to the next set of neighbouring cells, and so on. The brain is working faster because here are less middle men, but the cells, with more than twice the work, are movig slower.
So on and on this cycle goes. Different parts of the brain offer up their slowest cells until such time as...
The brain has developed mass holes in itself and can no longer function, because the remaining herd of brain cells doesn't have enough members to cover both their own work and that of the cells missing. And while it goes unchecked if the human brain can repair/regrow brain cells after it ahs reached maturity, the rate of alcohol intake per day against cell growth (one cell per 48 hours) demonstrates that there is little competition between the forces.
Know someone who thinks thier drinking is getting out of hand? Please share this with them.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Movie Review

Title: House (1986)
Staring: William Katt, George Wendt, Richard Moll, Kay Lenz
Rating: 3.5 badly designed nightmare creatures
Review: Finally, a horror film that is not nased on either science or religeon. Just what I always wanted. The movie comes with at least 3 sequals, so it probably did a good job to generate that many. But as I always think, originals are always the best. In most cases, I’m right, and there is only one way to find out… all in good time.
The basic plot is that one-hit wonder author Roger Cobb (William Katt) is about as low as he can go. He lsot his child in a freak accident that has been explained as a kidnapping, his last relatives have kicked the bucket and his gorgeous wife of a TV actress (Kay Lenz) has divorced him. So he returns to the house he grew up and raised a family in and tries to write his second book.
His nosy neighbour Harold (George Wendt) keeps wanting to help and is simply one of those ‘I wonder if he’s disposable characters’ character.
On his first night in, Roger gets a vision of his Aunt as she gets ready to commit suicide in her room again as she did years ago. She warns him of the haunted house and that it knows him, and that he should leave. Typical of these sorts of films. Ignoring the warning, Roger stays. Over time events get more and more freaky while at the same time, Roger recalls his days in Vietnam and the horrors he faced there, turning them into a book.
He falls for the gorgeous neighbour Tanya (Mary Stavin) who gets him a baby-sitting job as opposed to getting him laid.
As we soon discover, the house is an alternate dimension zone where freaky things happen and fear is what you must confront. Fear takes the shape of your wife gone horrific in a bad costume suit that is typical of the era, giant insects of some description unknown and the person you regret not saving (Richard Moll). There is no real level of horror that can’t be redone with good CGI, and if you know your horror films well enough you can find a lot of references to both “Psycho” and “The Shining.” The only differnce is that this is more the definition of supernatural/physical horror as opposed to the psychological horror these two films are.
This film got 3.5 for a good reason. I took a point off because the horror, while what I like in a film, is very transparrant in comparison to a lot of other films I’ve seen. The horror and it’s resolution become very obvious very quickly. I also took a .5 off because some of the end footage just didn’t work to the best that it could have. The hero didn’t get laid, we don’t get a lot of closure on what happens to the main characters, etc. You need that in a film. But still, this is a good movie. I probably won’t purchase it for myself, but I’d certainly loan it again to watch.
Title; Splinter
Starring; Paulo Costanzo, Jill Wagner, Shea Whigham, Rachel Kerbs
Rating; 4.0 animated body parts
Review; At last, horror without idiocy… for the most part anyway. I can’t say that every action was smart, but I’ve seen dumber things done in horror movies. But no religion, survival horror is the theme, the thing that is after you has no total explanation, but at least science explains some of it’s motivations and re/actions.
We start off with the traditional 2 couples (which was an instant -.5, even if one of the couples is criminally minded) who are in the middle of nowhere, this time in Oklahoma. One couple is holding up the other and forcing them to drive when, traditionally, they get a flat form running over, not so traditionally, an animal. Of course the animal is flat and dead, but it is still alive and undead and freaks people out. Crimal boyfriend Dennis (Shea Whigham) has a splinter in him and we drive on.
At the occasionaly traditional petrol station in a remote corner of nowhere, the criminal girlfriend (Rachel Kerbs) needs to use the bathroom. But in the bathroom we find the man who was traditionally killed in the opening credits. He’s got just enough life left in him to tell her to run before he comes to life and splinters her to death.
A biologist named Seth (Paulo Costanzo), his girlfriend Polly (Jill Wagner) and our criminal man Dennis need to find a way out of the petrol station alive. We also get the traditional police officer showing up just to be slaughtered because they are stupid enough to follow procedure. This usually ends up giving them an arrow in the head, a bullet in the back or, in this case, being ripped in half but still alive to be tortured by our resident psycho being.
Seth is smart enough to work out a few things about the ‘being’ and it’s undead(ish) minions.
The story itself is enjoiable, as it has all the hallmarks of what makes a movie of survival horror. No one knows where you are, the thing is unknown to you, it is defeating your attempts to get out and there is no overwhelming religion or science (Eg: The Exorcist and Resident Evil) to have to try and explain. However, how they manage to escape didn’t have me on edge as long as I would have liked. A tad predictable at points and, of course, the virus, the ‘thing’ lives. How, who knows? But it is more acceptable than the end of “Friday the 13th”. This earned the movie a -1.
However, I had to add .5 back because the movie inserted the best 2 lines of comedy in an otherwise grewsome situation. The lines are as follows. Details, I won’t give.
“Don’t worry, we’re cutting your arm off.” (said rather calmly)
“Do it faster.” (about 20 seconds later, a bit more edge)
I had to laugh which closed my eyes so I didn’t see the worst of it. All up, I would buy this movie for myself because it is amusing and frightening. It is on the top ten list, position 6, pushing ‘Raider of the Lost Ark’ off the bottom.
Title; The Skeleton Key
Starring; Kate Hudson, Gena Rowlands, John Hurt, Peter Sarsgaard
Rating; 4 Skeleton Keys
Review; As other movie reviews have stated, I like my horror films without the religious twist, or at least not a “Christianity is the only religion that wills ave you” persuassion. A friend suggested this movie, and I watched with interest. I instantly related to the character Caroline (Kate Hudson) and what she believed in, because she is like me in many ways.
So Caroline works at a hospital as a Leisure Worker to the sick and dying, and the most recent death really hits her because the people within the profession didn’t seem to care. Taking a job to care for a sick and dying old man, Caroline moves to an estate out of town. The estate, or Italian style villa, more accurately, is rather large and airy and creaky and cursed. Caroline soon works out that ben (John Hurt) is trying to tell her something, but he is a streoke victim and is therefore incapable. Over time, Caroline realises that Ben’s wife Violet (Gena Rowlands) is a bit more than she seems. What is clear is that something is distressing Ben and that no one believes her, especially not the family lawyer Luke (Peter Sarsgaard). Croline soon finds her world is twisted with dark magic far beyond her comprehension, and all she knows is that she has to get Ben out, no matter what the cost.
The movie ending is not line any other. The bet I can say is that there is a very high price for Caroline to pay to get what she wants. If I say any more, I’ll give away the ending and that would be ver unfair, because you really won’t see it coming, because I certainly didn’t. The good part is that no one die (-.5) and everyone gets what they want.
My only real problem with the movie is that Caroline, in all her trying to understand, didn’t try to find a more permanent way to protect herself (-.5). I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, people who are in horror movies have never seen horror movies, but Caroline did quite well for herself, all things considered, she just made wrong moves at the end of the day (-.5). If/when you watch the movie for yourself, you’ll undewrstand that I am not being mean, it is just that there is always a logical step to be taken that the heroe never seem to take. But that would spoil the plot now, wouldn’t it?
Lyrics | Burt Bacharach lyrics - The Blob lyrics
Title; The Blob (1958)
Starring; Steve mcQueen, Aneta Courset, Earl Rowe
Rating; 3 Blob eggs
Review; Yes, it creeps, it leaps, it slides, it glides across the floor. It is made of a combination of axle grease, jam and plastasine and it is coming for you! It is The Blob. This 1958 classic B-grade horror film launched actor Steve mcQueen into the spotlight. Don’t ask me how, considering how bad the acting is. Strong emotions have no level of impact and the ‘rebels’ couldn’t influence a hungry horse to eat.
For me, there were only two freaky points. One was watching the doctor getting eaten and the blob rolling towards the mechanic who has no chance of escape. Other than that, the suspence is in the odds of survival and the usual miracle discovery of the enemies weakness. And sadly, the Blob doesn’t put up much of a fight. But considering everything else that wasn’t in this film, I’m asking a lot there.
Simply, the Blob is from outter space, and a farmer discovers it. The small blob, no bigger than a fist, starts to slowly eat him. Steve (Steve mcQueen) and Jane (Aneta Courset) take him to the locval doctors. While the blob eats the farmer, then the doctor and his nurse, Steve gets mixed up with the local speed demons, booked by the cops and observes the doctors otherwise horrid death. While trying to get help from biast police, the blob escapes and starts to slowly eat people across town. Steve and Jane seem to follow the trail and FINALLY get believed when the Blob attacks a cinema and eats a few dozen people, becoming huge. But what is the blobs weakness?
“CO2 Dave, CO2”. For the less cientific, CO2 is carbon Dioxide used in fire extinguishers and is extremely cold.
Now, I am simply knocking points off because the film had a lot of pretense and very little delivery. It is funny at points and inspires murder-mystery stories in my head, but it otherwise did little to keep up its otherwise huge horror front. But, ebcause the movie was a lot of fun to make fun of, I won’t begrudge it that many points, leaving it over the ½ way ratio.
Title; Eight-legged freaks
Starring; David Arquette, Kari Wuhrer, Scott Tera
Rating; 3 over-sized webs.
Review; Okay, I don’t have a thing for spiders, but I don’t have a fear. I simply don’t like movies that follow the same plot point and stupidity to get the plot going at all. -1. When a spider farmer feeds his pets insects from contaminated water (to which he is unaware) and one bites him, he doesn’t try to lay on the ground and crush it, he has to throw himself into every single spider tank and set all the now over-sized spiders free. Sorry, was I being logical? I’ll stop.
Following that, when the kid who knows EVERYTHING about the enemy says there is a problem, no one believes him until half the town is dead/missing. Now, What I was hoping was a good one on one with giant spiders, what I gt was the answer to how they will kill all the spiders within 10 minutes. And while I admit I had a good time getting t that point, I wasn’t happy being right. -1.
In short, it is another case of man vs. nature. I want nature to win for a change. In the meantime, if you are going t make a film like this, please find something new for your approach. I’m tired of it. The same things been happening in movies like Invasion. Get a grip directors.
Title; Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2
Starring; Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, Rupert Grint
Rating; 3.5 cursed items
Review; Considering the book is 2/3 finished at the beginning of the movie, you can be damned sure a lot of extra things have been added to make this film longer. I was happy to watch Professor mcGonagall kick the arse of Snape, and it makes up a little way fr her short-comings in the fifth movie.
A lot of the film is in a darkened scene, so there are times it is simply black with slight movement. -.5 for the blind man who couldn’t see stuff all.
I was extremely happy with neville Longbottom, because he has made the journey has was supposed to make, and he wasn’t denied. I also had a good laugh at narcissa Malfoy, as she looks like she strayed out of Christina and Chers’ Burlesque.
Anyway, the movie had a lot of things missing and a lot of things added from the book, but it did not subtract from the original story, which was unfortunate to begin with.
If you don’t know what happens at the end, skip this paragraph. I took the other 1 off because when we flash forward to the future, Harry and the others have not aged a day, they just dress more grown up. Ginny has a 40’s hairstyle which was all she could do to look older (and uglier) and their sprogling doesn’t look old eough to go to Hogwarts yet.
This movie leaves me asking the same question that I always ask. “Who’s cleaning up this mess?” At least they have magic to help.
But at the end, people who should have died died ad the special effects were excellent. I’ll buy it to finish my Harry Potter collection and I might enjoy it too, since I can see all the actors that I think are cute at a legal age. Mwa ha ha!
Overall Top 10
1) Silent Hill (4.5) (Purchase)
2) The Color Purple (4.5) (Own)
3) The Frightners (4) (Purchase)
4) Shortbus (4) (Purchase)
5) The Addams Family (4) (Own)
6) Splinter (4) (Purchase)
7) Mrs.Doubtfire (4) (Purchase)
8)The Skeleton key (4) (Maybe Purchase)
9) Sleepwalkers (4) (Maybe Purchase)
10)House(2008) ( (4) (Maybe Purchase)
Sunday, August 21, 2011
So Many Hens
No photo here yet. I need something that involves the night I just had, and none work so far... my head hurts, okay?
So anyway, I was invited to another hen's night. It was ify if I was going or not, but I am glad things worked out that they did. I still owe a little money for the night, but my hostess (Loretta) was nice enough to cover me because she really wanted me there, and I wanted to go. It's a hens night, can't miss out on that.
So the night starts off with a pole-dancing and burlesque lesson. Now, I have learned 2 things from this... 1; I don't have the upper body strength to lift my own body of the gorund. 2; I now have the skills to go pole-dancing down the street. Editing that into a YT video would be amusing. Burlesque dancing looks tough, but I do have a free lesson, so I might take an offer to do strip-tease. I can use that at karaoke, I cannot burlesque easily with a mic in my hand.
Following that, we are shipped off to a hotel/motel to which I wilol never remember the name for a night of hen's games, topless waiters and penis based games with a laungre show. I might buy some if I go into drag.
this night also showed me a few things.
1; I make a very good toilet paper bride, and so good because I can talk the topless waiter into letting us win.
2; I didnt know stuff all about our hostess, but I do know a number of things about weddings.
3; Penis Pinyattas that are homemade come with more lollies than humanly possible to consume in a week.
4; I have a strong alcohol tollerence for iced alcohol but not fizzy. I had all the penisimeanpina collads I wanted and it made me giggly. 3 vodka and lemonades and I was ready to fly around the room.
5; Hen's nights are good ways to celebrate being off cigarettes for 3 months.
When the phtos come through, they will be on my facebook. I hope I get tagged in all of them, because I really want some of them. Especially the one with me with my leg up on the topless waiter (photo not delivered). He was cute but too ripped for me to want for long. But he ahs a cute face so I definately would kiss him.
I did pick up a few little things from the games, including a few things I can use for a spell. And while the groom is cute, I don't think I'll cast one on him. How about I just keep this to myself...
But we did get welcome packs. here is what they contained and why.
Hens Night Survival Kit
Party Popper (unused); to start things with a bang
Rubber ball; To help you bounce through the night
sparkly confetti; because the night will be full of sparkle
Drinking Straw; So you don't ruin your lipstick
Bandaid; to prevent blisters
Rubber band; to keep your mind flexible
Hair clip; to remind you to let your hair down (I thought it was fr lock picking, but okay)
Eraser; for any mistakes you make
lip gloss (strawberry or vanilla); to always look your best
Spare nail; in case one breaks
Condom (sadly unused); who knows what the night will bring
Pain killer; use is case of good night side effects
tea bag; have a drink on us.
And the photos just arrived. I'll go back and [put them in.
And no, I didn't have time to shave. It was either a shave or a shower and I thought it would be smarter to shower. Still, the night was fun, my new hair colour does work and I am certainly going to remember this for a while. Details will be hazy, but I will have a cute fireman on my wall from now on, so no loss there.
Hugs to all, I need something to drink that is non-alcoholic,
Oh, and thanks to loretta Fraser and Chris Bottcher fpor a wonderful night
Here's one for the boys... as made as they are.
So anyway, I was invited to another hen's night. It was ify if I was going or not, but I am glad things worked out that they did. I still owe a little money for the night, but my hostess (Loretta) was nice enough to cover me because she really wanted me there, and I wanted to go. It's a hens night, can't miss out on that.
So the night starts off with a pole-dancing and burlesque lesson. Now, I have learned 2 things from this... 1; I don't have the upper body strength to lift my own body of the gorund. 2; I now have the skills to go pole-dancing down the street. Editing that into a YT video would be amusing. Burlesque dancing looks tough, but I do have a free lesson, so I might take an offer to do strip-tease. I can use that at karaoke, I cannot burlesque easily with a mic in my hand.
Following that, we are shipped off to a hotel/motel to which I wilol never remember the name for a night of hen's games, topless waiters and penis based games with a laungre show. I might buy some if I go into drag.
this night also showed me a few things.
1; I make a very good toilet paper bride, and so good because I can talk the topless waiter into letting us win.
2; I didnt know stuff all about our hostess, but I do know a number of things about weddings.
3; Penis Pinyattas that are homemade come with more lollies than humanly possible to consume in a week.
4; I have a strong alcohol tollerence for iced alcohol but not fizzy. I had all the penisimeanpina collads I wanted and it made me giggly. 3 vodka and lemonades and I was ready to fly around the room.
5; Hen's nights are good ways to celebrate being off cigarettes for 3 months.
When the phtos come through, they will be on my facebook. I hope I get tagged in all of them, because I really want some of them. Especially the one with me with my leg up on the topless waiter (photo not delivered). He was cute but too ripped for me to want for long. But he ahs a cute face so I definately would kiss him.
I did pick up a few little things from the games, including a few things I can use for a spell. And while the groom is cute, I don't think I'll cast one on him. How about I just keep this to myself...
But we did get welcome packs. here is what they contained and why.
Hens Night Survival Kit
Party Popper (unused); to start things with a bang
Rubber ball; To help you bounce through the night
sparkly confetti; because the night will be full of sparkle
Drinking Straw; So you don't ruin your lipstick
Bandaid; to prevent blisters
Rubber band; to keep your mind flexible
Hair clip; to remind you to let your hair down (I thought it was fr lock picking, but okay)
Eraser; for any mistakes you make
lip gloss (strawberry or vanilla); to always look your best
Spare nail; in case one breaks
Condom (sadly unused); who knows what the night will bring
Pain killer; use is case of good night side effects
tea bag; have a drink on us.
And the photos just arrived. I'll go back and [put them in.
And no, I didn't have time to shave. It was either a shave or a shower and I thought it would be smarter to shower. Still, the night was fun, my new hair colour does work and I am certainly going to remember this for a while. Details will be hazy, but I will have a cute fireman on my wall from now on, so no loss there.
Hugs to all, I need something to drink that is non-alcoholic,
Oh, and thanks to loretta Fraser and Chris Bottcher fpor a wonderful night
Here's one for the boys... as made as they are.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
So you want an update...?
Three months have passed and I have been silent. Well, I guess that means a lot has been happening. true enough, I got a lot to say.
First off, it has been a hard three months. I have effectively quit smoking for three months this Saturday coming, I have been initiated as a High Priest in Training at the Aurora Australis Temple of the Corellian Church, I have been robbed by drug addicts, I have not been laid, I have been made head of my Community Development Project, my present TAFE sbject is the toughest and I am effectively wanting to break down. However, I can't break down, because every time there is a window of opportunity, my phone rings with something else for me to do. So when I think I have a chance to stop, I really don't.
I have also being following some spiritual advice that there is a potential partneer around me. Well, in truth there were two, now reduced to one, and he is holding on by a thread the way he has been treating me recently. Seriously, why can't I catch a break?
So let's go into detail, after all, that is what you are reading this for. Besides, Rose, my teacher, said it would be theraputic. I have a session at the hair dresser and a bitching session booked in with the Student Wellfare officer tomorrow for all that, so this is just the appetiser.
Quit Smoking; Yes, I did it. I haven't been quit for a record time for me, but I am getting there slowly. This time round I tried hypnosis. Three sessions with take home hypnbosis tracks, what more could be done? People say hypnosis doesn't work, but that is probably they only go once. There is no such things as a magic band aid, so why don't people work that out? Also, having an addictive personality probably doesn't help any. But this has helped, because when I feel like I might want to smoke, I can listen to these tracks for 20 mins and feel fine. It hypnotises me and talks to my subconcious, so it works. I just hope it lasts this time.
Initiation; Not only am I doing my Diploma, but I am doing a Degree in Corellian Witchcraft. No, Harrry Porrer is not my teacher and no, I don't have my 10.6" oak wand with dragon heartstring (good for hexing). I have been taking this online course, and it is at my own pace, so I am cruising along as it lets me. Because I want to be recognised as a priest as well as have the degrees, I have essays to do. However, I have done 4/5 essays and all have come back A+. I have passed 3/4 exams (one was a very close fail) so I am still effectively passing. I look forward to becoming a proper High Priest, as it is legally recognised and I can use it as a title. 'High Priest Perry Byrnes' I like it. After my second degree I'll be 'Rev. Perry Byrnes'. Interesting, huh?
Robbery Okay, we knew something was going to happen eventually. There is one major disaster while I am living somewhere. On Uni res, it was bullying and near assult. Living independant in Ballarat was a house robbery. Living with Jane (who I still love) I got assulted on my way home. This time, I helped a guy out who took money out of my wallet while my back was turned. $150. I met him at DT's on a Saturday. I had spoken to him a few times before, but he was really fucked when I saw him. In hindsight, he was drugged and smashed. He tld me he had nowhere to go until Monday morning, so I took pity on him (because I'm a suck) and took him in. I paid for his painkillers for a condition (fake or not, uncertain) and fed him. Monday, he leaves, and when I check my walet, money is gone, save for $3 in coin.
Yes, i reported him to police. He did make himself easy to find with everything he told me about himself and a friend he and I know spilled the beans on him. What pisses me off, I found out last Saturday (two weeks after) that EVERYBODY at DTs knows who he is, and NO-ONE bothered to tell me. And the bar staff know who he is too, and let him in anyway, because he is violent. Needless to say, I don't feel safe at DT's any more, so I don't think I'll be there as often. I spend 2 years making friends just to be let down by them.
TAFE subject; I get robbed by a druggy on Monday, we start 'Alcohol and other Drugs' at TAFE on Wednesday. Isn't life perfect? My assignment, along with the lovely Virginia, is to write a report on an illicit drug, how addictive it is, a case study and give it a happy ending. Well, I wrote the main body of our Peyote (LSD) report, and after presenting it today, it was describbed as well researched and put together. That is god, considering some of the things we have spoken about and watched have really been sobering but painful. A documentory on kids doing drugs and living on the streets was what really got to me. This has been what is making me want to break down more than anything, because it is a tough subject and divides me on a lot of issues.
Community Project Main project for TAFE is to create, plan, initiate and run a program targeted at a minority and ensure it is maintained within the comunity. I somehw got ellected chairperson, and I don't want or need the job. Considering I'm not even getting a word in edgeways, I don't think I need to keep the job and should delegate it to Grehame, considering he does all the talking then bitches I'm not doing my job properly. Spare me! If he wants the job, it's his. I like Grehame, I really do, but enough is becoming too much. Not only that, but a lot of my crew come to me asking what it is they need to do, so I explain it in the simplest form possible EXACTLY what it is they need to do, and the following week they are back, little effort put in and more confussion. Seriously, do I speak Latin or something? Do I switch into hispanic when giving instructions and am just not aware of it? Get a grip ladies. And today i find out that Grehame has gone and done exactly what he didn't want me to do last week. I'm getting confused. I don't like yelling at people, and I know if I do the waterworks will probably come on with the heightened emotions. So I am being a bit more withdrawn to deal with it, rather than have to let lose everything at once. hence the hair dresser and Wellfare coordinator tomorrow. I need to talk to a non-involved party about this. Everyone else is either too insensitive, too wrapped up in their own problems, too involved and volitile or too weak to deal. Outside party definately needed. Do I get one of those nice chairs like in American Psychitrist/psychologist offices? Straight jacket much?
Karaoke Comp; One ajor distraction is the karaoke World Competition this year. Wow! I made it to State Finals this year. I'm thrilled. I've dreamed of this, and now it has become a reality. I need a new goal. No, I didn't place in the State finals, and I don't think I did as good as I know I could, but big deal. I got to meet Nick (see; Dating). And what thanks do Steve and Liz, who did this without wanting to, who brought in all this money for the venue, get? "You're Fired!" So now I am performing Friday nights at the Matthew Flinders. Not dramatically impressed. crammed, dinky, small stage and the crowd is a littl... touchy. I'll have to kink them up... or at least keep trying to.
Dating; never a success in the past, not being one now, tell me there is a decent man out there. For months I knew there was a potential at the Mountain View, and if they hadn't closed, he might have plucked up the nerve to come and say hi. I think I know who it is/was, and he didn't stay around much. His loss. But I start talking to nick and he might be a good date. Been trying for a few weeks and not getting anywhere. It is like hitting my head on the brick wall that is youthful arrogance. He was allmost completely dismissive of me last Friday, didn't even say goodbye, and when I asked a question on FB about a singing contest and whether my friends think I should enter or not, he didn't answer that and just asked for where to sign up. I wouldn't begrudge him this, bhut a 'thank you' would have been nice. So I might have to have a word in his ear. End result; I have feelings for someone who can sing better than me but can't dance or work the crowd as well as I can. What to do? Not let him walk on me, that's for damned sure.
tghe other joy in dating is my friends and their lack of ability to commit t an idea. I can't tell you how many times I have heard people say "I know a guy who'd be perfect for you, I'll introduce you one day," and I'm still waiting on 10 "one days" so far. It was 11 until i met Nick, as someone had told me about him prior. Point being, if you are going to recommend guys, follow through with it. I think I am going to be using my hocus pocus t cast the perfect man spell. My perfect man ahs flaws, don't get me wrong, but at least he'd have worked out by now that I am hurting and told me it was going to be okay, truth or not.
Tomorrow had better work, because I swear to god I am not in the mood to take on extra work without someone telling me what I am getting out of it. Selfish, maybe, but I think I'm entitled. I'm getting ready to risk a few things in order to be more ssertive, because I am sick of doormatting. My middle name is not welcome, it is soon going to be 'try it and I'll sell your kiddneys on Ebay.'
Hope all my readers (as few as they are) are well, and I look forward to hearing from you. Cheers,
PS: Best news of the week; my Sister and Father are coming to Melbourne for a visit later in the year. Oh yeah!
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
War is Death but Profanity can be Profitable
Now, we have been at war with the Middle East for osme time now. My split mind sees it is the needed fight to allow world peace treaties to have meaning. But what is getting on my nerve is that the whole of Australia has to stop for every soldier who dies at war. We knew the consciquences of sending our troops to the war zone, and we knew it could be any one of them that gets killed. So why is it when one soldier dies, nothing is more front-page worthy than that. I'm sorry they die, I wish they didn't die, it is unfortunate, but their death is no reason to plaster it all over the television.
Now, recently, in two weeks, we have lost 3-4 soldiers, and it seems to be all any news deliverer can talk about without setting their own ehads on fire. Seriously, get over it. Say it once, I shoulodn't have to hear it every ten minutes.
Next, this whole idea of police being able to fine you for profanity. Does anybody else see the problem with this? Police officers can fine you +$240 for asking 'Can I bum a fag?" should they find the word 'fag' offensive. Now, some officers, I'm sure, will be fair about this, and target those being threatening and rude. Others are going to be on your back and probably fine you 1/3 of the way through constable. Take my advice, if you see a police officer, refer to them only as officer, reguardless of rank. It will save you a few dollars.
My next problem with this silly system is that I don't really feel this is going to help anything. The rules are vewry unclear and if you consider the reputation of some policemen, they could fine someone for using 'bum'. But the government has found another way to sap money out of us, so who cares? I can see futurised episodes of Blue Heelers, where they look up someone on leap and find that they have been charged for drunk and disorderly, criminal damage and fined three seperate times for use of prfanity in public.
So if we can't swear in public, where can we swear? The iron fist of our polititians grips a little tighter. In 50 years we will have pocketbooks of what is/n't fineable sentances, words, etc that can be used in public.
Lastly, I have seen a lot of things in my life, from painful to disgusting to humorous, but I didn't think I'd honestly see anything this low. Maybe it is because I'm charitable at heart, or because I feel everyone deserves a chance, I'm not sure, but when watching CCTV photage of people stealing from charity bins (repedatively) I want to dash their heads through the bins. ACA set a cute little trap leaving some very nice pieces of furniture and nic nacs outside a theft hotspot charity bin. People came and took, and they didn't have any guilt. I was disgusted. I'd bet they'd be upset if someone broke into their place and stole their couch/tv/furniture for their own use, and they'd probably go begging to the charity's they stole from.
I will admit that I am guilty of taking a few items from charity pi8les; A drawing doll and some books. However, I have given money to charity every time I see a tin (well, amost) and every month I give $75 split between two charities, so I don't feel that these things have been lost. I have given a lot to charity and purchased from their charity shops, so I have contributed a lot to make up for one theft. Some of these people are makign a profeit off of their theift, teaching their kids how to get into the bins and all on camera.
Hey government, here's a radical idea. Instead of fining us for what we say, how about taking the evidence that people steal from charity and fine them instead. Police are presently powerless to do anything, so write some laws to protect charity instead of trying to get us to watch our language in our 'freedom of speech' society.
Now that I'm done ranting, I might just find somewhere to launch this idea. Wish me luck,
Now, recently, in two weeks, we have lost 3-4 soldiers, and it seems to be all any news deliverer can talk about without setting their own ehads on fire. Seriously, get over it. Say it once, I shoulodn't have to hear it every ten minutes.
Next, this whole idea of police being able to fine you for profanity. Does anybody else see the problem with this? Police officers can fine you +$240 for asking 'Can I bum a fag?" should they find the word 'fag' offensive. Now, some officers, I'm sure, will be fair about this, and target those being threatening and rude. Others are going to be on your back and probably fine you 1/3 of the way through constable. Take my advice, if you see a police officer, refer to them only as officer, reguardless of rank. It will save you a few dollars.
My next problem with this silly system is that I don't really feel this is going to help anything. The rules are vewry unclear and if you consider the reputation of some policemen, they could fine someone for using 'bum'. But the government has found another way to sap money out of us, so who cares? I can see futurised episodes of Blue Heelers, where they look up someone on leap and find that they have been charged for drunk and disorderly, criminal damage and fined three seperate times for use of prfanity in public.
So if we can't swear in public, where can we swear? The iron fist of our polititians grips a little tighter. In 50 years we will have pocketbooks of what is/n't fineable sentances, words, etc that can be used in public.
Lastly, I have seen a lot of things in my life, from painful to disgusting to humorous, but I didn't think I'd honestly see anything this low. Maybe it is because I'm charitable at heart, or because I feel everyone deserves a chance, I'm not sure, but when watching CCTV photage of people stealing from charity bins (repedatively) I want to dash their heads through the bins. ACA set a cute little trap leaving some very nice pieces of furniture and nic nacs outside a theft hotspot charity bin. People came and took, and they didn't have any guilt. I was disgusted. I'd bet they'd be upset if someone broke into their place and stole their couch/tv/furniture for their own use, and they'd probably go begging to the charity's they stole from.
I will admit that I am guilty of taking a few items from charity pi8les; A drawing doll and some books. However, I have given money to charity every time I see a tin (well, amost) and every month I give $75 split between two charities, so I don't feel that these things have been lost. I have given a lot to charity and purchased from their charity shops, so I have contributed a lot to make up for one theft. Some of these people are makign a profeit off of their theift, teaching their kids how to get into the bins and all on camera.
Hey government, here's a radical idea. Instead of fining us for what we say, how about taking the evidence that people steal from charity and fine them instead. Police are presently powerless to do anything, so write some laws to protect charity instead of trying to get us to watch our language in our 'freedom of speech' society.
Now that I'm done ranting, I might just find somewhere to launch this idea. Wish me luck,
Sunday, May 1, 2011
The Last Man Is Found
Now come on, look at that face, that hot face. Nice eyes, gorgeousd (albeit fake) blond hair. For our last man in the now finished and over-extended man-hunt, we have Karl Urban. While he is, effectively, 13.5 years older than me, I really ain't fussed. His characters in both Xena and Hercules tv series have a strong edge to them, as well as blaying Eomer in the Lord of the Rings trilogy. And this is somewhat amusing, considering that I don't really go for blond men, I spend each episode with him playing Cupid wanting to reach through the screen and play with him. Considering some of the kinky things he does (or you hear of, if you read inbetween the lines right), you can't say that he will ever get dull.
I know I am not being very convincing here. But come on, take a look...
I mean seriously, would u not want a handful of that? His characters aren't the best fathers, but are names from history we remember.
So now that we have 10 hot men on the list, I suppose I had better put them in some order that is numbered 1-10. How tough is that?
I know I am not being very convincing here. But come on, take a look...
I mean seriously, would u not want a handful of that? His characters aren't the best fathers, but are names from history we remember.
So now that we have 10 hot men on the list, I suppose I had better put them in some order that is numbered 1-10. How tough is that?
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Being a Citizen
Well, I was surprised to find out these few interesting facts.
*More migrants know more about our country than we do.
*Of 500 Australians tested, 62% failed a practice test. That is about 310 people.
*More than 98% of migrants pass the test. On the same ratio, that is 490 people.
And yet many people in the country think that the migrants should 'bugger off home.' yet couldn't tell you who the Vice Minister is, nor what section of government has the power to change our laws.
So if you think you REALLY deserve to be here, born or not, I present to you the twenty questions mini test as posted on ninemsn. I scored %80. In translation, I got 4 wrong. If you get more than 5 wrong, YOU FAIL! Let's see how you do. Write down your answers and we will check them later.
1. What do we remember on Anzac Day?
a. The landing of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps at Gallipoli, Turkey
b. The arrival of the first free settlers from Great Britain
c. The landing of the First Fleet at Sydney Cove
2. What are the colours of the Australian Aboriginal Flag?
a. Black, red and yellow
b. Green, white and black
c. Blue, white and green
3. Which official symbol of Australia identifies Commonwealth property?
a. The national anthem
b. Australia’s national flower
c. Commonwealth Coat of Arms
4. Which of these statements about Australia’s system of government is correct?
a. The Queen of Australia chooses people to form the Australian Parliament
b. The government is elected by the people
c. The Prime Minister chooses our Members of Parliament
5. Which of these is an example of freedom of speech?
a. People can peacefully protest against government decisions
b. Men and women are treated equally in a court of law
c. Australians are free to not follow a religion
6. Which of these statements about government in Australia is correct?
a. The government does not allow some religions
b. Government in Australia is secular
c. Religious laws are passed by parliament
7. Which of these is an example of equality in Australia?
a. Everyone follows the same religion
b. Men and women have the same rights
c. Everyone belongs to the same political party
8. Which of these is a responsibility of Australian citizens aged 18 years or over?
a. To attend local council meetings
b. To vote in elections
c. To have a current Australian passport
9. Which of these is a responsibility of Australian citizens aged 18 years or over?
a. To do local community service
b. To carry a passport at all times
c. To serve on a jury if called to do so
10. Which of these statements about passports is correct?
a. Australian citizens can apply for an Australian passport
b. Permanent residents can hold an Australian passport
c. Australian citizens need a passport and visa to return to Australia
11. Which of these statements about voting in Australian elections is correct?
a. People are free and safe to vote for any candidate
b. Voting is by a show of hands
c. People must write their name on their vote
12. What happened in Australia on 1 January 1901?
a. The Australian Constitution was changed by a referendum
b. The Australian Constitution came into effect
c. The Australian and New Zealand Army Corps was formed
13. What is the name of the legal document that sets out the rules for the government of Australia?
a. The Australian Federation
b. The Australian Commonwealth
c. The Australian Constitution
14. What is a referendum?
a. A vote to change the government
b. A vote to change the Australian Constitution
c. A vote to change the Prime Minister
15. Which arm of government has the power to interpret and apply laws?
a. Legislative
b. Executive
c. Judicial
16. Which of these is a role of the Governor-General?
a. The appointment of state premiers
b. The signing of Bills passed by the Australian Parliament
c. The appointment of the Head of State
17. Which of these statements about state governments is correct?
a. All states have the same constitution
b. Each state has its own constitution
c. The states have no constitution
18. What is the name given to the party or coalition of parties with the second largest number of members in the House of Representatives?
a. The Government
b. The Opposition
c. The Senate
19. What is the name of a proposal to make a law in parliament?
a. Royal Assent
b. Bill
c. Debate
20. Who maintains peace and order in Australia?
a. Public servants
b. Police
c. Lawyers
So what do you know? Have you considered who we are as a community and how we opperate? Do you know how we work as a democracy? And considering some of the questions that appear on the actual test, this is easy. I casn say, with a good level of certainty that I learned something and that I still know enough to be a citizen here. I do my best not to be racist, with the occasional thought slipping in, but I don't go out of my way to be malicious. So for all the people out there who consider migrants who have legally entered Australia to know nothing of who we are, then let's see you prove your point. How much do you know about your home country?
I think the problem we have is that a lot of australians view themselves by ways of living and making it as easy for ourselves as possible. Keeping with 'traditions' and 'the Australian way' is a worn out stereo-type that is less identifyable as an Australian citizen and more as a bogan stereo-type. So help me if the narrow-minded can't grip the truth about whow e are. Considering that one of the biggest failing qiestions is "Who is the Vice Minister of Australia?" amuses me. While I can't think of his first name, I know him by the title as Mr.Swan.
If you are going to be racist, I ain't gonna stop ya,l coz it isn't my place, you are entitled to your opinions. But IF you are going to be racist, at least back up your claims. See if you can get a full copy of this test, get someone to correct it, and if you score over 75%, you can keep being your narrow-minded self. If not, get a grip.
Well, here are your answers. play nicely,
Answers (don't cheat)
1)A. 2)A. 3)C. 4)B. 5)A. 6)B. 7)B. 8)B. 9)C. 10)A.
11)A. 12)B. 13)C. 14)B. 15)C. 16)B. 17)B. 18)B. 19)B. 20)B.
Ref: http://news.ninemsn.com.au/national/8233675/most-aussies-would-flunk-citizenship-test
*More migrants know more about our country than we do.
*Of 500 Australians tested, 62% failed a practice test. That is about 310 people.
*More than 98% of migrants pass the test. On the same ratio, that is 490 people.
And yet many people in the country think that the migrants should 'bugger off home.' yet couldn't tell you who the Vice Minister is, nor what section of government has the power to change our laws.
So if you think you REALLY deserve to be here, born or not, I present to you the twenty questions mini test as posted on ninemsn. I scored %80. In translation, I got 4 wrong. If you get more than 5 wrong, YOU FAIL! Let's see how you do. Write down your answers and we will check them later.
1. What do we remember on Anzac Day?
a. The landing of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps at Gallipoli, Turkey
b. The arrival of the first free settlers from Great Britain
c. The landing of the First Fleet at Sydney Cove
2. What are the colours of the Australian Aboriginal Flag?
a. Black, red and yellow
b. Green, white and black
c. Blue, white and green
3. Which official symbol of Australia identifies Commonwealth property?
a. The national anthem
b. Australia’s national flower
c. Commonwealth Coat of Arms
4. Which of these statements about Australia’s system of government is correct?
a. The Queen of Australia chooses people to form the Australian Parliament
b. The government is elected by the people
c. The Prime Minister chooses our Members of Parliament
5. Which of these is an example of freedom of speech?
a. People can peacefully protest against government decisions
b. Men and women are treated equally in a court of law
c. Australians are free to not follow a religion
6. Which of these statements about government in Australia is correct?
a. The government does not allow some religions
b. Government in Australia is secular
c. Religious laws are passed by parliament
7. Which of these is an example of equality in Australia?
a. Everyone follows the same religion
b. Men and women have the same rights
c. Everyone belongs to the same political party
8. Which of these is a responsibility of Australian citizens aged 18 years or over?
a. To attend local council meetings
b. To vote in elections
c. To have a current Australian passport
9. Which of these is a responsibility of Australian citizens aged 18 years or over?
a. To do local community service
b. To carry a passport at all times
c. To serve on a jury if called to do so
10. Which of these statements about passports is correct?
a. Australian citizens can apply for an Australian passport
b. Permanent residents can hold an Australian passport
c. Australian citizens need a passport and visa to return to Australia
11. Which of these statements about voting in Australian elections is correct?
a. People are free and safe to vote for any candidate
b. Voting is by a show of hands
c. People must write their name on their vote
12. What happened in Australia on 1 January 1901?
a. The Australian Constitution was changed by a referendum
b. The Australian Constitution came into effect
c. The Australian and New Zealand Army Corps was formed
13. What is the name of the legal document that sets out the rules for the government of Australia?
a. The Australian Federation
b. The Australian Commonwealth
c. The Australian Constitution
14. What is a referendum?
a. A vote to change the government
b. A vote to change the Australian Constitution
c. A vote to change the Prime Minister
15. Which arm of government has the power to interpret and apply laws?
a. Legislative
b. Executive
c. Judicial
16. Which of these is a role of the Governor-General?
a. The appointment of state premiers
b. The signing of Bills passed by the Australian Parliament
c. The appointment of the Head of State
17. Which of these statements about state governments is correct?
a. All states have the same constitution
b. Each state has its own constitution
c. The states have no constitution
18. What is the name given to the party or coalition of parties with the second largest number of members in the House of Representatives?
a. The Government
b. The Opposition
c. The Senate
19. What is the name of a proposal to make a law in parliament?
a. Royal Assent
b. Bill
c. Debate
20. Who maintains peace and order in Australia?
a. Public servants
b. Police
c. Lawyers
So what do you know? Have you considered who we are as a community and how we opperate? Do you know how we work as a democracy? And considering some of the questions that appear on the actual test, this is easy. I casn say, with a good level of certainty that I learned something and that I still know enough to be a citizen here. I do my best not to be racist, with the occasional thought slipping in, but I don't go out of my way to be malicious. So for all the people out there who consider migrants who have legally entered Australia to know nothing of who we are, then let's see you prove your point. How much do you know about your home country?
I think the problem we have is that a lot of australians view themselves by ways of living and making it as easy for ourselves as possible. Keeping with 'traditions' and 'the Australian way' is a worn out stereo-type that is less identifyable as an Australian citizen and more as a bogan stereo-type. So help me if the narrow-minded can't grip the truth about whow e are. Considering that one of the biggest failing qiestions is "Who is the Vice Minister of Australia?" amuses me. While I can't think of his first name, I know him by the title as Mr.Swan.
If you are going to be racist, I ain't gonna stop ya,l coz it isn't my place, you are entitled to your opinions. But IF you are going to be racist, at least back up your claims. See if you can get a full copy of this test, get someone to correct it, and if you score over 75%, you can keep being your narrow-minded self. If not, get a grip.
Well, here are your answers. play nicely,
Answers (don't cheat)
1)A. 2)A. 3)C. 4)B. 5)A. 6)B. 7)B. 8)B. 9)C. 10)A.
11)A. 12)B. 13)C. 14)B. 15)C. 16)B. 17)B. 18)B. 19)B. 20)B.
Ref: http://news.ninemsn.com.au/national/8233675/most-aussies-would-flunk-citizenship-test
Monday, March 21, 2011
Bullying them!
I've seen wrestling, I've seen street-fighting, I've seen bear fights, but I'd never thought I'd see one kid pick up and drop another like that. It has been all over ACA and the 9 news about a bullied kid finally snapping and dropping a kid on the gorund. From what I've heard he probably deserved it. And looking back, I can see where the systems fail to help the kids. Here is what I've been told to do when faced with bullies.
1) Ignore them. Yeah, like that's going to work. They just keep going until they get what they want.
2) Walk away. For the love of Ra, bullys know their legs aren't painted on, so they will follow you.
3) Tell them to leave you alone. Fucking duh! that is what they want.
4) Get a teacher. Well, that has a lot of problems in itself. What if you can't find one? What if them telling the kids off is only a 5 minute solution? They never really think this through. And with the passing of time, the system doesn't seem to be improving. Bullied students file an incodent report, like you were at a police station, and a student with enough of a history gets suspended for a few days. Do they not see the failure in this cycle? Kids will act badly to get detentions and suspentions and get out of the classes they don't want to be in. I've seen the cycle.
In example, I was waiting outside the library in primary school, quietly minding my own business when I was being bullied by some smart-arse girl who, in the end, started kicking me in the shins. I couldn't really move because her friends had me cornered, and you tell me how you ignore someone kicking you in the shins. Following that, I asked her (clearly pointlessly) to give it a rest. My shins were sorry for that. Couldn't go and get a teacher because the library entrance was really obscure from the rest of the yard. So what did I do? Same as the kid, kicked her back and got her square in the face. Well, she burst into tears and she went and got a teacher. I got in trouble, she got a light telling off and I was banned from the library for a week excluding class time. Fuck the system, it is about as useful as a fish on a bicycle. Here is what needs to be done, there needs to be a real identification of what a student likes or dislikes, and for every time they are reported for bullying or so forth, they will need to spend 'observed time' doing something in the yard, and every time they are reported after that, they have to do another punishment of that sort. To create negative reinforcement, they will realise that they won't be doing degrading work if they leave well enough alone.
Seriously, my resent studies into positive and negative reinforcement need ot be taken back to teachers. I know teachers don't have enough power to police the whole school but more needs to be done when trouble is brought forward. My teachers didn't mediate, and more often than not the bullied is the bad guy and was left feeling excluded. No great help since bullying gives you that anyway.
Am I glad that kid got driven into the ground head first? Debateable. Do I think the anti-bullying system needs fixing and over-hauling? Absolutely. I have two nephews between primary and high school (for memory) and a cousin in high school. If they have been bullied, I hope they do what I couldn't and find the help they need. I hope any and all parents reading this do their darndest and upmost to support their kids to get through it.
To the school system: I'll bet a lot of money you were popular in school, and really have no idea how much you understand about children bullying, but you need to get your damned act together before we raise another generation of socially fucked, shallow and withdrawn kids. Get a grip!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
The truth of St.Patricks Day
by Flame RavenHawk
Patrick was a Christian priest whose job it was to convert the population of Ireland to Christianity. The Druids, however, stood in his way. The Druids were very important people in Ireland at that time, and their symbol was the Snake of Wisdom. Druids could be priests of the old religion of Ireland, but there were also much more.
One part of the Druid class were the "Bards", whose job it was to remember all of the history of the people, as well as to record current events. Because the Irish Celts did not rely on a written language, everything had to be memorized. Bards were poets and musicians, and used music and poetry to help them remember their history exactly. Because of this, Bards were highly respected members of the Irish society. The Irish believed that history was very important, for if you didn't remember what had happened in the past, you couldn't safely plan for the future. Bards, therefore, held the future of the people in safekeeping.
Another important part of the Druidic class were the "Brehons". Brehons were the Judges and the Keepers of the Laws. The Celtic people had a highly complicated society, and with it, a highly developed set of laws. Brehons trained for many years to learn the laws of the people, so that whenever there was a dispute, the Brehon could fairly decide the matter and make peace. The laws were there to make sure that everyone; man, woman, and child, were treated fairly and with respect. Because of the wisdom that the Brehons held, and the knowledge of the laws of the society, they too, like the Bards, were held with much respect.
And, of course, there were the Druid Priests. This branch of the Druid set were the keepers of the knowledge of Earth and Spirits. It was their responsibility to learn the Spirit World, in order to keep people and Earth in harmony. Priests performed marriages and "baptisms", they were healers, and psychiatrists. The Priests were
the wise grandparents to whom you could go with a problem. They were there to help you solve them, with the help of the Earth and the Spirit World.
Into this world of the Irish Celts entered a highly energetic and devoted Christian Priest named Patrick. Because he believed so strongly in the tenets of Christianity, he thought that anyone who was not Christian had to become one in order to be "saved". He came to Ireland to convert the Irish people to Christianity.
The Irish people at that time were happy and doing quite well without Patrick and his ideas, but he was persistent. He noticed that the Druids were really the important people of the society. He thought that if he could convert the Druids to Christianity, the rest of the people would follow. Patrick's main problem was that the Druids were very comfortable with what they had already learned, and were not willing to change. Druids had spent their entire lives learning the ways of the people, and were the last people who were willing to change.
Although Patrick was not willing to abandon his vision of a Christian Ireland, he was getting desperate. He knew that because the strength of the people rested with the Druids, he had to get rid of them in order to get the people to listen to him.
Patrick was not alone in his efforts. He had brought many people with him from Britain to establish the new religion. Patrick began to destroy the influence of the Druids by destroying the sacred sites of the people and building churches and monasteries where the Druids used to live and teach. Gradually, the might of the Druidic class was broken by a bitter campaign of attrition. Instead of hearing the teachings and advice of the Druids, the people began to hear the teachings of Rome. Because the Druids were the only ones who were taught to remember the history, with the Druids dead and their influence broken, the history was forgotten.
Patrick won. By killing off the teachers and the wise ones, his own religion could be taught. For this mass conversion of a culture to Christianity, and for the killing of thousands of innocent people, Patrick was made a Saint by his church.
Today the story is told that Patrick is the patron Saint of Ireland because he "drove the snakes out". We now know that the "snakes" were the Druids. So although I love the Irish people and celebrate their Celtic heritage, I don't "celebrate" a day dedicated to the man called Patrick, Patron Saint of Ireland.
March 17, 1993, by Flame RavenHawk... being an *extremely* abbreviated version of the story of Patrick of Ireland, used as an instructional tale told to my 11 year old sister.
Source: http://home.pacbell.net/dyandra/articles-fiction/stpat.html
With that, we do see the true meaning of the church's claim that he "Drove the snakes from Ireland". Patrick himself did not own up to this in his own writings, which causes some dispute among historians. Nevertheless, it's a day to celebrate Pagan Pride, not those who wanted to convert or eradicate Pagans.
Understanding that Patrick was on a mission to convert Ireland to Christianity, and, in those days, that usually meant killing those who refused to convert, and understanding that "driving the snakes from Ireland" had to be a reference to the Druids, since there were no actual snakes there, this story paints the picture quite well. It's not a pretty picture!
Violence, hate & bigotry is nothing to celebrate, so it is not a day to hate or attack Christians, at least not in my opinion. It is a day to honor these Druids in particular, and display some Pagan pride. We all should be proud of who we are despite what the St Patricks of the world would have thought.
by Flame RavenHawk
Patrick was a Christian priest whose job it was to convert the population of Ireland to Christianity. The Druids, however, stood in his way. The Druids were very important people in Ireland at that time, and their symbol was the Snake of Wisdom. Druids could be priests of the old religion of Ireland, but there were also much more.
One part of the Druid class were the "Bards", whose job it was to remember all of the history of the people, as well as to record current events. Because the Irish Celts did not rely on a written language, everything had to be memorized. Bards were poets and musicians, and used music and poetry to help them remember their history exactly. Because of this, Bards were highly respected members of the Irish society. The Irish believed that history was very important, for if you didn't remember what had happened in the past, you couldn't safely plan for the future. Bards, therefore, held the future of the people in safekeeping.
Another important part of the Druidic class were the "Brehons". Brehons were the Judges and the Keepers of the Laws. The Celtic people had a highly complicated society, and with it, a highly developed set of laws. Brehons trained for many years to learn the laws of the people, so that whenever there was a dispute, the Brehon could fairly decide the matter and make peace. The laws were there to make sure that everyone; man, woman, and child, were treated fairly and with respect. Because of the wisdom that the Brehons held, and the knowledge of the laws of the society, they too, like the Bards, were held with much respect.
And, of course, there were the Druid Priests. This branch of the Druid set were the keepers of the knowledge of Earth and Spirits. It was their responsibility to learn the Spirit World, in order to keep people and Earth in harmony. Priests performed marriages and "baptisms", they were healers, and psychiatrists. The Priests were
the wise grandparents to whom you could go with a problem. They were there to help you solve them, with the help of the Earth and the Spirit World.
Into this world of the Irish Celts entered a highly energetic and devoted Christian Priest named Patrick. Because he believed so strongly in the tenets of Christianity, he thought that anyone who was not Christian had to become one in order to be "saved". He came to Ireland to convert the Irish people to Christianity.
The Irish people at that time were happy and doing quite well without Patrick and his ideas, but he was persistent. He noticed that the Druids were really the important people of the society. He thought that if he could convert the Druids to Christianity, the rest of the people would follow. Patrick's main problem was that the Druids were very comfortable with what they had already learned, and were not willing to change. Druids had spent their entire lives learning the ways of the people, and were the last people who were willing to change.
Although Patrick was not willing to abandon his vision of a Christian Ireland, he was getting desperate. He knew that because the strength of the people rested with the Druids, he had to get rid of them in order to get the people to listen to him.
Patrick was not alone in his efforts. He had brought many people with him from Britain to establish the new religion. Patrick began to destroy the influence of the Druids by destroying the sacred sites of the people and building churches and monasteries where the Druids used to live and teach. Gradually, the might of the Druidic class was broken by a bitter campaign of attrition. Instead of hearing the teachings and advice of the Druids, the people began to hear the teachings of Rome. Because the Druids were the only ones who were taught to remember the history, with the Druids dead and their influence broken, the history was forgotten.
Patrick won. By killing off the teachers and the wise ones, his own religion could be taught. For this mass conversion of a culture to Christianity, and for the killing of thousands of innocent people, Patrick was made a Saint by his church.
Today the story is told that Patrick is the patron Saint of Ireland because he "drove the snakes out". We now know that the "snakes" were the Druids. So although I love the Irish people and celebrate their Celtic heritage, I don't "celebrate" a day dedicated to the man called Patrick, Patron Saint of Ireland.
March 17, 1993, by Flame RavenHawk... being an *extremely* abbreviated version of the story of Patrick of Ireland, used as an instructional tale told to my 11 year old sister.
Source: http://home.pacbell.net/dyandra/articles-fiction/stpat.html
With that, we do see the true meaning of the church's claim that he "Drove the snakes from Ireland". Patrick himself did not own up to this in his own writings, which causes some dispute among historians. Nevertheless, it's a day to celebrate Pagan Pride, not those who wanted to convert or eradicate Pagans.
Understanding that Patrick was on a mission to convert Ireland to Christianity, and, in those days, that usually meant killing those who refused to convert, and understanding that "driving the snakes from Ireland" had to be a reference to the Druids, since there were no actual snakes there, this story paints the picture quite well. It's not a pretty picture!
Violence, hate & bigotry is nothing to celebrate, so it is not a day to hate or attack Christians, at least not in my opinion. It is a day to honor these Druids in particular, and display some Pagan pride. We all should be proud of who we are despite what the St Patricks of the world would have thought.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
This Is Your Song
I was watching Big Bang theory today, and it brought up a thought that doesn't cross my mind very often, and that is something that I wish for quite a bit, but never get. I spend a lot of time entertaining, and I can't tell you how great it is to do that for people, and needless to say, I take a lot of requests for people as well as dedications, happy birthdays, etc. But what I really want, without prmpting, is for someone to dedicate a song to me. It's never happened! My name has been mixed in and that's cool, but it isn't totally the same. I want someone, without prompting or because it is my borthday or special occassion for me, to get on stage and say "this song goes to Perry." I think that would probably be the most touching thing for me in the whole world now, just to have that. I have had song dedications in the past, because people have been good to me on my birthday, or done a request for me, but it is not the same as out of the blue. If it was a sudden thing, I'd be very touched that people did that for me, but it doesn't happen. I guess that's the price of being big, people think that you don't need anything because you seem to have it all already. The thanks off stage is great, the applause I get for my singing and dancing is wonderful, but it was earned. I want this to be something special that someone took the time to think this out. And I don't want to ask for this either. I've asked, and it has taken the sparkle out of it. Maybe I've just gone into one of ym romantic moods, but I'm telling the truth. What would be so bad in someone taking that bit of time out because they truly think I'm worth it. I know I spend a good majority of my time outside and only coming inside occassionaly, but being prompted doesn't bother me, jsut so long as I don't know it's going to happen.
I guess a lot of this is also coming from ym recent trip to Daylesford for the Chillout Long Weekend. I'll go into more detail about it in another typed entry, but the weekend reminded me how much it sucks to be single at an event like this. The Barn Dance was fun to watch, but I would have been happy participating, dancing with somebody and getting into it. I know country isn't my thing, but I have always wanted to go to a dance of some description and dance with a guy because it wasn't going to matter what anyone else thought about our sexuality. But it was not to be. And it also made picking up difficult, because you spend your time investing interest in someone and the end result is that they are taken or have another person in mind. Kinda sucks when that happens. I got the impression by the end of evening events tat I either smelled bad (which i don't) or that I bite with force (which i only do when asked). People just get this idea and off they go, leading their prejudice behind them.
I have noticed a recent pattern to the men I've been dating or at least taking an interest in. It is kind of like a final sculpting of what I'm looking for. They progressively get youger, cuter, more financially well off (but not rich nor snorbish) and well... sized. Personalities have been adaptable, but the major down side has been ther lack of interest to go beyond a friendship into a relationship. I guess that this is the final leadup to whoever it is that is going to be my ideal, and the signs are coming in hot, strong, but sadly mixed. I won't go into detail, and those who know the details should. But in short, I have the feeling I am not that far off a good guy. Beliefs and personality can be more compadable, and a few other details, but after that, I simply don't have all the details filled in. I suppose I should get a few love things going, just to finalise what it is I am looking for.
I'm thinking this is a good sign that I am on an emotional down. I've been strong for a lot of people recently, but I am running out of strength, and my few reliefs are becoming fewer and further between. That and TAFE work are starting to weigh in at a good mass. Help me if I start trying to weigh my brain on a set of scales to see how I'm going. At least if I have a lot on ym mind, it'll stop it from blowing away.
The one good thing about this weekend was that a lot of people said to me that I looked good, and I can't tell you how wonderful that made me feel. And while I usually have guys over 50 telling me this, the age barrier expanded from 20's to 50's and I was very happy with this. Outside of my friends, i don't get complimented on my looks that much, so i was very happy to hear that. Would have been happier if someone was willing to step a bit closer and spend more time getting to know me, but what can i expect? I know what I am asking of the gay world and more often than not, I have unrealistic expactations.
I think I've said enough. I'm going to have a warm bath and feel better about this whole situation.... I hope. Night,
I guess a lot of this is also coming from ym recent trip to Daylesford for the Chillout Long Weekend. I'll go into more detail about it in another typed entry, but the weekend reminded me how much it sucks to be single at an event like this. The Barn Dance was fun to watch, but I would have been happy participating, dancing with somebody and getting into it. I know country isn't my thing, but I have always wanted to go to a dance of some description and dance with a guy because it wasn't going to matter what anyone else thought about our sexuality. But it was not to be. And it also made picking up difficult, because you spend your time investing interest in someone and the end result is that they are taken or have another person in mind. Kinda sucks when that happens. I got the impression by the end of evening events tat I either smelled bad (which i don't) or that I bite with force (which i only do when asked). People just get this idea and off they go, leading their prejudice behind them.
I have noticed a recent pattern to the men I've been dating or at least taking an interest in. It is kind of like a final sculpting of what I'm looking for. They progressively get youger, cuter, more financially well off (but not rich nor snorbish) and well... sized. Personalities have been adaptable, but the major down side has been ther lack of interest to go beyond a friendship into a relationship. I guess that this is the final leadup to whoever it is that is going to be my ideal, and the signs are coming in hot, strong, but sadly mixed. I won't go into detail, and those who know the details should. But in short, I have the feeling I am not that far off a good guy. Beliefs and personality can be more compadable, and a few other details, but after that, I simply don't have all the details filled in. I suppose I should get a few love things going, just to finalise what it is I am looking for.
I'm thinking this is a good sign that I am on an emotional down. I've been strong for a lot of people recently, but I am running out of strength, and my few reliefs are becoming fewer and further between. That and TAFE work are starting to weigh in at a good mass. Help me if I start trying to weigh my brain on a set of scales to see how I'm going. At least if I have a lot on ym mind, it'll stop it from blowing away.
The one good thing about this weekend was that a lot of people said to me that I looked good, and I can't tell you how wonderful that made me feel. And while I usually have guys over 50 telling me this, the age barrier expanded from 20's to 50's and I was very happy with this. Outside of my friends, i don't get complimented on my looks that much, so i was very happy to hear that. Would have been happier if someone was willing to step a bit closer and spend more time getting to know me, but what can i expect? I know what I am asking of the gay world and more often than not, I have unrealistic expactations.
I think I've said enough. I'm going to have a warm bath and feel better about this whole situation.... I hope. Night,
Friday, March 11, 2011
Just Get Over It Already! Yeish!
there is a lot to be said for being famous, because it doesn't matter what you do, because you'll get rewarded for it. here are the names in the media (or at least the subject matters) that are really getting up my nose.
*Charlie Sheen
*Justin Beiber
*The Royal Wedding
*Justin Bavola
*St.Kilda Sex Scandal
Seriously, whop gives a fuck? Not me. Should I break these things down and anylise them? You know I'm going to.
Charlie Sheen
Drug fucked, over-sexed, self-centered, egotistical and simply a sleeze! I thought it was bad enough when 2 and a Half Men decided to makwe the point that good guys don't finish at all and that to sexually abuse and think less of women from a drunken haze is perfectly okay. Considering that women are already the abused of the two sexes in a lot of respects, why not just rub it in. True, I find a number of aspects of 2aaHM funny, but these are usually at the points where Berta is talking or when Charlie gets what he deserves.
Following that, Charlie has abused wives, endangered his kids, been to drug rehab, hospital and court so many times you'd think that he'd learn something. Apparently not. And now that he's been kicked from the show, he's gonna sue. I can't blame the producers, quite frankly, considering the cost of looking after Charlie started to rise above and beyond the call of fairness.
So, in a rage, Charlie has invaded the internet to prove how cool he is, and 1M people are following this. I'd log on and blast him, but that would be a waste of effort, because what would it change?
From all the television interviews I've seen, Charlie is so self-conceited, he can do no wrong. His mind probably is angry because he won't deal with his issues and he is the perfect father. I've met a lot of less-than-ideal fathers, and Charlie makes them look like saints in comparisson. I'd like to see Charlie pass another 'Working With Children' check.
End of the day: If we pay less attention to him, he'll hopefully realise that no one cares as much as he hopes and he'll return to the occasional news report that is of him being admitted to hospital/rehab from overdose. I pray it doesn't kill him, but at this rate, it probably will be his fate.
Charlie: I've seen people who have been on your drugs for a good amount of their lives, so when you are in a wheelchair with degenerated muscles and dymensia, let me know if you're still having fun.
Justin Beiber So a teenager can sing, big deal! I've bitched about this before and I'll do it again. He is presently in London with 1000+ fans outside his Hotel. Police have told him he will be arrested for enciting a revolt if he dares to step out onto the balcony. If he ever gets to his concert, he'll be to exhausted to perform.
It is great to see someone so young lead such a good career, but can we PLEASE stick to one media at a time. A movie, television and music is one too many. Start with one, do it for a while and then stray quietly into one and then into the other. But then again, perhaps this is all being hurried before his voice breaks or strains beyond use.
I onyl heard briefly that his hair sold for so many thousand to $1m. And what would yu do with it, exactly? In 10 years, it will be worth quite a bit, but who cares? It's hair! I did ask at one point "which hair" but considering the jokes, there probably only is head hair on offer because that's all there is.
End of the day: I'm happy he is doing so well in life, but I wonder what he is going to be doing when his voice can no longer do those high notes. He'll probably end up as an airplane trolly-dolly like Sara-Marie probably is now.
Royal Wedding: That oversized ring looks like it'll break her finger at any moment, it was given originally to Dianna without love and personal items like that carry such thoughts and energys. I don't wish them any ill thoughts in their wedding, but I do want to hear a little less about it. And while I hope that I'll hear less about it after the wedding, methinks I will get a blow-by-blow of her daily life on the 6pm news until it becomes boring. Get married, get on with it, get over it, move on!
And quite frankly, the other two are footballer issues, and I really don't have time to go onto what I think about the endless cycle of protecting footballers from themselves in an ever-failing cycle of sex, alcohol and rehab. If they acted in accordance for a bloody change and stopped making news outside of game tackles and the like, the world might be a little bit more well-behaved.
See you after Daylesford,
*Charlie Sheen
*Justin Beiber
*The Royal Wedding
*Justin Bavola
*St.Kilda Sex Scandal
Seriously, whop gives a fuck? Not me. Should I break these things down and anylise them? You know I'm going to.
Charlie Sheen
Drug fucked, over-sexed, self-centered, egotistical and simply a sleeze! I thought it was bad enough when 2 and a Half Men decided to makwe the point that good guys don't finish at all and that to sexually abuse and think less of women from a drunken haze is perfectly okay. Considering that women are already the abused of the two sexes in a lot of respects, why not just rub it in. True, I find a number of aspects of 2aaHM funny, but these are usually at the points where Berta is talking or when Charlie gets what he deserves.
Following that, Charlie has abused wives, endangered his kids, been to drug rehab, hospital and court so many times you'd think that he'd learn something. Apparently not. And now that he's been kicked from the show, he's gonna sue. I can't blame the producers, quite frankly, considering the cost of looking after Charlie started to rise above and beyond the call of fairness.
So, in a rage, Charlie has invaded the internet to prove how cool he is, and 1M people are following this. I'd log on and blast him, but that would be a waste of effort, because what would it change?
From all the television interviews I've seen, Charlie is so self-conceited, he can do no wrong. His mind probably is angry because he won't deal with his issues and he is the perfect father. I've met a lot of less-than-ideal fathers, and Charlie makes them look like saints in comparisson. I'd like to see Charlie pass another 'Working With Children' check.
End of the day: If we pay less attention to him, he'll hopefully realise that no one cares as much as he hopes and he'll return to the occasional news report that is of him being admitted to hospital/rehab from overdose. I pray it doesn't kill him, but at this rate, it probably will be his fate.
Charlie: I've seen people who have been on your drugs for a good amount of their lives, so when you are in a wheelchair with degenerated muscles and dymensia, let me know if you're still having fun.
Justin Beiber So a teenager can sing, big deal! I've bitched about this before and I'll do it again. He is presently in London with 1000+ fans outside his Hotel. Police have told him he will be arrested for enciting a revolt if he dares to step out onto the balcony. If he ever gets to his concert, he'll be to exhausted to perform.
It is great to see someone so young lead such a good career, but can we PLEASE stick to one media at a time. A movie, television and music is one too many. Start with one, do it for a while and then stray quietly into one and then into the other. But then again, perhaps this is all being hurried before his voice breaks or strains beyond use.
I onyl heard briefly that his hair sold for so many thousand to $1m. And what would yu do with it, exactly? In 10 years, it will be worth quite a bit, but who cares? It's hair! I did ask at one point "which hair" but considering the jokes, there probably only is head hair on offer because that's all there is.
End of the day: I'm happy he is doing so well in life, but I wonder what he is going to be doing when his voice can no longer do those high notes. He'll probably end up as an airplane trolly-dolly like Sara-Marie probably is now.
Royal Wedding: That oversized ring looks like it'll break her finger at any moment, it was given originally to Dianna without love and personal items like that carry such thoughts and energys. I don't wish them any ill thoughts in their wedding, but I do want to hear a little less about it. And while I hope that I'll hear less about it after the wedding, methinks I will get a blow-by-blow of her daily life on the 6pm news until it becomes boring. Get married, get on with it, get over it, move on!
And quite frankly, the other two are footballer issues, and I really don't have time to go onto what I think about the endless cycle of protecting footballers from themselves in an ever-failing cycle of sex, alcohol and rehab. If they acted in accordance for a bloody change and stopped making news outside of game tackles and the like, the world might be a little bit more well-behaved.
See you after Daylesford,
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Theory Expansion
Well, while the title might suggest I would go on about my Book of Theory (new entry, by the by) but I'm not. Recently in class, we discussed different theorists and their social theories. And while each theorist has a good point of view (for the most part), I noticed that a number of the theorists don't seem to have followed through all the way on their theories.
Lets inspect my theorist, Albert Bandura. He looked into behavioural theories with how they work and how positive/egative/no reinforcement can influence/change behaviour in children.
The best example conducted in this field was the Bobo doll experiments, or behavioural experiments. First off, a child was shown the 'model' beating up a Bobo doll (aka punching doll, hit it as much as you want, it won't fall) on a video, then led into a room with a Bobo doll, other toys, a hammer (as used in te video) and a toy gun. The children proceeded to attack the Bobo dolls in the same manor as the model. The cildren who had not been expossed to gun use either didn't use the gun, or didn't use it for its primary purpose. It also encouraged violent behaviour when playing with other toys.
In the second experiment, there were three groups shown three different videos. The model attacked the Bobo doll as always, but the ending was different. The model was either praised, punished or recieved no conciquence for their behaviour. The kids who saw praise attacked their Bobo dolls, the kids who saw the model be punished didn't attack, and the neutral gorup were either unmotivated or attacked the doll. However, it was noted that the children who saw the punishment were offered positive reinforcement (praise) were then happy to attack the bobo doll.
My problem with the last experiment is that it wasn't followed through on (according to my sources) because there is no mention of offering negative reinforcement to the positively enforced children, nor to find out which motivational would effect the neutral group more. I'm rather disappointed, because I'd be interested to see the results.
The expansion of this theory would be a lot of interest in the way it could change childhood behaviour. Can negative behaviour that is positively reinforced be turned around with either negative reinforcement or demonstrations of good behaviour that is positively reinforced? Why these thoughts and experiments (for lack of better terms) not been followed. Could we resolve a lot of childhood and adolesance behavioural problems or would we be where we are now anyway? It'd be nice to know.
Well, after everything was said and done, there is still a boosting of understanding in how the human psyche can be designed (somewhat) for a better future.
Anyway, that theory aside, I better go get a few things done. Ciao for now,
Lets inspect my theorist, Albert Bandura. He looked into behavioural theories with how they work and how positive/egative/no reinforcement can influence/change behaviour in children.
The best example conducted in this field was the Bobo doll experiments, or behavioural experiments. First off, a child was shown the 'model' beating up a Bobo doll (aka punching doll, hit it as much as you want, it won't fall) on a video, then led into a room with a Bobo doll, other toys, a hammer (as used in te video) and a toy gun. The children proceeded to attack the Bobo dolls in the same manor as the model. The cildren who had not been expossed to gun use either didn't use the gun, or didn't use it for its primary purpose. It also encouraged violent behaviour when playing with other toys.
In the second experiment, there were three groups shown three different videos. The model attacked the Bobo doll as always, but the ending was different. The model was either praised, punished or recieved no conciquence for their behaviour. The kids who saw praise attacked their Bobo dolls, the kids who saw the model be punished didn't attack, and the neutral gorup were either unmotivated or attacked the doll. However, it was noted that the children who saw the punishment were offered positive reinforcement (praise) were then happy to attack the bobo doll.
My problem with the last experiment is that it wasn't followed through on (according to my sources) because there is no mention of offering negative reinforcement to the positively enforced children, nor to find out which motivational would effect the neutral group more. I'm rather disappointed, because I'd be interested to see the results.
The expansion of this theory would be a lot of interest in the way it could change childhood behaviour. Can negative behaviour that is positively reinforced be turned around with either negative reinforcement or demonstrations of good behaviour that is positively reinforced? Why these thoughts and experiments (for lack of better terms) not been followed. Could we resolve a lot of childhood and adolesance behavioural problems or would we be where we are now anyway? It'd be nice to know.
Well, after everything was said and done, there is still a boosting of understanding in how the human psyche can be designed (somewhat) for a better future.
Anyway, that theory aside, I better go get a few things done. Ciao for now,
Sunday, February 27, 2011
One Day Away
What do you do when life hands you lemons? Make Whisky Sour and Taquillea Shots. What od you do if it hands you sugar? Make Fairy Floss and Vodka Breezers. When you are handed Apples, you got apple sauce and Cidar. So what happens when you are handed a little of everything and no instructions? Take a break!
I had been planning to see Mark this weekend just gone, and God only knows what we were going to do anyway, but he had a sudden urge to go travelling. Not only that, he wanted me to go with him. I'm not oppossed to a bit of travel, even if the places he has in mind are dull and unforgiving to open-minded tourists. Our choices were Shepparton or Echuca.... Grew up in Shepp, less in Echuca, hate Shepparton, boring Echuca. So we settle on Shepp because I at least know where to go to eat, cook and shop. Where to stay is a different matter. Shepp is booked right out by the time Mark started planning for this, so I had to recommend a few places and see if they had anything, and then discuss what was best of the alst options. A trailor park cabin was the best we could get, or else we were out of town. The good news is that this was the GOOD caravan park we were staying at, not the scungy dive beside the lake.
So upon arrival, we drive around and find the place, check in and then go looking for food and entertainment. Food is easy, Cellar 47 has always had good food and good service. The ask what you want and are generous with their cooking portions, and inquire frequently if you are enjoying your meal. The decore has imrpoved dramatically since I was there last and service is still great. I give it 3/5 stars.
Anyway, we criused town looking for somewhere to party that night. We landed at Yahoo Bar. Let's just say you could go fishing for a year with all the Jail Bait there. We asked a member of security where else would be good for us to go. The highly recommended GV Hotel was our best bet, but they are really fussy at the door and there are so many cliches that we thought we'd give it a pass. The other place played a good mix of music and had good drink prices, but it was a rough crowd for us. Fuck it, let's go back to the room and boink!
We both slept poorly, I got a stomach ache and we were both up and about by 630 in the morning. And the TENCH! Who let the bog imp loose? The smell fo humidity from the river was foul, and it was everywhere for hours. No matter, we will watch McGiver and it will all be good. I think.
The overnighter had started well, but turned south. Going out socially in Shepparton has gone downhill since my last trip out there. Shopping seems to be the major thing, as a lot of new shops have appeared and some have renovated and modernised. It is also a tourists note that Shepparton is one of the few places left to have a Pizza Hut that is also still a buffet. Use that info as you will. But the drive-thru has been removed and replaced with another Mall (thats 3 major ones now), junk food is slowly crawling further and further north. 17 years ago it was all confined to a 1km area in south shepp, and it is now expanded far enough north to cover all sides of town. It'll invade Mooroopna soon enough. Some things I was used to seeing were gone, and there seems to be an increase of liquor stores. Go figure!
Well, now that I've had a sudden trip away, i think the best I can say is that next time will be a bit more prepared. Until next time,
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Another day, another gay
God, if I were any busier, i'd probably sleep my way through any time off I had, but it has all been worth it.
First off, I am back at TAFE, studying for my Diploma, and that was a wonderful day. First, I had one of those nights where you are feverish, unsure of the passage of time and space, everything seems sureal and you don't know what your body temp is from one minute to the next because it fluctuates. At 9, I staggered under bed with that wonderful sick feeling in the ehad that comes equiped with vertigo. I still got myself to class on time only to find out my teacher is away ill. I dragged MY arse down there to attend, so why couldn't she do the same?
Anyway, I am thankfully not the only guy in class this year, I've got the aged Ted and the twinkishly hot Rob to keep me company, as well as two of the girls from alst years clas. So the day was spent walking around in the heat seeing everything that I knew where was from last year. The afternoon was spent going over some internet things which were new to me, so no pains there. I also took an ACCA test, which was no big deal for me either, despite the fact I felt like trying to get the sleep I'd missed the night before.
Thursday held some surprises. I've got a paid weekend away for two to Dylesford in march, but no one to take with me, so I'm asking around, with little luck so far. A new guy in my life, mark, i asked him if he wanted to go and he said he'd think about it. But he also asked me out on a date. We went to the machanics Institute theatre to see a very camp stage play. I can't remember its full name, but it had a lot of modern gay humor. He paid for the tickets and drinks, so I guess our next date is on me. But we sat in the theatre and held hands and leaned into each other. Well, I was leaning on him because from where I was sitting it iwas the only way I was going to breathe. But Mark is a really sweet guy and there is lots of potential. Only setback so far is he is a workoholic and puts work first. So I guess i need to work on that, or addapt.
Now, a side note for my Sister, whom I love dearly, but has a tendency to put her foot in her mouth sometimes. My FB comment about a date was written in sincerity because I had had such a lovely night, and your comment back was not very well thought out. Perhaps next time you could ask before shooting. Thanks sweetheart!
Anyway, moving on. As we all know, Australia has had some wonderful flooding in the past few weeks, and Melb was no exception. The garage of my last place got flooded badly, and I had to go down and help with the clean up and out. Lucky for me, the stuff I have stored there wasn't damaged, so far as I can tell. I can't locate a few things, but they might not have been in the garage, so I need to find them soon. Considering these things include my graduation certificates from primary/high school, i kinda want them back. But the whole cleanup wasn't too bad, and I found a few things I thought I had ditched, but apparently not. good thing too because I wanted them back.
This was all followed by a birthday dinner for Jane. My mentor and one of my best friends turned a wonderful 51, and she doesn't look a day over 40. A nice dinner at Taco Bill... with screaming and loud kids at the next table and the parents not interveining when they should have. When they were leavbing, i said in a tone audable enough for the people sitting around me to hear me utter "And stay out!" Seriously, most of us who aren't used to kids, or haven't had them in ages, if at all, came out with headaches. But it was nice to catch up with a few people and surprise Jane with a cake. I didn't get Jane anything ebcause she is shopping for herself so much right now that there is little else to get her at the moment, so I should give her a $20 from my next payday so she can buy herself something nice.
Along with all that, the place has been under repair again. I swear there is something with hot plumbers coming to my place. last year was the hot plumber who fixed my shower, who walked in saying "Good morning, let's make some noise." Oh yes please! This time round, two guys in verying height and hair color and skin tone walk in and i my mind it is just a threeosme waiting to happen. If I evr do sleep with the help, do they still charge it to my Landlord?
Back to reality!
I got my toilet and rain drains fixed, since they were either leaking too much or not enough. One has been tested, one has not. Where is a bloody flooding rain when you want one? On second thought, it is due to rain most of this week, so i can test it out properly.
House-sitting, weddings, friends, dates, school, volunteer work, trying to organise a few things; life just keeps going and going and going, but it is not gone... not yet... unless I'm the animated dead and just haven't realised it. Anyway, I think it is time to retire for the night and dream of whatever it is that I dream. Hopeflly of another date in the near future and a Valentine's Day that actually comes with a guy on my arm taking me somewhere nice, or vice versa. Good night kids,
First off, I am back at TAFE, studying for my Diploma, and that was a wonderful day. First, I had one of those nights where you are feverish, unsure of the passage of time and space, everything seems sureal and you don't know what your body temp is from one minute to the next because it fluctuates. At 9, I staggered under bed with that wonderful sick feeling in the ehad that comes equiped with vertigo. I still got myself to class on time only to find out my teacher is away ill. I dragged MY arse down there to attend, so why couldn't she do the same?
Anyway, I am thankfully not the only guy in class this year, I've got the aged Ted and the twinkishly hot Rob to keep me company, as well as two of the girls from alst years clas. So the day was spent walking around in the heat seeing everything that I knew where was from last year. The afternoon was spent going over some internet things which were new to me, so no pains there. I also took an ACCA test, which was no big deal for me either, despite the fact I felt like trying to get the sleep I'd missed the night before.
Thursday held some surprises. I've got a paid weekend away for two to Dylesford in march, but no one to take with me, so I'm asking around, with little luck so far. A new guy in my life, mark, i asked him if he wanted to go and he said he'd think about it. But he also asked me out on a date. We went to the machanics Institute theatre to see a very camp stage play. I can't remember its full name, but it had a lot of modern gay humor. He paid for the tickets and drinks, so I guess our next date is on me. But we sat in the theatre and held hands and leaned into each other. Well, I was leaning on him because from where I was sitting it iwas the only way I was going to breathe. But Mark is a really sweet guy and there is lots of potential. Only setback so far is he is a workoholic and puts work first. So I guess i need to work on that, or addapt.
Now, a side note for my Sister, whom I love dearly, but has a tendency to put her foot in her mouth sometimes. My FB comment about a date was written in sincerity because I had had such a lovely night, and your comment back was not very well thought out. Perhaps next time you could ask before shooting. Thanks sweetheart!
Anyway, moving on. As we all know, Australia has had some wonderful flooding in the past few weeks, and Melb was no exception. The garage of my last place got flooded badly, and I had to go down and help with the clean up and out. Lucky for me, the stuff I have stored there wasn't damaged, so far as I can tell. I can't locate a few things, but they might not have been in the garage, so I need to find them soon. Considering these things include my graduation certificates from primary/high school, i kinda want them back. But the whole cleanup wasn't too bad, and I found a few things I thought I had ditched, but apparently not. good thing too because I wanted them back.
This was all followed by a birthday dinner for Jane. My mentor and one of my best friends turned a wonderful 51, and she doesn't look a day over 40. A nice dinner at Taco Bill... with screaming and loud kids at the next table and the parents not interveining when they should have. When they were leavbing, i said in a tone audable enough for the people sitting around me to hear me utter "And stay out!" Seriously, most of us who aren't used to kids, or haven't had them in ages, if at all, came out with headaches. But it was nice to catch up with a few people and surprise Jane with a cake. I didn't get Jane anything ebcause she is shopping for herself so much right now that there is little else to get her at the moment, so I should give her a $20 from my next payday so she can buy herself something nice.
Along with all that, the place has been under repair again. I swear there is something with hot plumbers coming to my place. last year was the hot plumber who fixed my shower, who walked in saying "Good morning, let's make some noise." Oh yes please! This time round, two guys in verying height and hair color and skin tone walk in and i my mind it is just a threeosme waiting to happen. If I evr do sleep with the help, do they still charge it to my Landlord?
Back to reality!
I got my toilet and rain drains fixed, since they were either leaking too much or not enough. One has been tested, one has not. Where is a bloody flooding rain when you want one? On second thought, it is due to rain most of this week, so i can test it out properly.
House-sitting, weddings, friends, dates, school, volunteer work, trying to organise a few things; life just keeps going and going and going, but it is not gone... not yet... unless I'm the animated dead and just haven't realised it. Anyway, I think it is time to retire for the night and dream of whatever it is that I dream. Hopeflly of another date in the near future and a Valentine's Day that actually comes with a guy on my arm taking me somewhere nice, or vice versa. Good night kids,
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Bride and Joy
For all my time doing the work I do, I can only say that there is no day that brings more pride than when you see one of the people you have supported get married. Last Sunday was that day for my dearest Krystal. And for those of you who can count, it has been one year after Mum's wedding. Who is getting married this time next year I wonder?
Anyway, I had a wonderful day. The church was beautifully set out, the bridesmaids were gorgeous in purple and the maid, gorgeous Krystal, was in white. She might not look that happy in the photo, and that is because she hasn't had a cigarette in hours, but on the other hand, she is almost overcome with joy, because if I had handed her this wedding date the first day we met, she'd have told me I was delusional. Vut we have known each other for what is about five years, and she has come so far. I won't discuss how, but I can say it is so.
While I find the endless dronings of Priests unutterably boring, the ceremony itself was beautiful. Rita and Sam, the gorgeous bridesmaids were their usual charming selves (and I mean that as i always mean it) and I think they were just as ecstatic about the day as Krystal was.
The reception was at the Sandown, and while I have never been there before, i have to say that the food was good, the service excellent and the conversation between me and the people was amusing. Not everyone who was to sit at my table showed. But the three of us dubbed ourselves the 'Single and Homeless' table, because between the three of us, two were single and the other had lost her home in the flash flood we had last Friday. All that aside, we had a fun time.
Krystal kept up quite a number of traditions. The Bridal Waltz was there, and while I took photos, it was too dark to get anything clear. I had a dance with a few of the girls, and then Krystal had her gartar removed and thrown. Ironically, the song to go with was 'Leave Your hat On.' That's Krystal, fun at every turn. While I didn't participate in that part, I did have a go for the bouquett, but it didn't even go in my direction and I didn't have enough time to do a diving lunge for it. No matter, I need a guy before I can get married.
I retired from the party at about 9, and I don't think it went on for much longer after that. Vaughn, the charming Groom, was also in good spirits, and while he and I are probably never going to be the best of friends, he and I get on well enough.
The one thing I have pride in is that I have watched this relationship from the start, and that I was there when Krystal and Vaughn met. While I offered to make a speech, the idea was turned down because it was a long day and people had to drive back to Shepparton and beyond (poor sods) that night. But now, 4 days on, I can smile at the thought that Krystal and Vaughn are honeymooning happily in Shaggers Bay (yes, that is a real place, I am not making this up) in Tasmania. needless to say I am going to be all over Krystal like a rash to get details of the honeymoon upon her return.
Of course, what is a Wedding without a Hen's Night? Duh Krystal invited me to that, because I am the best Boy Girlfriend. I am an offical girl in a lot of circles, so I was more than happy to attend. The night was full of sexual innuendoes. We had a giant penis pinyatta, penis straws for all, blow up penis's for the bride, the bridesmaids and one for me (as the unoffical bridesmaid) and we did plan to wear them down different parts of our clothing upon our trip to the Mountain View for Karaoke. But first, we have to have a stripper. I am not a fan of strippers, but this guy was cute in the face, short and not the most arrogant of strippers I have ever met. He did roll his eyes slightly upon discovery of me, but I still got a bit of a play. Krystal got a handful, in many ways, and we added the bonus that the stripper was a fireman. Why? because Vaughn is a fireman and he won't do something like this for Krystal. I know I'm talking out of school, but there has to be a little cheek. Whoops, there I go again.
Plans changed! Karaoke got flooded in the friday flash flood, and we all landed at the pool Room (the Tool Room as I know it) instead. half a game of pool and a number of free shots later, krystal is in the toilets throwing up, I'm having girl tlak with the girls and getting to the slightly drunken point of my own love life. no matter, this isn't my night, it is Krystals, and I have a bag full of penis pinyatta sweets to show for it. I think that between that and the alcohol, I'm having fun. Muggy it may be, but I survived.
Well, on this, the closing notes of what has to be a success I have had a hand in, I feel that there is little more I can do to guide Krystal into her future. This is one of those wonderful finishing points you look for when helping people, and now that it is reached, I have a best friend in krystal, a number of friends that she and I share and perhaps a friend in Vaughn. I do hope that the future holds a lot more of these successes, ncluding my own. Best of luck and love to both Krystal and Vaughn as you start your lives together,
Anyway, I had a wonderful day. The church was beautifully set out, the bridesmaids were gorgeous in purple and the maid, gorgeous Krystal, was in white. She might not look that happy in the photo, and that is because she hasn't had a cigarette in hours, but on the other hand, she is almost overcome with joy, because if I had handed her this wedding date the first day we met, she'd have told me I was delusional. Vut we have known each other for what is about five years, and she has come so far. I won't discuss how, but I can say it is so.
While I find the endless dronings of Priests unutterably boring, the ceremony itself was beautiful. Rita and Sam, the gorgeous bridesmaids were their usual charming selves (and I mean that as i always mean it) and I think they were just as ecstatic about the day as Krystal was.
The reception was at the Sandown, and while I have never been there before, i have to say that the food was good, the service excellent and the conversation between me and the people was amusing. Not everyone who was to sit at my table showed. But the three of us dubbed ourselves the 'Single and Homeless' table, because between the three of us, two were single and the other had lost her home in the flash flood we had last Friday. All that aside, we had a fun time.
Krystal kept up quite a number of traditions. The Bridal Waltz was there, and while I took photos, it was too dark to get anything clear. I had a dance with a few of the girls, and then Krystal had her gartar removed and thrown. Ironically, the song to go with was 'Leave Your hat On.' That's Krystal, fun at every turn. While I didn't participate in that part, I did have a go for the bouquett, but it didn't even go in my direction and I didn't have enough time to do a diving lunge for it. No matter, I need a guy before I can get married.
I retired from the party at about 9, and I don't think it went on for much longer after that. Vaughn, the charming Groom, was also in good spirits, and while he and I are probably never going to be the best of friends, he and I get on well enough.
The one thing I have pride in is that I have watched this relationship from the start, and that I was there when Krystal and Vaughn met. While I offered to make a speech, the idea was turned down because it was a long day and people had to drive back to Shepparton and beyond (poor sods) that night. But now, 4 days on, I can smile at the thought that Krystal and Vaughn are honeymooning happily in Shaggers Bay (yes, that is a real place, I am not making this up) in Tasmania. needless to say I am going to be all over Krystal like a rash to get details of the honeymoon upon her return.
Of course, what is a Wedding without a Hen's Night? Duh Krystal invited me to that, because I am the best Boy Girlfriend. I am an offical girl in a lot of circles, so I was more than happy to attend. The night was full of sexual innuendoes. We had a giant penis pinyatta, penis straws for all, blow up penis's for the bride, the bridesmaids and one for me (as the unoffical bridesmaid) and we did plan to wear them down different parts of our clothing upon our trip to the Mountain View for Karaoke. But first, we have to have a stripper. I am not a fan of strippers, but this guy was cute in the face, short and not the most arrogant of strippers I have ever met. He did roll his eyes slightly upon discovery of me, but I still got a bit of a play. Krystal got a handful, in many ways, and we added the bonus that the stripper was a fireman. Why? because Vaughn is a fireman and he won't do something like this for Krystal. I know I'm talking out of school, but there has to be a little cheek. Whoops, there I go again.
Plans changed! Karaoke got flooded in the friday flash flood, and we all landed at the pool Room (the Tool Room as I know it) instead. half a game of pool and a number of free shots later, krystal is in the toilets throwing up, I'm having girl tlak with the girls and getting to the slightly drunken point of my own love life. no matter, this isn't my night, it is Krystals, and I have a bag full of penis pinyatta sweets to show for it. I think that between that and the alcohol, I'm having fun. Muggy it may be, but I survived.
Well, on this, the closing notes of what has to be a success I have had a hand in, I feel that there is little more I can do to guide Krystal into her future. This is one of those wonderful finishing points you look for when helping people, and now that it is reached, I have a best friend in krystal, a number of friends that she and I share and perhaps a friend in Vaughn. I do hope that the future holds a lot more of these successes, ncluding my own. Best of luck and love to both Krystal and Vaughn as you start your lives together,
Sunday, January 30, 2011
I Am A Hero
I am a Hero, the one to save them all,
My skin radiates the purest light that is a goodness call,
My body primed with strength and the power to stand tall,
The force of my attack ensures that my enemies do fall,
I am a Hero who has come to save the lost.
I am a Hero, proudly do i stand,
I hold a shiny katana that shines of silver in its brand,
In the other is the folding fan of steel that snaps within my hand,
I am a Hero to free the innocent lost.
I am a Hero, the suffering I to see,
The people who do cry with outlandish pain and agony,
their fears and tortures shown upon a face which does mercy plea,
Darkened in their nights and in need of one to set them free,
I am a Hero saving at any cost.
I am a Hero, the darkness I detest,
The minions of the night fall to my blades striking best,
And the overlord does battle with his powers of evil unrest,
I am a Hero, the one who undoes cursed.
I am a Hero, my garments strong,
A cape of two that flows over my shoulders and long,
A high collar shirt of royal blue and symbols of unwrong,
My name is spelt across the back in black of ancient song,
I am a Hero who conquered the worst.
I am a Hero, my skills are true,
Amoung the tricks and traps I danced over cliffs I flew,
Around the world I travelled far and brought peace and love anew,
I am a Hero, from the light I burst.
I am a Hero, Shiki is my name,
I was blessed by water and from the ancient Crane it came,
There was the gift of Fire and the widlest Horse I did tame,
Air was blessed by Owl and the darknest knowledge form him the same,
I am a Hero, and Earth is my realm burned.
I am a Hero, but not always in fight,
I talk to people and to friends when times and things are not alright,
they let me know their sadest tales and what haunts them in the night,
I am a Hero, and Human life I learned.
I am a Hero, two of me there be,
A warrior and a healer are the things that I am, see?
Until my time has come, to war and to peace I flee,
To help all in toruble and the ones who need me,
I am a hero, now what have you learned?
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Birthday: Camp Party
I know I am late in posting this, but at least I am finally getting around to it. Had a bit to deal with.
Anyway, Saturday night was the last round of celebrations and where else would I go but DT's? The celebration was of quite a bit of cidar to drink, a number of friends to talk to and people to get to know better. Needless to say, I only paid for 2 drinks all night, and everyone else was getting me as drunk as tey could. I'm not an idiot though, and refused a few drinks so I could keep a level head home.
Slash DFarling, my one and only Slash, made a big mistake though. Her opening number was 'Sweet Transvestite' (seems to be the theme this year) and her usual thing to do while Brad is talking is to nick someone's beer and skull it. But there wasn't any beer up front, so she took my cidar thinking it was beer. Needless to say she couldn't finish it because it was too sweet and she was expecting bitter. She got me a new one to say thanks. And another at the end of the night. If we had gone out moreso, she would've had me smashed.
Dulsie told the WORST joke on God's earth, considering our national disasters.
"If you have friends or family lost in the floods, get onto www.bigpond and find them there." Too soon, Dulse dear, far too soon!
With kissing on with a nice guy at the tram stop until my tram arrived... in front of street workers, I bid farewell to another round of birthday party for this year. I feel a bit more mature and settled in who I am, considering I tend to age and mature at the same time. I wonder what this year holds? I know the dedications I made are already in play, and although I asked for some time off during my Birthday, that time has past and I am back on duty. But I feel rested enough to do my spiritual work again.
I am also doing my Diploma this year, so that will be exciting. I already know some of my classmates, and one of the newer (as in not in my cert4 class0 students works where I work, and I know that I am not the only guy after meeting him. I also know I am not the only cute guy after meeting him. Tehehe! \
Well, lots to plan, lots to do, can't sit here chewing the fat and stroking the keys all day. Chat to you soon,
Anyway, Saturday night was the last round of celebrations and where else would I go but DT's? The celebration was of quite a bit of cidar to drink, a number of friends to talk to and people to get to know better. Needless to say, I only paid for 2 drinks all night, and everyone else was getting me as drunk as tey could. I'm not an idiot though, and refused a few drinks so I could keep a level head home.
Slash DFarling, my one and only Slash, made a big mistake though. Her opening number was 'Sweet Transvestite' (seems to be the theme this year) and her usual thing to do while Brad is talking is to nick someone's beer and skull it. But there wasn't any beer up front, so she took my cidar thinking it was beer. Needless to say she couldn't finish it because it was too sweet and she was expecting bitter. She got me a new one to say thanks. And another at the end of the night. If we had gone out moreso, she would've had me smashed.
Dulsie told the WORST joke on God's earth, considering our national disasters.
"If you have friends or family lost in the floods, get onto www.bigpond and find them there." Too soon, Dulse dear, far too soon!
With kissing on with a nice guy at the tram stop until my tram arrived... in front of street workers, I bid farewell to another round of birthday party for this year. I feel a bit more mature and settled in who I am, considering I tend to age and mature at the same time. I wonder what this year holds? I know the dedications I made are already in play, and although I asked for some time off during my Birthday, that time has past and I am back on duty. But I feel rested enough to do my spiritual work again.
I am also doing my Diploma this year, so that will be exciting. I already know some of my classmates, and one of the newer (as in not in my cert4 class0 students works where I work, and I know that I am not the only guy after meeting him. I also know I am not the only cute guy after meeting him. Tehehe! \
Well, lots to plan, lots to do, can't sit here chewing the fat and stroking the keys all day. Chat to you soon,
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Birthday: Dinner and Dance
What a gorgeous picture to round out what had to have been a gorgeous night. To gather some of my most beautiful and important friends and family members into one place for a well cooked and very tasty (if not somewhat unhealthy) meal is the way to celebrate, then I think I got it right. To the few who couldn't attend, for reasons I completely understand, you did miss a good meal and conversation, but your birthday wishes were recieved through your various messangers.
Well, following dinner and drinks, a few of us wandered down to the karaoke. i was determined outrightly not to do my traditional sings and actually play up my... naughty side a bit. Well, krystal certainly had the right idea and doing 'Sweet Transvestite' was certainly a party starter. I always love doing that song because it gets people not only going, but involved. Audience walking as a bit of a challenge, but when people realise what they've gotten into, it is always going to get approval... well, almost always.
I had decided earlier this week that i was going to do a revival of a song and see if I can still do it. The song is a bit hard to get away with in a heterosexual bar, but for the most part, i think people just enjoyed the forwardness of it. Krystal again came to the party by providing me with a blow-up penis. When singing Hanky panky (Madonna) you know people are going to sit up and watch.
Photos were taken, videos were filmed and I know I am on Youtube somewhere. Don't ask me specifically, i don't know either, but when i find out I'll link it to my Fan page! I have been trying to pimp that out a bit, but I am not getting too far. No matter. 100 fans will be enough to make me smile.
The evening slowly but surely drew to a close. I think by the end of it I only paid for one drink, and I was a little tipsy, but certainly loud. i'd made new friends, caught up with or at least saw old friends, and some people i want to get to know a bit better. I need to work on that, but until then...
One more night of celebration to go and then I am offically 25 and living with it. party, party, party!
many thanks to my party friends, my close friends, and those who I will always consider important for attending this major night of celebrating. may we party far on into the future,
Well, following dinner and drinks, a few of us wandered down to the karaoke. i was determined outrightly not to do my traditional sings and actually play up my... naughty side a bit. Well, krystal certainly had the right idea and doing 'Sweet Transvestite' was certainly a party starter. I always love doing that song because it gets people not only going, but involved. Audience walking as a bit of a challenge, but when people realise what they've gotten into, it is always going to get approval... well, almost always.
I had decided earlier this week that i was going to do a revival of a song and see if I can still do it. The song is a bit hard to get away with in a heterosexual bar, but for the most part, i think people just enjoyed the forwardness of it. Krystal again came to the party by providing me with a blow-up penis. When singing Hanky panky (Madonna) you know people are going to sit up and watch.
Photos were taken, videos were filmed and I know I am on Youtube somewhere. Don't ask me specifically, i don't know either, but when i find out I'll link it to my Fan page! I have been trying to pimp that out a bit, but I am not getting too far. No matter. 100 fans will be enough to make me smile.
The evening slowly but surely drew to a close. I think by the end of it I only paid for one drink, and I was a little tipsy, but certainly loud. i'd made new friends, caught up with or at least saw old friends, and some people i want to get to know a bit better. I need to work on that, but until then...
One more night of celebration to go and then I am offically 25 and living with it. party, party, party!
many thanks to my party friends, my close friends, and those who I will always consider important for attending this major night of celebrating. may we party far on into the future,
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